
 I have a new doctor.
He’s thorough, polite, unhurried and personable 
I like and respect him and healthcare is not the chore it once was. 
I watched him tap away at his computer and realised that he had tiny hands.
A surgeon’s hands I thought
My blood results are fine
Pity the doctor’s remit doesn’t cover diabetes
The nurse hasn’t impressed me as yet.


  1. Would the nurse impress you if she or he sang "Ave Maria" to you while standing on one leg spinning a plate on a bamboo cane?

  2. I don't know what it is about diabetes nurses but Alan is never that impressed with his. Mostly because she sits there telling him what to eat and do, and saying that he could still do with losing some weight and she is the shape of a Tele Tubby.

  3. We have a huge orange blob, with tiny hands here in DC. A doc who listens is worth their weight in gold. I hope getting the blood sugar under control, lessons the UTIs, or makes recovery faster.

  4. It's good that you've (finally) got a GP who listens and whom you feel a connection to. I lay a bet he's young, older doctors are often set in their ways and can't be bothered with annoying things like engaging with their patients. Perhaps you need to train as a diabetes nurse. You'd certainly have a queue of willing patients. Knowledge, teaching skills and humour, plus experience. You'd smash it! xx PS Glad the bloods are settling down. Just keep on keeping on!

  5. I can't get to see a doctor of any kind here, but the Nurse Practitioner has been very helpful in the initial consultations and then referrals so that's fine.


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