Running Dogs

 Skills assessment today.
An important day, because if we fail this we’re off the course.
Our counselling scenario is videoed and assessed by our tutor and a second marker. If we pass then I have to reassess and critique the video in its entirety. 
I think it went ok, but you can never be sure, and the criteria for passing is justifiably stringent.
I was very aware that at one point my post covid  cough got the better of me and I barked out one so forcefully that I farted in unison.
Does one acknowledge ones own farts in a counselling situation ? 
I’m my case I did not ! Hey ho

So back to painting, the kitchen . 
My latest piece of art is Eniko Eged ‘ Running Dogs which is away getting framed 
It’s lovely


  1. Although, it should make the counseled person feel you are a real person like them.

    1. I am sure you did the right thing. You know what is expected after all. You also have an innate sense of people insight about you.

    2. It lightened the mood, as it was designed to

  2. I think I would have ignored my own fart too (or anyone else's for that matter) as it's not relevant to the situation. Good luck with the assessment. If you fail, I don't know what they're looking for. You seem more than qualified as far as I can see. The running dogs picture is lovely. Shame one isn't a bulldog, but hey ho! Lovely weather to fling open those windows to help dry the paint. xx

    1. Margaret from the village dropped me in a handrawn pencil drawing of Dorothy today, it was lovely

    2. Oh, can we have a photo, please! xx

  3. The time is never right and everybody knows that. You'll do just fine regardless of the little misfire. Love the new art. Newly painted walls is always a very nice refresh.

  4. Ah well. Everyone farts, even the Queen did, I am sure.
    Your new art reminds me a bit of ancient cave paintings. I do like it very much..

    1. Our beloved queen had a royal cork.

    2. I like the orange dog, it means the print can be moved to the bedroom

  5. That is a very cool print! One always politely ignores farts in public situations. Luckily this has never happened to me personally.πŸ™„

    1. It would break the ice in a bad way lol

  6. Yes, ignore the farts..they are a normal thing for all mammals 😎
    That is a really lovely print.. definitely worth a good frame

    1. I’m not worried it was a laughter foil

  7. Anonymous2:03 pm

    I suppose it is a possibility you could fail for farting. ... you'll find out soon enough. If you went for an audition as a concert pianist you would fail but it's not quite the same thing.

  8. Oh my goodness, what a high stress assessment for you. As for the cough and fart, well---now they have met the real you.
    [has that lingering cough--a year or more?---ever been assessed by a doctor?]

    1. A doctor from work told me it was post covid

    2. Too long ago for covid, you should get checked out. Please! Good health is so important as one [sorry] ages.

    3. Long covid cough is a thing

  9. I hope things go well and you pass the assessment with flying colours. I did something similar in University, except a videotaped physical assessment. Very stressful.

    I laughed out loud when you said you coughed and farted. I may have done that. Yesterday before work, I warned Jack that I was going to fart, giving him a heads up to move and then I farted. He looked at me like I was a witch. "How did you know you were going to fart?" he asked. God love him.

  10. I hope you get a good assessment result, despite the botty-cough.
    By the way, mine don't smell of course.

    1. We should hear by the end of the week

  11. You did the right thing, there is a time and a place for the humour of the fart. Hopefully, it will help the examiners warm to you a little if you make them smile. :-)

  12. Krayolakris3:33 pm

    Lovely print. You have an amazing eclectic and great eye for art. Go to any yoga or Pilates class and you’ll hear the delicate sound of firps.

    1. That’s why I don’t go to Pilates

    2. Anonymous7:17 pm

      You at Pilates, now there's a vision!

  13. Anonymous3:34 pm

    Love your smart new art, it’s my taste too! Gigi

  14. I'm sure they will be most happy with you John - I've seen a varied bunch of mental health persons - several useless who I was too polite to say so to - You have plenty of experience which should show x

    1. Having skills is all well and good, but bad habits can be made easily

  15. Does a fart ever need acknowledgement? X

  16. I do love the running dogs! I would think in counseling anything that brings the attention to the counselor, rather than the person being counseled, would be bad. So I think you responded well by not acknowledging it.

    1. I have a chronic post covid cough which DId need a dressing

  17. Anonymous3:56 pm

    If you're paying for the course you'll pass! It would be a bad recommendation for them if too many failed. I've worked for such an organisation and it's all about the £££'s.

