

A couple of years I went to the Storyhouse to see a showing of the 1922 silent version of Nosferatu complete with a live musical score. One famous scene had Max Schreck climbing slowly out of a ship’s hold and this stands up to this day as one of cinema’s famous horror moment. The 2024 Roger Egger’s version pays homage to the original by presenting some amazing visual set pieces and truly impressive cinematic moments but by the end of 160 minutes I was praying for someone to dispatch a rather disgusting looking monster quick stix!!! 

It just wasn’t very scary 

I had a Phad Thai as a treat afterwards 

I will leave you with another fine blast of the lisping choir, I was there watching from the back row


  1. Barbara Anne9:41 pm

    I'm not one for scary films so will give even the recent less than scary one a miss.
    One of these days that I hope is soonish, I will try Phad Thai as so many friends and family love it.
    The Lisping Choir, their conductor, and the musicians are always a treat. Ta, John!


  2. I've been to Thailand twice and eaten Pad Thai
    in cafes and street markets where it's beyond compare 😋 xx

    1. I love the pad Thai in Chester market, but couldn’t vouch for its authenticity , it’s bloody lovely though

  3. I've only seen the boat scene you mention and the shadow climbing the stairs. Those were scary enough. The pad Thai looks delicious. I'll look to see if there's a vegan version. xx

    1. They make it order so I guess they do

  4. Haven't watched a horror movie for years. Not since I was pregnant with my son, and feared I'd go into very early labour! Give me a feel good film any day.
    The lisping choir always gets the feet tapping and the hips swaying. Brilliant! xx

  5. Yum!
    Love Pad Thai. And everybody has told me that Nosferatu is more of a thriller than a horror movie. I'll stream it when it hits HBO/Netflix/Something...


  6. I love any kind of horror so Ill be seeing this movie. Matter of fact it's on my On Demand already from my cable carrier.

  7. When I was young, I saw the 1922 classic Nosferatu. It scared the living bejesus right out of me!

  8. As my wife is currently in Thailand, I imagine that Phad Thai is also on her menu quite often!

  9. Anonymous7:40 am

    A meandering, dull film with nothing new to say. Watch Werner Herzog's beautiful and haunting 1979 version with Klaus Kinski and Isabelle Adjani. Mournful and mysterious, it has a dreamlike quality that Egger misses completely - Bel Ami

  10. Yorkshire Liz8:50 am

    I'm with Bel Ami on that, although horror films are not my thing; I am too prone to analyze and work out how and why the buttons are being pushed to determine the reaction, it's the retired theatre critic in me I guess.
    But didn't you have an interesting day? Cannot think of anyone else who could organise and take such pleasure in such a mix. That Pad Thai looks very good.

    1. Anonymous10:53 am

      A fellow retired theatre critic. Do we know each other?

  11. Thank you for letting me know about the movie... was debating seeing it... think i'll wait.... Seeing the previews of the Wolf Man... thinking of seeing it too although the reviews on it are not good.. The previews i see look good though... Hugs! deb

  12. I too found myself looking at my watch at the end. Although it was beautifully shot, I too felt it wasn't scary enough.


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