Thank You

 Cro, took the opportunity in his morning blog post to thank people in his past for kindnesses they had done for him.

It made for an interesting read, and cathartic one all told. 

Over coffee I made a mental list
It was interesting as it meandered.

I wish I told my grandparents just how important they were as they moulded me into the best version of myself I could be, whilst at the same time thanking my parents for doing the bet they could with what skills they had.
Thank you to the unknown man who saved my life in a Spanish swimming pool in 1972
Thank you to the birdlike Miss Betts and the sexy Mr Smiler who shared their love of writing stories at Prestatyn High School
And Thank You Mr Brint my tutor in psychiatry who showed me that men could be soft as putty
Thank you to Ally who took me to my first opera at the Grand in Leeds
And thank you to Robert who made my first kiss with a man as sweet as it could be.
Thank you to too many nurses who have moulded my career and my practice 
And to Ceri who helped me see that death wasn’t so frightening a prospect when you are dying
Thank you to that British Rail employee who was kind to me after I foolishly went to my father in laws funeral 
And thank you to my sisters who are constants in a life lived.

I am grateful that I could go on
And on
And on


  1. A beautiful list. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. It helps to take a moment to think about all of the kindness and good in our lives.

  3. Just thinking about those people must be a heartening experience.

  4. Anonymous12:53 pm

    I would like to thank my husband’s 5 sisters for teaching him to stand up to bullies but still be so soft on the inside. They made him into a very caring man.. you turned out pretty good yourself John. Gigi

  5. I'm glad you have so many people in your life to thank. I missed the opportunity so many times in the past. Grandparents, parents, parents-in-law all gone now and I wish I could tell them how much I appreciate their love and support. xx

  6. Anonymous1:21 pm

    What a lovely reminder to make a list of those for whom you are grateful. I really try to thank people now, for what they've done for me, in ways that are meaningful. I love to share my love for others with deeds and words, and my home made food.

  7. Thank you for what you said, it resonates with me. For what it's worth, as Gigi said "you turned out pretty good yourself." Thinking of you about the diabetes - keep us posted. Jxx

  8. Anonymous1:52 pm

    A good reminder that we remember all the good and kind things we are fortunate enough to receive every day and reflect on those things instead of the one unkindness we occasionally receive.

  9. Barbara Anne2:04 pm

    How important it is to say our 'thank yous' while those who need to hear it still have ears.
    Wonderful, heartwarming list, John, and you're so right that everyone's list would go on and on and on.


  10. There has been so much negative over here lately that it is good to hear some positives, John. Thank YOU!

  11. Anonymous2:51 pm

    Thought provoking post John .Thank you . I bet quite a few people have put you on their list .Your compassion is very evident in your blog. Think of that during busy weeks x Bernie

  12. As I read your list, I was thinking I must practise thanking people in my head more often. Upon discovering a chip in my quartz countertop this morning, (likely caused by a pan being carelessly tossed into the sink by my adult son), I should quietly thank him for all he has added to my life. Besides all the loving moments and laughter, for example, he has given me projects. Now I shall learn how to repair chipped quartz.

    1. Call the counter top installer/ seller, it prob needs to be professionally ground down and polished.

    2. I found a kit on Amazon costing $40. I'm going to give it the old college try.

  13. There are indeed people whom we have all had in our lives who I think of as providing us with almost angelic acts that, dramatically or non-dramatically, probably saved or changed our lives. And they mostly had no idea.

  14. This is a great idea. We all have so many people to thank.

  15. I think it's important to be grateful going forward, as well as looking back. You're still dwelling and reminiscing [which makes you sad?], instead of being thankful for the opportunities that are coming your way--thankful for the doctors who will guide your health journey, thankful for a wonderful new career at age 60, thankful for a friend like Ruth or Nu, who stand by you....Please choose positivity!

    1. I thank them to their face lizzy, I make a point to thanking people nowadays. The point of the post, as cro intended it, was to thank the people you never got around to thank in the first place

  16. Jackie3:48 pm

    I love this post and I really needed it right now. Thank you.

  17. Anonymous5:42 pm

    I think back to when I was teaching and a nursery nurse said to me”I have never heard you say anything negative to people.You always say something positive “That was a great reputation to have.Barbarax

  18. John, forgive me for being nosy. Your grandparents obviously did a good job of being grandparents. They must have raised one of your parents so what went wrong?

    1. They did nothing wrong per se, my mother ( their daughter) had un diagnosed depression and my fathers family were typical post Victorian

  19. Lovely. And where is this Cro of whom you speak? These thank you's tell stories of their own, don't they.


  20. If this link works it will make you smile John, I hope--and you'll send a thank you over the rainbow bridge to Winnie and Dorothy

    1. I used to live in this neighborhood, it's lovely.

  21. This is a worthwhile exercise for all of us to do. Even if we're aware, in some sense, of the good people and good luck in our lives, actually writing it down provides a deeper appreciation.

  22. Great post and a great idea. Thank you, John, for reminding me to be kind.

  23. Thank you for sharing these. It does inspire me to do a similar exercise.

  24. That's a wonderful list. I hope it prompts others!

  25. Good for you! I try to do something similar; it helps.

  26. Lynn Marie11:19 am

    So. Americans take a ribbing from UK-ers sometimes for having an entire annual holiday dedicated to giving thanks, but it's not all that bad an idea, is it? This is what we do at Thanksgiving every year, in addition to eating turkey and watching football.

  27. Reading this just now pulled me out of a tailspin funk. Thanks John! You have no idea what you just did for me... 😘


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