
 I’ve taken the day off from acting as counsellor today to regroup, recharge and re boot my Christmas December Jobs. 
The kitchen tops are filled with village gifts, wrapping paper and the like. Novelty tinned biscuits for Sailor John and Many ,a put together hamper for Trendy Carol and her hubby, a small something for Animal helper Pat, Christmas Decorations for the Randa girls ( Randa almost women!) bulb flowers for the velvet voiced Linda .
It’s nice to have ticked the box
Ive posted my Christmas cards too ! ( Bloody thirty pounds of postage! ….I swore in the post office) 

The kittens are in the living room watching reruns of The Walking Dead
The zombies seem to fascinate them
Soon I will be hanging the cards that came today. 


  1. Yes, postage now costs more than the card! And I'm sure they save up the post to deliver about once a week. We get nothing for ages, then about 12 envelopes stuffed into the letter box. I'm so old, I can remember twice daily post!
    I love watching animals watching TV. I can remember our cats hunting behind the telly to find the football that had gone out of shot. You've obviously passed your love of TWD onto Bun and Weaver. xx

    1. I miss a daily delivery ( which we are still promised) but we never get
      I had twenty five cards today

  2. Happy Christmas John. You are seriously organised - a lot more than I am. Posted my cards too. The price of the stamps were a bit eye watering . Ouch. Anyway keep warm, keep safe and have a great Christmas from me

    1. I’m not as organised as I usually am, bloody hell my written cards were all sent by dec 1st
      I’m much more relaxed

  3. It is a great feeling, seeing Christmas presents for well loved people that you have chosen with care. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy 🙂

  4. Barbara Anne8:33 pm

    Well done in getting things organized by the 12th!
    How funny that the twins like TWD as much as you do/did. Our first dog hated the TV commercials for the tax company called H&R Block and would almost attack the TV screen.
    Postage is frightening!
    I, too, remember twice/day mail delivery during December when I was a child in Memphis.


  5. I'm just waiting for deliveries, then I'm done. Elsie isn't interested in the TV. The only times she's put her nose up to the screen have been for the Famous Grouse ad and the Minions (blue and yellow + the noise they make).

    1. They are still fascinated by the undead

  6. Happy Holidays! We all need an extra day or two off at this time of the year.

  7. I kust posted my cards too. I try to get my international ones off they all went out together.

    I love how the twins are always together. Precious picture.

  8. Anonymous11:00 pm

    I had best intentions of sending a card to help complete your perfect circle of cards...but our lovely postal clerk told me yesterday *I'll tell you now- don't bother- it won't get there in time*. She said *make it a New Years or Happy Spring* card! LOL! The best laid plans....And love hearing of your village friend's gifts...... they are given so freely.....and in turn, received in kind.
    Susan M/ Calif.

  9. Love seeing your animals, especially (of course) the cats. Happy holidays, John!

  10. You're really excellent gift chooser. I d love any or all of your choices. And choosing the gifts seems to have given you great pleasure.
    Do you think your clients missed you/ sessions?

  11. The cost of posting Christmas cards is obscene but you know that I am already in the habit of creating my own Xmas e-card. I send it to about twenty people and it costs me nothing. I also still send about twenty normal cards.

  12. I'm glad the kittens share your taste in TV shows, LOL!

  13. Anonymous2:12 am

    Our postal strike has been going on for four weeks now so I will not be sending or receiving any cards this year, so disappointing. You do such a great job of choosing gifts. I was always too practical and boring with my gifts. Now I only do gifts to my next door neighbour who helps me out a lot. Thankfully he enjoys his wine! Gigi

  14. Good for you about the cards! Few people bother these days, yet to receive one remains a joy.

  15. You were wise to send Christmas cards this early
    closer to Dec 25th
    might not get there in
    time.Nice photo of the
    kittens.Rest well when you do -Mary

  16. I'm an eleventh hour person. I shall start thinking about gifts etc in 10 days time.

  17. I like your present choices! And that feeling of getting things done too

  18. One stamp from here to the US now costs €2.10, even for a postcard. I’ve stopped sending snail mail.

  19. I have something in common with the twins. I am also watching re runs of T.W.D.

  20. Yorkshire Liz9:42 am

    Lovely gifts, and the photo of the twins made me smile. You didn't get them any popcorn for watching with? Shame! Seeing the gifts all together like that, chosen with thought and care, is very satisfying, isn't it? I always post my cards by December 1st; all have a handwritten note inside, and with the disclaimer that with the price of cards and postage no-one need feel obliged to send one back, I just enjoy having the excuse of Christmas to maintain what is often a once a year contact. When posting my cards our postmistress repeated the theory, from another customer, that it is cheaper to have a winter weekend in Spain and post from there. A great theory to test, I think!

  21. Anonymous10:14 am

    Oh dear. What about the people who expected to have their counselling today?

    1. Drip drip drip , oh dear. I am having a planned break with my counselling restarting in jan

    2. I was originally going in just to complete paperwork

    3. Anonymous3:50 pm

      Oh dear.

    4. Anonymous3:51 pm

      What's dripping? Have you got a cold? A dripping tap?

  22. The days are going by so quickly. It's good to check things off the list, John. I still have much to do but it always gets done... Have a nice weekend!

  23. Yellow Shoes1:43 pm

    Four cards so far, one being a card from Crisis at Christmas.
    Obviously building up to an avalanche of cards…any day now…!

  24. Your cats are fascinated by the TV zombies! Love it.

  25. I've said a few 'words' in the Post Office myself John... even walked out with a few packages that were just frivolous and fun and did not mail them as the postage cost more than what was in the pkg... as you say hey ho.. Hugs! deb

  26. Seems you have cats now and not kittens by the looks of them :)


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