St Davids Day

 I was ten minutes early for my interview
And wore a plain Bluebell blue jumper, black pants and work shoes.
It was cold so I wore my new woollen coat and a multicoloured scarf , which I thought made me look vaguely “counselling”
I felt it went ok, I will hear on Monday if I have a place. The centre seems well resourced and run from what I can see and there is a noticeable energy in the staff I met , which I liked.

From there, I did some shopping in Tesco and bumped into an old friend, a sister from ITU. I told her where I’d been and she laughed saying I should have done it years ago. 
I was a crap ITU nurse she was in fact saying…the technology often baffled me , 

I met my friend Polly at Bryn Williams which was packed with St David’s Day diners. Each table had miniature daffodils in vases, so the place smelled slightly of piss , something even our waitress agreed upon. 
There was smoked mackerel scotch eggs on the menu! Oh be still my beating heart!!!! They were bloody lovely too

Lunch and gossip was lovely. I miss working with Polly, a true all round, old fashioned GP, hey ho.

Anyway came home, walked the dogs then went to Prestatyn to see Dune II  where my sister Janet met me inside the cinema just before the film started. We are twins but she does not hold with being early for anything ( as I painfully do) 
It was beautiful to look at as is Zandaya in the second lead, but the film, as sequels often are , is a bit lumpy and long. Timothy Chalamet still has a certain something, I must say, not my type at all, but he holds the camera and audience in the palm of his hand. 

I’ve not long got home, and have lit the fire ,and marshalled the dogs onto the sofa for warmth. I’m working tomorrow 


  1. Well, from what I can glean, you stand an excellent chance of getting that placement. Your lunch sounds like it was right up your street. They must've know a Scotch egg aficionado was coming! The film - I'll pass. Not my thing at all. xx

  2. Traveller9:11 pm

    Note to self “pay more attention” I read you had marshmallowed the dogs!

    1. Thank you for your support today

    2. Anonymous9:27 pm

      A great deal going on behind the scenes today.

      John, I witnessed the badmouthing and couldn’t comment except to you personally and so here I am.
      You have your faults, as we all do, (your fucking spelling is atrocious ) but your blog has a real heart, warmth and humour, unlike one I can mention.


  3. Whew! I'm so relieved you got there in time, and it didn't put you completely off your stride - which it would've me!You have the personality to make a wonderful, empathetic counsellor, and the courage to change jobs in mid-life... without the crisis! I admire you greatly.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day after a startling beginning. On time for the interview, nicely dressed, good vibes from the staff, scotch eggs for lunch with a lovely friend, film with your sister, and now snuggled on the sofa with the dogs.
    Wishing you a peaceful and calm day of work tomorrow.
    Happy St. David's Day!

  5. Anonymous9:31 pm

    I love Frank Herbert’s Dune series, but it should have been a mini series like Game Of Thrones



    1. I’ve never read the books keith , is not really my choice of read

  6. Good luck with that interview! Let's hope the delicious Scotch Egg was an omen!

    1. And of yes, too many daffodils crowded together certainly do have an off-putting aroma. Unfortunate with a flower so beautiful otherwise.

  7. Krayolakris10:06 pm

    Lots of good omens throughout your day, John. Future looks golden.

  8. It would be nice to know you have been hired for the job you interviewed for. If not may there be something more perfectly suited for you about to offered to you,Mary

    1. They had several people interviewed and more after me so Monday seemed reasonable

  9. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Well John, what a bloody, exciting day crammed with so much, you deserve a sherry and a doggie blanket tonight, glad all went well for you. I have everything crossed for you and sincerely hope you get that job 😉. Must be a Janet thing as my timekeeping is also adrift. Jan in Castle Gresley

  10. Jo in Auckland10:32 pm

    Your interview sounds very very promising; sounds like you looked the part too. I always love men wearing a scarf proves they to get a cold neck and aren't to fussed about showing any weakness. I can't seem to get my head around a smoked mackerel scotch egg; I like smoked fish pie which generally has hard boiled egg on the top before the mash. But, that recipe appears to me to be a whole new genre that I am not quite sure would work for me. I am always early for everything; I would rather be an hour early than 1 minute late, it gives me terrible anxiety to be rushing. Now I have never seen Dune 1 so seeing Dune 2 seems a bit pointless and Timothee Chalamet seems a bit too much of a dandy to do it much justice.

  11. All well done, good man!

  12. I hope all went well at the interview. You must have looked the part. I never thought about cut daffodils smelling like piss. But, now that you mention it, I can smell it! I’m picturing Scotch eggs made from mackerel roe!

  13. Fingers crossed, you will get the MIND placement if you remembered to zip up your flyhole. Did you check?

  14. How many people interviewed each candidate? Your wealth of knowledge on the nursing side should stand you in good stead. Better than a wet behind the ears candidate.

  15. I am glad that discovering the mistake about the time did not discombobulate you. I'm sure you made a good impression. I will be excited for Monday!

  16. Barbara Anne1:16 am

    Surely the Scotch smoked Mackrel eggs were a sign that you'll get the job!
    FUll day and hope you sleep well tonight and the Dune 2 movie and good meet up with Polly.
    I've made a huge "orginizational" mess in my sewing room and I regret it already. Sigh!


  17. All your energy makes me feel dizzy.

  18. Hope you are successful with the interview. I also admire you for retraining for a new career, which I feel you are really suited to.

    I read and loved Dune some time ago but was not so keen on the follow - ups. Enjoyed the film but haven't yet seen Dune 2.

  19. Fingers crossed for you.

  20. weaver9:50 am

    put me out of my misery. What on earth is that last picture?

  21. The egg looks devine.

  22. Enjoy the weekend. I will cross my fingers news is good re. the interview.

  23. Oh yeah, Timothee Chaulmet wiill do mejust fine.


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