A Handbag!

 A woman in a polished BMW drove into my parking space at Tesco’s in Llandudno Junction at lunchtime. I was waiting patiently for the spot after a dreaded 3 hour fire lecture at work 
And was hoping for a quick get in /get out scenario. 
She was wearing sun glasses too, 
On an overcast day! 
My dander was up
She waved gayly, shrieking insincerity 
That was until I yelled 
“Cheap Outfit !!! ( I couldn’t see her shoes ) 
And as she spun around to argue , I batted in my next insult of “ Goes with yer handbag !” With  gay abandon
Okok I was on thin ice as I was dressed in my useful and terribly over used blue Christmas Jumper, but I thought I’d take the chance
The handbag shot was an aside…but I could tell that it had hit home
as she scrabbled to see which one she had picked up

I will leave you with the adorable lisping choir


  1. Anonymous2:42 pm

    Fire lecture? But was it led by real fire fighters? 🤩 Kath x

  2. What is it about the season of peace and goodwill, that brings out the selfishness in some? She deserved the cheap handbag jibe. And a three hour fire lecture - I feel your pain! Why was I expecting the lisping choir to be dressed as Santa or elves?🧑‍🎄 xx

  3. She probably had an urgent appointment with her manicurist or tattoo artist so needed to do a quick Tesco foie gras and oysters shop on the way.

  4. Haha ... absolutely brilliant. Good for you. xx

  5. Anonymous3:09 pm

    Can we book you for our nearest Waitrose !! Plenty of targets there !! Xx Bernie

  6. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Comment for your troll


  7. Entitled people irritate the shit out of me. Well done John.

  8. You said that your dander was up. What exactly is a "dander"? I hope it's not what I am thinking it might be.


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