Not Enough Time

 Flying visit to Sheffield on Saturday . 
A trip to the theatre is my Christmas gift to Jane
And Sunday lunch with Mike and Bev is a long overdue gift with my old urban family.
I’m working tonight and need to sort another poster presentation by Monday
I have clients most of this afternoon

Hey ho lots to do
Last month I treated myself to a Lego Statue of Liberty
It’s still sat on the kitchen top in its box

My radio in the car has been turned to radio four for days now , it’s the constant blaring of xmas songs already being played that’s doing my head in.
Of course I make an exception for the lisping choir who lisp their best through the English parts of this song….its wonderful 


  1. "it’s the constant blaring of xmas songs already being played that’s doing my head in."
    I feel your pain, sir, it's the same thing here!

  2. I hope your Statue of Liberty Lego set gets completed sooner than my Central Perk set, bought for me last year and still languishing with all it's little packets sealed up. Gosh I didn't even get round to putting all the characters little heads on.

  3. Are you sure you have the same 24 hours in a day as the rest of us? You seem to pack in so much more. I'm exhausted just reading about it!
    The Statue of Liberty will be a good thing to do one evening over Christmas, when it's cold, dark and miserable outside, the fire is lit, the animals are gently snoring and there's nowt on the telly! xx

  4. You're a busy man. Take care John.

  5. I didn't know you are a fan of LEGO, John. You must show us the Statue of Liberty when you are done constructing it!

  6. A body in motion, stays in motion.

  7. Anonymous1:57 pm

    I just listen to Shaun MacGowan loud in the car don’t like the constant advertising. I have nt heard Xmas music yet this year. Maybe will put my old Xmas music n in the car nd give Shaun a rest. I know he is resting in peace now. He had the best ever funeral, it’s on youtube. You are back to busy, working hard. I just got back from the ER was there for 6 hours and had the kindest male nurse, not as good looking as you John. I have to go for one more test but all is well so far 6 hours is the fastest time up there, its usually 8 plus i hope your shift is a gentle one. Gigi

    1. Hope you're OK, Gigi. xx

    2. I did not realize you were having health struggles, Gigi. I hope that all goes well.

  8. Anonymous2:03 pm

    I recently built a Lego Notre Dame...Bel Ami

  9. Anonymous2:47 pm

    Last year I treated myself to a Lego Tranquility Garden. It was so enjoyable to make. Quality materials and excellent directions. I bought my husband a 50th anniversary Jaws set for his birthday this month. Enjoy. Linda

  10. krayolakris2:56 pm

    You’re an inspiration to us all, John! I’m now in 2 community choirs, what a joy. Next Saturday we’re performing The Messiah complete with string quartet, soloists, and amazingly talented organist. No lisping though. I find that assembling Legos helps push the stress aside with the need to concentrate on the project. I’ve bought the British phone booth to work on this dreary winter.

  11. Uh oh. Pets and Lego? You'll know where to look if a bit goes missing. (Thanks for the video. It's banished Gary Glitter's Christmas song from my brain.)

  12. Yorkshire Liz4:19 pm

    Yep, Christmas music does my head in as well. It is the eternal hyper cheerfulness that kills it for me; but I wonder if this has anything to do with people who have spent their working lives working over Christmas, as with all Bank Holidays? And how much such enforced manic happiness interferes with just getting the job done? It's all a matter of proportion; and with the state of politics, and the criticism of so many unChristmassy woke TV Christmas adverts, the season of goodwill is being stretched more than a bit!
    Enjoy Sheffield! If the best thing about Christmas is the excuse to catch up with old friends and enjoy their company, I'll drink to that with you! (Remember when Christmas tipples used to be Dubonnet and lemon, Babycham, vodka and lime, advocaat or egg nog? A sign of the times that these days most people have never herd of any of them!)

    1. Jo in Auckland6:07 pm

      Sadly Yorkshire Liz I too am old enough to remember all of those drinks. If I could afford Babycham back in the day I felt very posh! Advocaat used to smell funny to me but I did try it once or twice. Those were the days!

  13. Anonymous4:39 pm

    I remember them. Barbarax

  14. Sounds like a fun and busy time!
    Take care and be well, John dear.

  15. Anonymous6:12 pm

    I used to support folks in a sheltered workshop, they'd demand Christmas songs as soon as guy Fawkes night was over, so we'd have them all day every day, but they were happy days 😁 Kath x

  16. Barbara Anne6:22 pm

    Enjoy having the enviable energy to keep such a whirlwind schedule, John.
    I hope you think up something good to say for your presentation.
    The effects of too early Christmas carols is auditory abuse in my book. For some reason, that does not apply to the glorious and witty Christmas music by Mannheim Steamroller. I love their CDs: 'Christmas', 'Christmas in the Aire', 'A Fresh Aire Christmas', and 'Christmas Extraordinaire'. Oldies, but goodies.
    Remember not to go faster than your guardian angel can fly!


  17. Constant blare of Christmas songs, yes, i'd avoid that as well, But radio 4??? Surely something like Classic FM would be better.

  18. that was a fun video; thank you for posting it. I only hear the 'one' version as if no one else has done it.

  19. That Lego Statue of Liberty would be a blast.

  20. I love all those Spanish musicians and their director. They have such a good time. Have a great day, John.

  21. Your days are full. As long as you can keep up with it all, all is good. Enjoying your friends and family, makes the holidays great.
    Feliz Navidad is a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing.

  22. MarisAna6:05 am

    Enjoying the lisping choir! Felix Navidad to you all!


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