    1. No, you are so wrong , hence the second marker
      If you are not up to the job , you won’t be put through

    2. Again, to Anon, any credibility with your later comment was lost because of the earlier ones

    3. Anonymous9:01 pm

      Good for you for deleting ANON comments
      People who can’t stand behind their views with a genuine name shouldn’t be allowed anywhere in blogland even if they have a point
      Be brave anon and be fucking honest


    4. Too much “listen to me I know better” and let’s be negative

  18. Ps - I have 2 running dogs very similar who I can't catch - Earlier just as i was paying the cashier in tesco a man stood behind me too closely - he trumped silently - I was so irritated I had to stop mysef from telling the cashier that the stinkbomb was him x

    1. Anonymous5:53 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. You made me laugh out loud again.

  20. Anonymous4:10 pm

    I would have said to the person being counselled: "Oh, you farted, don't worry about it, we all do," and blagged my way on (probably why I would fail though).

    1. The microphone was no where near thank god

  21. Yorkshire Liz4:55 pm

    Oh, you Going Gently Gang you! I scrolled down these comments and was laughing out loud. Which is pretty rare. So thank you all very much, you are appreciated one and all. Just what IS IT about farts? Or is it just the 'deflate pomposity' British sense of humour?

    1. Anonymous4:59 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. My comment below stands , if your voice is only the anonymous , cowardly , probably drunken ranting on an innocuous blog
      You need some serious help.

    3. Yorkshire Liz7:35 am

      My apologies John. I feel I may have spurred comments from this sad Anonymous soul by remarking on the mature, sensible funny and supportive nature of the Going Gently family. Something very sad, jealous and badly in need of professional support going on here. All I do know is it is not fair to use you as their safety valve and therapy.

  22. I have deleted five comments all from the same person, a person of negativity , and anger and immaturity .
    I hope they invest in some self care
    They need it

  23. Wonderful new art piece!

  24. That is a joyful print.

  25. Barbara Anne5:35 pm

    Wishing you well and great success on your cource project and had a chuckle and your simultaneous explosions from each end.
    Love "Running Dogs" and it will cetainly compliment your other art pieces.
    I used to draw and doodle in my new paint color when painting a wall. Just painted over it, of course.


  26. I adore the dog painting. Something always happens when you want to present at your best. I'll be shocked if you don't get through.

    1. Not everyone does, whether it is on an academic level or a skill based one. …that’s the truth of it

  27. Anonymous5:59 pm

    Love the fart conundrum, difficult choice but you did it your way, the new print is very you. Good luck on this step, am sure you will be fine. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Verbalising the fart issue, was an attempt to diffuse the stress of the morning
      It worked

  28. Jo in Auckland6:05 pm

    What a fantastic piece of new art! Mixing and matching art pieces must be a great skill to have. I don't have the eye for it but am looking forward to putting some pieces my Dad painted on my newly decorated hallway wall when it's wallpapered. Don't much like the process of decorating but love the end results. Good luck with the painting. Hope you have great drying weather.

    1. I’ve bought some Japanese fabric which I’m going to frame too for the “ new” wall

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. If I was a counsellor I would advise my clients not to fart audibly in my presence - or risk a thick ear!

    1. My fart comment was slightly ironic seeing that I felt comfortable that my cough masked it nicely

  31. Anonymous8:08 pm

    hope the outcome of the skills assessment went well! That new running dogs print is beautiful! I believe you seem to have enough artwork to be considered as having your own bonafide *gallery*. LOL!
    Susan M

    1. Some will be removed forever, other bits moved

  32. There is more room on the outside, than on the inside. Would I ever comment, only if it helped make a meaningful point, like "well we are all human."

  33. How long until you find out the results? Hope you get good news, John! xx

  34. I love the joyful dogs!
    So there's no a video which includes John farting. That should be archived in some kind of national register :)

  35. There's so much involved ,
    and I cannot see the future so don't know if your getting the position as a counselor is the best
    option , I do know I want you well and happy, Mary

  36. Is he Hungarian? It has hints of Egypt about it. You chose well!

  37. Anonymous7:23 am

    A lovely, happy picture of dogs having fun together.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes