

I’m supposed to be writing an assignment
True to form I’m busying myself on other things.
I will knuckle down, shortly. 
A patient’s relative told me that I looked like the front man of the band Elbow 
Now I don’t know my Elbow from my arse so I had a look on YouTube 
He’s thinner.
But I’ll take that .
I loved this version of the James Bond hit 

This is my social life diary.
This is where all of my holidays, work rota and social life is arranged. Because of demand, we are only allowed to request a certain amount of shifts off at work so it’s important and prudent that social life is arranged properly.
Instead of writing my essay, the diary has been open and time away has been arranged. 

My sister and I will be revisiting London in the summer where we will go to the Saddler Wells revival of A Chorus Line. The tickets are not expensive if you get in there quick at booking time and will serve as my sister’s birthday gift. 
We will visit Buckingham Palace the next day which will tickle my Royalist muscles 

A must see is my favourite musical of all time and that is the tour of Come From Away which is showcasing in Llandudno in July. 

Gorgeous Dave and I also have tickets to the stand up Troy Hawke who is playing a night in Rhyl ( of all places) he’s a delightfully funny man.

After seeing how cheap some flights are to Poland I’m kind of thinking a long weekend to see my friend Alex in Łódź 


  1. Always include your personal life as a priority. I encouraged my team to keep one calendar with both personal and work on it, I did. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be there to care for others.

    1. I’ve been talking much about self care on the blog of’s partnof this

  2. Planning can be nearly as enjoyable as the ' going ' ! Guy Edward John Garvey , lead vocalist with Elbow ...... I can see the likeness. XXXX

  3. You have your priorities just right.

  4. I can see the resemblance, too. One of my husband's favourite anecdotes is that Louis Armstrong had a hit with All the Time in the World, then died a few years later. Carpe Diem, John, and you carpe that diem well! xx

    1. My brother and father come into my mind often recently . My brother died too early at 58 from MND by father died months after retiring at 65

  5. Yes! I can see how if Guy Garvey donned a beanie hat and spectacles and held a cantankerous old turkey under his arm, he would look a lot like you.

    Now stop farting about and GET ON WITH YOUR ASSIGNMENT!

  6. weaver3:23 pm

    Hope the assignment goes well when you get going.

  7. I have never been to Poland. I hope you go to scope it out for me! I've also never seen "Come From Away," but I'm a big fan of "A Chorus Line" from way back. Maybe I'll try to get tickets to that.

  8. Anonymous4:52 pm

    Both you and Guy Garvey have got beards but apart from that - well perhaps the relative was being kind.
    If it was the other way round and Guy Garvey was being likened to you I'd suggest the relative went to Specsavers!

    1. A kind and thoughtful post thank you xx

  9. Well, I like that polite guy with the compliments! I bet his show will be great! And that Come From Away looks fabulous. I'm jealous of all your adventures, John! You will have such fun!

    1. He’s a delightful character , and so witty, I love the comment to an angry boxer with checkerboard pants
      “ you look delightful like an angry tablecloth”

  10. Today is a day of action and making plans. You've got lots to look forward to.

  11. Anonymous5:42 pm

    Cold in Poland now? Or perhaps a spring trip?


  12. I saw the original cast Chorus Line in New York. Incredible. Saw Chorus Line in the ’90s in San Diego. Awful. Weak cast, but I thought it hadn’t aged well. Then I saw the Antonio Banderas revival here in Málaga and it was again incredible. Hope your production is as good. As for Guy Garvey: I can see the resemblance, but you are so much better looking. You don’t have a clue!

    1. Now I would pay good money to see banderas on the stage

    2. Saw him here in both Chorus Line and Company and we were NOT disappointed. And we were close enough to grab his ass when he walked by.

    3. I’d grab it with both hands

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Barbara Anne6:47 pm

    What a brilliant line-up of plans and tickets to ensure you'll have wonderful events to look forward to all year long! Don't lost that diary!!!
    Poland in warmer weather?


  14. Guy Garvey is a very handsome man in my opinion. Rather apt him singing this particular Bond theme song as his late mother in law Diana Rigg was in it !

  15. Anonymous7:30 pm

    My husband and I attended the musical Come From Away earlier this week. It was a fantastic show. I loved the book based on the true story. Jackie

    1. I didn’t know there was a book , thanks for the heads up, just ordered it x

    2. Anonymous10:00 pm

      The Day The World Came To Town by Jim DeFede. Jackie

  16. Yes you do John - fancy that and apparently he's 49 - Last year a man at our breakfast table told my friend I looked like Joanna lumley - over the years others have commented same -It's such a boost x

    1. Anonymous9:36 pm

      Joanna Lumley! The fantasy world of fliss.

    2. Having not seen flis’ face, non of us can comment eh?

    3. Flis...Over the years I have known you,you have always reminded me of I realise who it is....Joanna Lumley!!xx

    4. Anonymous8:15 am

      Ah well come on then Ms Fliss with no profile what about a catfished pic of you looking like Ms Lumley the fantasy continues

    5. If I am living in fantasy land - so be it.

    6. If flis says she looks like Joanna Lumley, then she does. I have been told I look like Patricia Hodge.

    7. Thankyou IIona x
      🚩 Regarding " catfishing " - " apparently that is decieving someone of money "
      "anon" You know what you are doing is very wrong .

    8. Anonymous2:49 pm

      Flis, catfishing is for instance when someone takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new image of themselves. Not necessarily to deceive someone of money.

    9. Anonymous2:52 pm

      So as you will see Anon is not the person who is doing something "very wrong" by suggesting you show proof of oyurself as resembling Joanna Lumley.

  17. Are you invited for lunch or just afternoon tea at the Palace?

  18. I love Guy Garvey. I agree the version of all the time in the world he performed for Radio 2 in memory of his MIL (who was the only ever Mrs Bond) is beautiful. I love his Northern accent when he sings, especially LUV xx

  19. Guy Garvey writes the most incredible poetic and heartfelt lyrics, for such a big northern guy. His many interpretations of love leave me silent and adoring. Mirrorball is an absolute classic. Quirky Elbow fact, when he was a younger man, Mr Garvey shaved the front of his head into a widows peak to look more mature and be taken seriously. One of the few bands I adore that I haven't seen live x

  20. Slightly too many compliments, but I like his style. It doesn't hurt to be nice to people.

  21. I find so much pleasure in the planning part of social life! Your list looks good, and self care and balance are such a big deal in life I think.


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