I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue—live and The Complete Mrs Trellis

My friend Ruth and I went to see the stage uk tour of the Famous radio show last night. And a neat brogue wearing fifty something turned and laughed and agreed with us when Ruth commented that the whole north wales was devoid of all radio4 listeners as they were now all gathered in one place. 
The production was great silly fun, with the audience given kazoos to join in with the music rounds 
I will leave you with the clean Mrs Trellis anthology ( just dip in to get a flavour)
But the best double entendres were the ones featuring GIVE US A CLUE’s Lionel Blair in the 1990s ( when I was introduced to the programme)
They are not quite allowed now , but are fantastically funny listening 
Here’s the link to 25 minutes of some truly hysterical dirty minded radio 

Enjoy x

My kazoo


  1. Jo in Auckland1:25 am

    I always remember Lionel Blair and his double entendres. And I loved Give us a clue... we were perpetually in stitches when it was on. My Dad had a real belly laugh and us kids waited for Dad to laugh and then we were more laughing at his laugh than the programme. Good times

    1. I had slightly forgotton how dirty the older ISIHAC was

  2. Wonderful show, I still occasionally listen to it on Radio 4 extra.

    1. What do u think of the modern version

  3. Nothing like a good old belly laugh and a bit of silliness to set the world right. xx

  4. What a tonic this is. Thank you John, Jan Bx.

    1. Bit of fluff
      But we’ll rehearsed fluff

  5. My favourite round was 'One song to the tune of another'. Never forget Willy Rushton singing 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy' to the tune of 'Try a Little Tenderness'.

    1. I’ve been looking for this online , alas no luck
      I adored Willie rushton

  6. Don’t have 25 minutes right now, but will give this a listen later.

    1. Let me know , but listen to the 2nd link it’s very dirty

  7. I often listen to this programme and invariably find something to laugh at even though poking fun at Mrs Trellis is both wrong and tiresome. She's a good egg as this illustrious blog has often demonstrated.

  8. Sounds like an evening full of laughter ... my kind of evening. I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Clue has really stood the test of time hasn't it ? I love the kazoo for audience participation ..... even though I say it myself, I'm really good on the kazoo ...... I would have been a very good audience participator 🤣... XXXX

    1. It has, I’m sorry to say got a little cleaner , I miss the really dirty one liners by a bemused humph

  9. weaver12:09 pm

    Sounds like a nostalgic night out to me - especially with that kazoo - can't imagine what an auditorium full of them would sound like!

  10. Anonymous12:31 pm

    On Old Years Night in Grenada, we all would playAuld Lang Syne on our kazoos. It sounded so awful that I could do nothing but laugh. I have never seen the program you talk about but I suspect some of the corny jokes my husband would come out with could have come from there. Gigi

  11. We always wondered what your kazoo looked like.

    1. Hee, hee , hee.... Sounds like a very good time had by a lot of people who needed it. We could all use some fun and to be carefree for a bit.

    2. Ant that the truth xx

  12. Many would be thrilled with such a gift x

    1. I was , it was great fun blowing away even if covid is on the rise

    2. I had to smile as two people in front still had on their masks , when the kazoos came out they flung off their covers and blew away with the best of us

    3. Traveller9:54 pm

      Cannot believe I get to respond to this before Moaning Mavis. So good that they took masks off before blowing away with the best of you.

    4. Lol mave won’t be long ..well done that smutty person xx

  13. Wait, is your Mrs. Trellis, the same Mrs. Trellis? Or do you call your Mrs. Trellis that because of the radio Mrs. Trellis? I'm confused. ;)

    1. Traveller7:51 pm

      The latter…John’s Mrs T is named after/for ISIHAC Mrs T.

    2. I adored IMIHAC WHEN I lived in Sheffield , that was when Humphrey Littleton ran it and it was much ruder than it is now
      Mrs trellis was fixed in my head so when I got to Trelawnyd I reinvented her with the same name

    3. Barbara Anne11:14 pm

      Me three.


  14. Traveller7:49 pm

    Did you see the laser display board and the “lovely Samantha”?

  15. The only flis comments I will allow are ones pertaining to this post .anyone wanting to “bash” her comments will be deleted as will any of her comments of reply

    1. Enough of this silliness

    2. I wish you well John -and may I also say goodbye to your lovely friends here too xx 🐶 💗🦄

    3. You didn’t read my comment carefully , you are always welcome

    4. I will not allow your trolls and your replies to them , that all

  16. OMG I love ISIHAC. I am so jealous. I remember the first time Jeremy Hardy sang and Willie Rushton said 'I can smell poinys'.

  17. I can't listen to some of those recording for long. It's painfully funny.
    As mentioned the other day, I have some of the earliest recording of ISIHAC and ISIRTA and both used to have Lionel Blair as a running joke. It was interesting when Lionel was on the Marigold Hotel with Bill Oddie. Not a hint of resentment.

  18. Anonymous8:56 am

    John, we went to see this in Leeds last night. I came home with very sore eyes from all the crying with laughter. Last time I saw the show, it was all the old team including Jeremy Hardy, but the (relative) newbies were awesome too tonight and very worthy successors. Alison

    1. Alison Jeremy Hardy died a few years ago

    2. Anonymous8:49 am

      He did indeed VERY sadly, but this was a couple of years before that. I've always seen the show at Leeds Grand which holds almost 1500 and there's never a seat to be had. Which is tremendous!

  19. Anonymous1:31 pm

    I haven't laughed so much In years. Jack Dee takes it to a different level


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