Agrado's Monologue (All about my mother - Almodóvar)

I loved yesterday. The weather was glorious as my friend Ruth and I drove to the PictureHouse to see All About My Mother
The famous 1999 movie by Pedro Almodòvar was on a rerun , presumably to celebrate Pride Month and I hadn’t visited it since the early 2000s when I think I had it on dvd. 
This film, because of its bold signature use of red , should be seen of the big screen. 
It’s a sumptuous looking drama set between Madrid and Barcelona and is a study of motherhood in all of its facets and complications. 
For those that don’t know, I will try to give you a flavour of the piece.
Manuela ( Cecilia Roth) is the loving single mother of 18 year old Esteban, a budding writer and theatre obsessive.On a trip to see aging actress Huma Rojo ( Marissa Paredes) in A StreetCar named Desire , Esteban  is tragically killed, after which Manuela goes of the search for Esteban’s father, who is a trans woman, called Lola, living the low life in Barcelona. 

On her travels, Manuela joins forces with a nun ( Penelope Cruz) made pregnant and HIV+ by Lola, a feisty trans sex worker Agrado ( Antonia San Juan) and Huma who is still appearing in Streetcar’s tour around the country. And the film explores how the quartet  ( and others) deal with issues such as motherhood, acceptance, and forgiveness  we see the lives of the women the piece with Hollywood  references not only to Streetcar but to All About Eve.
It’s showy, funny, loud and at times incredibly moving with great performances all round especially by Sam Juan , whose foul mouthed turn as the whore  who literally doesn’t give a fuck in incredibly brave and touching all at the same time.
This is a women’s film obscured by gay and trans issues, a tribute to Douglas Sirk from the 1950s and it’s glorious in every way.

As we came back out into sun shire we watched people dancing salsa outside the Chester Market which was an absolute joy

Then went for a lovely relaxed but ordered lunch at Hamayuu 


  1. That sounds like a brilliant day, and a great way to end your birthday weekend. xx

  2. I was going to say what a great end to the birthday celebrations, but Sue beat me to it. I'll say it anyway! xx

    1. As it transpired Monday added to my celebrations when I went to see The Queen Anne leave port

  3. That sounds like a film to see. Thanks.

    And lovely seeing dancing in the sun!!

    1. Try and find the film , it’s worth the watch

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful day! And oh, that bento box looks good!

  5. Your day sounds like lots of fun. Dancing in the sunshine is always good.

    1. I always find this moving and incredibly uplifting

  6. Anonymous12:53 pm

    A very fun day! - Jackie

  7. I love Almodóvar!
    La Agrado is iconic. The lack of fucks left to give in that character is goals.
    Glad you're having fun!!


    1. I think she must of been the first truly iconic trans character in cinema

  8. You certainly are making the most of your birthday celebrations! xx

  9. Barbara anne3:03 pm

    What a wonderful time you and Ruth had and what could be better than that?! You know how to enjoy yourself, not a gift everyone is lucky enough to have.


    1. We had that sort of conversation babs and Ruth said I was one of the few of her friends who made her enjoy things not usually done before

  10. It all sounds wonderful and the food looks lovely.

    1. Japanese food is fresh and bright and tasty

    2. And always leaves you slightly peckish

  11. Jo in Auckland6:54 pm

    I've never heard of the film you talk about but living in the wop wops that can be NZ I'm not surprised... one I will try to find somehow, I love Penelope Cruz in anything but the other characters sound great too. I rarely eat Japanese food but have a fondness for Tonkatsu... which is on repeat in my cooking repertoire!
    Sounds like your Birthday and it's weekend was a blast all up.

    1. Be brave, it’s a strange watch until u get used to things , it’s worth it though

  12. Anonymous9:19 pm

    You must have a very well paid job!

    1. What a stupid comment, hospice nurses are paid less than nhs nurses , go figure

  13. I want to see the film now. I just mentioned it to my partner and said I must buy a copy. He told me I already had it, he went off and found it on the back of the many dvds on the shelf. Brilliant, but how did I forget, I really am getting old!!!

  14. Me either, but love to watch others.


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