Love and Affection


What do you get a friend for his 70th birthday?
The inspiration came to me in a bookshop after a long mooch
The Guinness Book Of World Records
A good choice for a man who likes facts.
I wrapped the book in tissue paper and placed it with a card and a diary with pen in a gift bag and was just about to set off when Islwyn stopped me for a chat. I told him I was going to Nick’s birthday drinks do and he asked me to wish Nick his best
“A nice man “ Islwyn observed thoughtfully.

Nick and the Velvet Voiced Linda live in a comfortable cottage in the centre of the village. I got there around 6 pm and it was packed with people coming in and out, drinking and laughing. 
Most from the village.
Now Nick hasn’t been that well of late, something that’s not at all a secret , so his friends have witnessed his challenges over the past year. 
I thought about this after my second glass of Grenade Juice, and caught TCA chair Bridget’s eye as she downed hers. 
Linda serves up a lethal gin cocktail that works quicker to relax you than any anaesthetist’s syringe could possibly do. 
Suddenly it felt like Christmas.

Nick looked like Mr Bountiful.Surrounded by cards and gifts and as the evening party came towards a close, friend after friend said their goodbyes with a handshake, a hug and a kiss.
There was a great deal of love and affection in that little cottage last night, I thought

Love, affection and respect 
How lovely


  1. weaver10:38 am

    Lovely tribute John to someone who is obviously much loved by many. Such events are especially poignant but I would guess he got a real boost from such a lovely evening.

    1. I think the number of people surprised me even though on reflection , I would never have thought that surprising really

  2. Love and affection would be the perfect birthday gift for me.

    1. And me….I sort of felt I was watching a sentimental film .like I said it all felt quite lovely

  3. Good friends and gin, What a splendid combo x

    1. And Linda’s gin too….grrenades indeed

  4. Good and book both.
    A good evening celebrating a friend and friendship

    1. Little house “ dos” like this one feel like rarity nowadays . I told people it felt like a teenage party

  5. A good choice of pressie John. I often get consumables or books for friends and relatives that are on the more mature side ..... we all seem to have enough ' stuff ' and are probably getting rid of lots of it !!! .... I'm sure more gin wouldn't go amiss either 🤣. Wish Nick a very happy birthday from me ,even though he doesn't know me from Adam ! XXXX

    1. He’s a good egg, and would welcome a happy birthday from a lovely lady

  6. Anonymous11:14 am

    Today is my brother’s 81 birthday and what we give each other for our birthdays is a very long phone call. We need nothing but love and affection at our age. Gigi

    1. That’s the best gift…some time and effort

  7. The Dandy or Beano annuals make great presents for 70 year olds too. Nostalgia.

    1. I get that too cro,, the book of records was a stable xmas gift when I was a pre teen

  8. It's an age where some of us are getting closer to and others have passed, being ill as we age does change us, it's harder and takes longer to recover. Sounds as if it was just what they both needed, because friends are food for the soul.

    1. I understand this, and Wholly agree. It certainly was part of the emotions and the elephant in the room last night

  9. A lovely evening with a lovely man and his friends.

  10. Love and affection, what a gift. We could all do with more of that! xx

  11. If you are reading this Nick - Belated Birthday Greetings Young Man! And welcome to the 70 club! We have reached the maximum speed limit.

  12. Sounds like a perfect birthday evening.

  13. That sounds like a perfect evening for the birthday boy and everyone else too. Great gift idea. :-)

  14. Anonymous12:36 pm

    I love that song. What a good evening that must have been.
    Folk who know how to mix a decent drink should be awarded medals .
    Alison in Wales x

