This childhood prayer came to my mind today

“ God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This isn’t about Dorothy 

Believe me I’m much too pragmatic to be catastrophizing about a much loved pet. Dorothy is unwell but miles better today than she was. She is pain free, eating gently, hydrated and remains comfortable. But she IS around eight years old ( the vet was shocked as she looks like a bulldog half that age) and will have inherited the genes of dogs not built for old age. She has clearly lost weight, a possible sign of some further malignancy, but I and she will carry on as long as her quality of life remains good for her.
Thank you all for your kind wishes.
I was working yesterday and could not have sorted what I did, if it wasn’t for the support of manager and colleagues who made everything a whole lot easier. A thank you to them.

I’m sat at the newly cleaned kitchen table, Dorothy remains clingy, so she has slept with Mary on the kitchen reading chair. I have cleaned the who kitchen so she knows I’d never leave her and the kitchen.
I turned on talk radio , but turned off the news discussions. 

I have realised that I don’t watch the news anymore. I don’t tend to read blogs that cover the conflict in Gaza either, I find the feeling of impotency, after reading them, fruitless,  and the anger generated by them of little use. Some people need to have that anger stoked and I get the power of sharing it, especially as the answer to many is a plain yet fruitless stop it! But anger attracts anger and what good does it eventually do in the long term.

My niece-in-law lost her mom today and needed a kind word. 
I’m working tonight and a friend has offered to bulldog sit for me.
I’ve made him a thank you quiche


  1. I'm glad she is doing a bit better and is comfortable. These old dogs of ours tear at our heart strings with their age and ailments don't they. Thank goodness you have some lovely people around you that both understand and can help out when needed. ❤️

  2. That's a lovely photo. So calm and contented.

  3. Anonymous2:29 pm

    Thank you John for this bittersweet update, so many of your comments are echoed by myself. Take care. Jan in Castle Gresley

  4. We'll keep our hopes for Dot's full recovery. with a little more confidence now, thank heavens. Rest well, lovely girl

  5. weaver2:40 pm

    I always wonder what dogs think when the are ill. Cats always seem to know when their end is nigh and tend to steer clear of people. The farmer did have an O;d English Sheepdog once who went away to the furthermost barn to die alone I'm glad that so far your dear old Dorothy seems to be improving. I hope she continues along those lines. One thing is sure John - her years with you have given her great happiness.

  6. It is heart-breaking when we realise our beloved pets are getting old and unwell. Dorothy knows she is loved and we all know you will do everything in your power to keep her comfortable. Condolences to your niece-in-law. xx

  7. Thank you for letting us know what's going on with you and yours, I feel much calmer knowing that you and your canine family are together and getting through the recuperation process together at home.
    I find all the news about Gaza, wars and other ways people abuse people
    can actually be sickening,
    so I gather information, help with donations then focus on whatsoever is lovely. Stay well -Mary

  8. I was glad to read Dorothy is doing a little better today. I just can't believe she's 8 years old already. But that picture you featured today is priceless. Take care friend.

  9. I hope Dorothy is feeling better soon. I don't blame you for avoiding news, it is very depressing.

  10. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Life isn't endless. We make our loved ones happy while they are here ,tend to them when they are sick ,love them mightily while they are with us and mourn then just as mightily when they are gone.
    Sounds simple, harder in real life. Hugs to you all.
    Beth , Gemma's Person

  11. Anonymous3:21 pm

    I am glad to read that Dorothy is better. I was thinking that she and my Annie are the same age. Annie will be 8 in October. I agree with you about news. Jackie

  12. Glad she is a little better. Thank you for letting us know.

  13. You're in our thoughts, thank you for letting us know. Love to you both Jxx

  14. So glad to read that Dorothy is feeling a little better.

  15. Thanks for update, I was worried. Is it def pancreatitis?

    I think that's the AA, Alcoholics Anonymous prayer, hopefully not too many children need it.

  16. I love that photo of your pack, or at least, part of your pack. The cat has started sleeping with me again which is such a small thing but so comforting.
    Sending hugs to you John.

  17. Barbara Anne3:50 pm

    Yes, to all you wrote and sympathy to your neice-in-law.

    The older I get, the less sence I see in anger. It upsets those around the angry person and doesn't do the angry person's insides any good either. Happily, I seem to mostly have kind friends and kind family members. And then there are good books and music, music, music.


  18. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Glad Dorothy feeling a bit better. And how true that anger is not usually useful, or healthy either..
    Susan M/ Calif.

  19. Poor Dorothy - She perhaps needs to take her ease - I have an 11 and 14 year old - various ailments and concerns - but happy - Lovely lily lurcher (14) was skipping in a field Thursday - We have generally good days - diarrhea and charcoal paste last week x

    1. + 2 youngsters dearest 🐺🐶

    2. Oh - I forgot the " . ".

    3. Anonymous6:25 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Anonymous8:55 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I can't believe Dorothy is eight already!

    And I know what you mean about news. I'm a former journalist and yet even I debate the merits of reading news every day. (The key is to make sure it's good-quality news, and that you mix in some fun stories -- that's my theory, anyway.)

  21. I was surprised to read that Dorothy is 8. I had been wondering how old she was now. Glad she is currently improving. The world is not an easy place to live.

  22. Glad to hear Dorothy is better, and is at home with you, Mary & Roger.
    Hoping you have a calm and quiet evening at work.

  23. Dorothy is going through a rough patch. Hopefully with meds and rest she'll be just fine. The news is horrific. Agreed. That said, I check-in weekly in hopes of a positive change.

  24. Good to see Mary together with Dorothy.
    We have stopped the news almost completely, and just the Saturday newspaper as it has plenty of interesting non news.
    You have a good workplace and good friends...things worth the world

  25. Anonymous6:48 pm

    I have been holding my breath. I am glad to hear that Dorothy is better. As far as the news? I will argue with no one. I will however speak.

  26. Apart from anything else, keeping up with current affairs is important for pub quizzers like me - though I accept that ignorance can indeed be bliss.

  27. Jo in Auckland7:38 pm

    I'm so pleased to hear that Dorothy is holding her own, that picture of her and Mary is so lovely. I find myself "missing"the news on purpose these days; there is only so many horror stories I can cope with without getting morose myself. I just keep vegetable gardening, after a couple of hours pottering I feel at ease with my little space in the world.

  28. Anonymous8:17 pm

    To me 8 seems young for a dog, is that just silly on my part.?
    Glad she is better and let’s hope each day sees an improvement. Being aware of what is happening around the world is very difficult, I too read/ watch less as it makes me feel helpless and useless and despairing and sad.
    Take care of yourself amidst all the stress. Big hugs to you and the fur balls, Noreen

    1. Sadly English bulldogs, as a breed, have short life spans, av 8-10 years. Tho of course can vary.

  29. i am frequently horrified by the violence and cruelty in the world, it often keeps me awake at night so i do try to avoid the news, i hope Dorothy's health continues to improve xx

  30. Oh, so sorry for Dorothy and for you, my friend. I've been remiss in reading blogs for several days so had missed the news of her illness. If she must go, may it be peacefully and without pain.

  31. Glad she's doing a bit better. If only our world leaders would pick up their act.

  32. Me too, I used to love watching the news and was proud of my general knowledge, but I've stepped away from it in the past year and would rather read or watch other shows. My heart can't take it anymore.

  33. Am glad the vet has made Dorothy a bit more comfortable and she is able to rest for now with her pack and feel secure and loved.

    The prayer is well suited to such horrific times in the world news when we feel so helpless and upset for others. I agree with it completely.

  34. a prayer said for Dorothy !


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