Curved Ball

 I shouldn’t go into university today.
Overnight Ive developed a streaming cold and have had little sleep.
We have an assessed exam of our counselling skill next week so I have to practice for that, but I will cut my day short and return home at lunchtime. 
I walked the dogs in a daze but as we returned home, I noticed Dorothy had a bit of poo stuck to her bottom.
She patiently waited for me to give her a wipe 
And wagged her stubby tail
But the poo wasn’t what it seemed
She has some sort of fast growing tumour back there


  1. Oh NO! I guess that explains her behaviour recently. Poor Dorothy. I hope your cold disappears as quickly as it arrived, and you have a better night tonight. I'm so sad for Dorothy. And for you. Hugs.

  2. Oh no. Poor little Dorothy. I'm so sorry to read that. No wonder she has been so poorly. Wishing you strength and love for the day, and days ahead.

  3. So sorry to read this.

  4. Sending you and Dorothy much love xxx

  5. Oh John! That was a blow. I'm so very sorry

  6. Oh sad to read that about Dorothy. Hugs to you all and hope that it isn't what you fear.

  7. Anonymous8:56 am

    Sorry to read this John. I hope it isn't as bad as it appears.

  8. Anonymous8:56 am

    Not a good morning for you and Dorothy, sad to hear this, take time for you and her. Jan in Castle Gresley

  9. Do people in your village call you Lucky John?

  10. Getting old is one thing..sad news. Look after yourself and the rest of your hairy tribe. (((0)))

  11. Hoping it's haemorrhoids, but I think we all know it's not. Look after yourself and little Dorothy. Hugs. xx

  12. Traveller10:00 am

    As JayCee succinctly put it…bugger

    hope your cold is short lived.

  13. weaver10:41 am

    So sorry Dorothy - join my club. My various tumours are so far growing slowly because of my somewhat advanced age. Take great care of her and trust the vet to do the right thing John when the time is right. I am sure you know the score even better than I do Give her plenty of cuddles, make sure she knows you love her dearly. xx.

  14. Oh damn! That's not good, poor little Dot!
    I'm sure she can rely on you to do all the right things by her though!
    Get yourself a bottle of Lucozade, it'll help you feel better! X

    1. Anonymous4:08 pm

      Lucozade? He might as well just tip a bag of sugar down his throat and avoid the additives and colourings. Have you ever read the label on a bottle of Lucozade?

    2. Yes I have read the label thank you very much!
      I'm quite a bit older than John, and as a child, was given Lucozade by my parents whenever I felt ill.
      I'm a perfectly fit and healthy pensioner now, (apart from Arthritis, which has nothing at all to do with Lucozade) with perfect teeth, and the courage to put my name to comments and posts, which is more than can be said for you!

    3. Well said Col, sometimes a hit of easily digested sugar is exactly what you need when you are off colour. As kids we also got the orange cellophane to play with, not that john needs that now.

      Isn't it strange how the Anonymous comments with no names added are ALWAYS the most derogatory ones, cowards the lot of them.

  15. Eww! What a horrid thing to notice. Good job you are an experienced nurse. Poor Dorothy.

  16. Sorry to read this - Hopefully it's just a blocked gland. Although I think that maybe you and I are both thinking "adenocarcinoma" which is what our dog Charlie (our Wheaten Terrier) had a few years ago that we did a palliative surgery for. Positive vibes for your precious girl coming from my corner in rainy Virginia.
    I also hope you are feeling better by days end!

  17. :( Good, healing thoughts for you and Dorothy.

  18. Sweet little Dot, she's in good and loving hands with you. Sending healing energy for you both.

  19. Anonymous11:48 am

    My thoughts are with you John. I will never forget the day I found a tumor on my dear yellow lab. Just because we have been there before with our other animals does not make it any easier. Glad Dorothy has you. Jackie

  20. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Rats! Curved ball for sure, so sorry to hear this about Dorothy. Please slow down and look after yourself, John, and Dorothy too.

  21. Gasp, take care of all.

  22. Poor little thing. No wonder she's been feeling under the weather. Hope your cold is gone as soon as it came. x

  23. Aww, poor Dorothy. It's a good job you noticed it so quickly though. I hope you are feeling better soon too. xx

  24. Poor Dorothy. Poor you too. Take care.

  25. Oh no ...... poor Dorothy. Wishing you both better. XXXX

  26. Oh, hope you feel better quickly, John. Hope there is help for Dorothy, too.

  27. Anonymous2:44 pm

    So sorry. Yael

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous3:48 pm

    My cat had an abscessed anal gland that I thought was a tumor. I took her to the vet and found out what it was. Dogs can have that same issue. I'm hoping that is what Dorothy has, although uncomfortable, treatable. I hope you are feeling better soon, and Dorothy is as well. Cheryl

  30. A busy day and not ideal. I'm thinking of you.

  31. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Prolapse or abcessed anal gland rather than a tumour?? Now there's visual evidence you should be able to get a speedy diagnosis from your vet.

  32. Seems like it never rains but it pours. Hoping this turns out better than it sounds, and that your respiratory illness is short-lived.

  33. Well, let's hope it's just some sort of benign growth or temporary condition. Olga has a lot of lumps and bumps. It's a thing with bulldogs. (As you know.)

    I have that same cold!

  34. Barbara anne5:19 pm

    Oh, John, I am so very sorry and saddened that Dorothy has what appears to be a tumor and hope you can take some cold med to feel good enough to take her to the doctor. Wisihng you well, too.
    Hugs all around.

  35. Jo in Auckland5:57 pm

    Poor Dotty, no wonder she has been feeling yuk... and poor you with the horrible cold. Here's hoping you feel better soon and here's hoping it's a better prognosis than you think for the beautiful Dorothy.

  36. Thinking of you and Dorothy.

  37. Anonymous6:37 pm

    I join my thoughts with everyone else's. May it be benign and easily treatable.

  38. Have a hug John x

  39. Poor sweet Dorothy. And you.

  40. Poor D! No wonder she's been poorly. I hope you feel well enough soon to get her back to the vet for more info and diagnosis.

  41. Anonymous9:58 pm

    Sending hugs to both you and Dorothy xx Lynda

  42. Hoping Dorothy's growth is nothing serious, and you feel well enough to have her looked at by the vet.
    Get well soon John.

  43. Hope for a day of R & R for you and Dorothy. Take care.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  44. Well shit, or fuck, insert whatever swear word you desire here. Does that explain her not feeling well?

    I'm kinda done with cancer right now. One of our own died on the weekend, thirteen months after her diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

  45. My last dog, Bok, died from a huge internal tumour. We had just thought he was getting overweight. How wrong we were!

  46. It's been what feels like a very long time without any information about the condition of all in your household, please let us know what's happening when you can, Mary

  47. Anonymous9:53 am

    All balls are curved, or they wouldn't be balls. The phrase you need for your title is curve ball, a ball that curves in flight. One letter, big difference. If you write the book be sure to get a good proof reader :) Proof Prof


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