
Today is just a chatty post
I returned to work last night and the change in routine antibioticsfloored me.
I slept a couple of hours today then took the Welsh to the vets.
Mary has an ear infection again. 
I left Roger making lurve with the receptionists whilst Mary put up with an examination and a first dose of steroid and antibiotics which she had via the meat and cheese of a pre bought McDonald’s cheeseburger.
I sat down with a cuppa and the twins and the purring sounded so loud from their plot on the sofa top, it sounded as if wartimebombers were going over.
My sister Janet had to have her dog Ossie put down today so I've called down with a takeaway for her and her hubby as well as gin and whisky. My elder sister Ann was already there with beautiful roses from her garden. I wasn’t surprised

Bun and her fish cushion


  1. Barbara Anne3:32 pm

    Ufff - coming off a night shift is no fun.
    You've done well to get Mary and Roger to the vet and cudos for getting the burger for the medicine ahead of time!
    Bun is a HIM? Too cute against the fish pillow.


  2. It sounds like love. Poor Mary.

  3. Experience with working a combination of day and night shifts has me sympathizing with you.Luv the photo of Bun with her cushion,loudly purring kittens soon become cats that are loyal and well adjusted,I hope you rest well when you do,-Mary

  4. Poor Mary. Ear infections are hard to treat. My dog Caesar took antibiotics with some success and just finished a round of Otomax ointment and his ears are clear now. The ointment worked well.
    Bun is one happy kitten. So cute.

  5. Yorkshire Liz4:08 pm

    Changing shift and antibiotics? At the same time? You have superman's constitution! And managed to get the right people in the right place today,, including the vet? Awesome! A chatty little post is still fine, you know. Have a good weekend to everyone at the cottage!

  6. I hope Mary's ear heals quickly. Lovely photo of Bun . Yes, for little mites, kittens' purrs can be very loud. One contented and very secure in her surroundings, little cat. You've done a good job there, John. Hope you get some deep, restful sleep, too! xx

    1. I've just seen your update. Please pass on my condolences to Janet. Our pets leave a big hole in our lives when they're gone. xx

  7. Anonymous5:27 pm

    So sorry your sister lost her beloved pet, not a good day for her. Bun looks very contented with the fish pillow. You have been busy so now time for a gin and a good sleep. Gigi


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