

Last night Bun did the cottage proud 
As I was watching I’m a celebrity .Mary slowly walked in front of fire to warm her old bones 
And Bun walked with her, her paw swatting Mary’s tail as it dragged on the floor.
Mary drew her teeth, for a moment then Bun let go conceding defeat 
And the sisters sat together for a while, side by side
Quietly and gently 


  1. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Adaption in action, like a young sibling fooling around when it's clearly prime napping time. Can't help think Winnie may have been the glue, if still with you, bless her heart.

  2. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Seeing Mary reminded me of our Beagle when I was a kid. We had a nice gas fire grate in living room, and she and I would lean on each other to get the better warmth advantage. It is so good to see Bun gradually warming up to the dogs and I hope Weaver eventually gets there too. Some cats just really are loners.

  3. Dear Mary, she knows that there's no need for fur flying, just a look! They're all finding their place in the pecking order. Not long now before they'll all be snuggled up together in front of the fire. You've raised your fur kids well, John! xx

  4. Anonymous5:58 pm

    My daughter’s cat was very disgusted when she brought home our new baby granddaughter . Totally ignored them both .Last night she gently touched the baby on the leg with withdrawn claws and sat beside them both . ! Animals are so amazing xx Bernie

  5. It appears they've reached an understanding. Xx

  6. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    Life lessons come in all sizes!
    Bless Mary for her patience and understanding.


  7. Such a sweet, peaceful moment.

  8. Nicely done. Harmony achieved

  9. Jo in Auckland8:15 pm

    Respecting your elders... a great idea from a young cat. Harmony achieved. They'll be snuggled up together in no time.

  10. Jan in Castle Gresley8:16 pm

    Just wonderful, a warming post, thank you John. Jan

  11. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.

  12. Family, finally they can
    share space and affection
    - Mary

  13. A truce has been achieved. Bun knows her place.

  14. Anonymous12:04 am

    Sweet! Gigi

  15. MarisAna6:24 am

    Hope they can all enjoy each other more now.


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