  15. Anonymous1:06 pm

    That’s sweet. Sweetly told too


  16. Sound like the perfect way to celebrate.

    1. The whole of the TCA invited turned up, enough said

  17. Anonymous1:42 pm

    How lovely indeed. Lucky you to be a part of it.....Rall

    1. And I felt a part of it which was lovely

  18. A lovely evening for all. Glad you could go, John.

    1. Me too ellen. Strange as it sounds I’ve felt rather rudderless this winter
      It’s grounded me

  19. What the world needs love...sweet love. Wonderful.

    1. Amen and more of it 💜🤎🤍💛💖💗💓💞💝🤎🤍💛💚💙

  20. Your village of love.

  21. Do you dance John. The song made me want to be close and dance.

    1. I’m a truly terrible dancer dear Gemma , my mother told me once I danced like someone with learning difficulties ( not the words she used)

    2. John I could teach you
      to slow dance in less than an hour, no matter what music you chose to use.It's not about about movement , it's about one's heart reading another's heart -Mary

  22. John, you have got to start gathering your stories for your book. Your ability to bring us all into your world is a rare one.

    1. Traveller7:02 pm

      Funny you should say that…..

      You are so right.

    2. Anonymous8:10 pm

      Yes - what Ms. Moon said! At the very least, promise us that, when school and work slow down, you will consider it. Okay? Are you listening? Hello? Jackie

    3. I’m listening xxx thank you three

  23. Barbara Anne2:28 pm

    I second what Ms Moon said!
    Hope Nick felt the warmth opf love and caring at his party and that he'll be able to rally, return to good healtth and enjoy his new book!


  24. Nick sounds like a very much loved and a very fortunate man.

  25. Anonymous4:21 pm

    You explain things with just enough information to allow us to get a feel of the true reality of the situation.
    I found this post all rather emotional.


    1. I felt a little emotional writing it Keith
      The village friends were not only celebrating a friends birthday , they were also showing solidarity to Nick at this difficult time

  26. The joys of friendship and camaraderie are good for all. The party sounds outstanding and Linda's gin ensures good times. Sending love and good wishes to Nick.

  27. Anonymous4:37 pm

    A book is screaming to be written by you John, how about a ‘bedside book’ format? I certainly would like all of your blog plus some in a book format to keep forever and be able to dive in to it at will - PLEASE. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I’m always flattered when people say this….

  28. Sounds a lovely evening, one filled with love & affection. Hope there weren't too many sore heads this morning.

    1. If I had stayed for one more , I would be the one suffering

  29. You do have a way with words ! Evening sounds lovely.
    Let there be Cake or at least cookies.

  30. There are some good people in the world.

    1. There are indeed Andrew and I for one am grateful for them x

  31. That potential book of yours will be a best seller John. We all feel it in our hearts and bones to the core. When the time is right, you'll dive in and get it started. Such a lovely gathering for Nick and Linda. Thank you for sharing and also, for the Joan Armatrading song, she who has gotten me through many a rough patch. X

  32. Sounds like a great time and a great gift.

  33. Being with some people I notice even after I have left their prescence I feel happier - more resilient to move forwards - A long time ago I read the celestine prophecies - To me it explained it x

  34. Glad it was a pleasant evening.

  35. Anonymous3:32 am

    Last year my siblings and I made long drives from different states for a work anniversary for our nephew. He lives in a group home with 4 other guys and some terrific chaperones. The house was as packed as a college party from my youth. It was my best day since before COVID. Absolutely golden, and we got to witness his family and work and friends community love him up. I still can hardly describe it without a few tears. Absolutely a cure for whatever ails you.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  36. Some lovely comments from people here and an uplifting post. Good wishes to Nick for health and happiness. I so agree that if you look for love and affection, and also give it in life, then you will find it.

  37. What a thoughtful and fitting gift for your friend's 70th birthday! The Guinness Book of World Records is sure to provide him with hours of entertainment and fascination, especially if he enjoys facts and trivia. Pairing it with a diary and pen adds a personal touch, allowing him to jot down any interesting discoveries or memories inspired by the book. It's clear that you put a lot of thought into selecting something meaningful for him. Wishing Nick a happy birthday and many more years of enjoyment with his new gift!

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