Sunday Off

I seldom have Sundays off.
Ive forgotten the routine.
After their walk, the Welsh had a treat.
We drove to McDonalds and they had a cheesy flatbread each and I had a bowl of porridge . 
It’s all very rock n roll.
We walked around to see the work done on the village pond , and was encouraged to see green pond weed growing healthily in its centre
Spring is almost here. 
I saw village leader Helen and arranged for me to meet with her hubby Ian on Wednesday in order to start planning the village Flower Show. It’s the 50th one this year and we want it to be bigger and better so I will be channelling my inner Linda Snell in order to make it so. 

The village is warmed and cheerful in today’s sunshine . I saw Terry who gave me a lot of advice on dieting, so much so the Welsh dropped to the pavement and then Anne who kindly bought me a beach throw from Spain, after I had Facebook complimented her on one she had bartered for.
Mrs Trellis was out too ( sans bobble hat), 
She was marching up towards The Gop, but there was no one else to see or greet as we turned for home



  1. Barbara Anne4:12 pm

    A sweet word picture of life in the Grey household and the village on an early spring Sunday morning! Happy Sunday day off to you, John!. Seems you did well in activities today since you lost your usual Sunday schedule due to work.


    1. Sometimes I am a loss on a Sunday, as it is family time for most people.
      It can be a lonely day, but it being a rarity I kind of liked it. This even I’ve had a long chat with Nigel

    2. Anonymous7:52 pm

      I find that John , today I treated myself to lunch in midtown just around the corner where you stayed on your last visit . Docks Oyster Bar, a seat at the bar, I had a dirty martini too


    3. Oh Lee, your message has just popped up in front of me. I LOVE Docks ! Been many times . My first visit I was jet lagged and had 3 dirty martinis and couldn’t stand properly
      Lovely food and great memories of 3 rd Avenue

    4. Anonymous8:02 pm

      Is that the art deco place down from the Chrysler ?
      If so, I think I’ve been



    5. Anonymous8:10 pm

      I’m so excited that you know it’s Keith, I knew John loved the place that’s why I revisited. At first I felt odd, but as my dad couldn’t go, I wasn’t going to miss lunch . The martini helped


    6. Keith ,
      I loved walking home( to our hotel on 42nd street) totally pissed ( drunk) and happy from DOCKS many times
      Lee…shall we meet there one day ?

    7. Anonymous8:21 pm

      Fucking A

      Lee x

    8. Anonymous8:29 pm

      Me’s a train ride from my house


    9. Lee I love your NYC posts and comments. How i loved my NYC years....

    10. I love to meet you all, including Debra

    11. Anonymous9:06 pm

      As an older gay man I’d love to meet you John xx



    12. Anonymous9:22 pm

      And why not?



  2. A pottering Sunday, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, but you made the best of it. The pond is looking healthy and your village looks clean and fresh in the sunshine. Good luck with the Village Flower Show. I hope you all come up with some fantastic ideas to make it the best one yet. xx

    1. We are trying to get the actor Jonathon Pryce to visit, he’s the honey head of the village’s choir

  3. Village life as it should be. 50 years is a good milestone for the flower are you all going to top the success of last year?!

    1. Work harder ! Gz. I’m trying to get the youngest Manley to help

  4. Are there Ducks on the pond? It would be perfect for them; if it was SAFE.

    1. No, cro, it’s a bit small. They do make an awful mess

  5. Jackie5:52 pm

    If I ate oatmeal I know it would contribute to my weight gain not loss. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Thanks for taking us along on your village walk.

    1. Not if you are diabetic , !

    2. Jackie8:39 pm

      I am sure you are correct. It was not meant as sarcasm or in disagreement.

    3. I was being funny xx

    4. Jackie10:05 pm

      Great! That's a relief :-)

  6. It was a great day for a nice walk. How can we make the flower show spectacular?

  7. Sounds like a pleasant stroll around the village!

  8. It's so nice to see another part of the world through someone else's eyes. Almost like a parallel universe. :)

  9. Anonymous7:29 pm

    It’s nice that your weather s turning springlike and that you are out and about in your village. We too had lots of sun but it was below freezing to start with. It is a bit warmer now and the snow is melting. I made a pot of turkey chilli and that is something you might consider. 50 years of flower shows, that is quite an accomplishment for the hard workers of your village. Glad you enjoyed having Sunday off and enjoy the rest of your holidays. Gigi

  10. Anonymous8:16 pm

    I love the snippets of your village
    You normalise the residents and what you see
    And make me want to visit it one day

  11. What a lovely Sunday in such a beautiful village, kind neighbors, interesting events ahead! The light does have a hint of spring.
    Isn't green pond weed very invasive and detrimental? It will clog and overgrow and ruin the pond--despite its oh so happy green? [perhaps not your problem tho].

    1. There is a through put of water so I think the pond won’t go stagnant

  12. It's been such a treat to have lovely weather at the weekend - in Wales! Enjoy your time off.


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