Essay Finished!

My reflective report was only 750 words but it took all day to complete 

I was tired after an emotionally fraught day at work  on Sunday, that’s why….I wanted to lie in this morning
Having a frightened patient is difficult sometimes as they need a great deal of time and watch you like a child watches it’s mother during a thunder storm . 
The trick to gain a patient’s confidence is to work with purpose, be honest and to look them directly in the eye as you explain your plan of care to them and their family .
You use touch with everyone, ( if appropriate) and you give them something they can control.
No one should be frightened at the end of life.
Medication administration at these times must be supportive, regular  and brave at these times.
Yesterday we had a word game about shots of alcohol instead of injections and hours after I met them
My patent told me I was fucking mad and we grinned and held hands with each other just before I left to go to the theatre
It took a while before I allowed myself to laugh at the jokes on stage. But laugh I did 
And a dear colleague who took over me on night shift messaged me this morning to tell me my patient had died peacefully when asleep not long after my shift ended. 

It’s my day in college today. A day which  has its own different stressors, so I checked with my sister if we were still going to see Wicked Little Letters tonight.
Some good old swearing should be fun 
I adore Jessie Buckley after seeing her tour de force Sally Bowles performance in Cabaret and Olivia Coleman is always worth a viewing 
Please no thanks yous for being a nurse…not wanted or necessary , it’s nice to ventilate about it sometimes

Dorothy had been quite sick today. I bought her some chicken which she enjoyed with rice and last night she slept under the duvet again with her honey head in my armpit 


  1. I hope Dorothy will be feeling better soon. A sick dog is such a sorry soul.

    1. She’s eating well , but I can see the weight loss

  2. Jo in Auckland8:44 am

    I hope Dotty rallies and continues to enjoy the treats you give her. I am sorry she was sick... it must be a real drag for the wee darling. Do you think she knows she is unwell or is she surprised. I have a cat that throws up (generally after gorging his food or eating something he shouldn't... skinks mainly) and then looks at me in horror as though he is amazed at where it has come from.

    1. Dogs don’t understand the concept of illness.
      But I must admit she’s more clingy

  3. Well done on getting that essay done and dusted. You can relax now, until the next one's due! The power of laughter to wash away stress and tension. I hope Dorothy remains as comfortable as possible as she (obviously) nears the end. xx

    1. I think this year will be her last but she’s comfortable ( I’m sure of that )

  4. Hard to have sick beings at home and at work. Thankfully you get a change at college and watching films with friends is a relief

    1. College was tough today , thank god for the cinema lol

  5. At least the essay is done and dusted now. Enjoy the film session. It should make you laugh from what I hear about it.

  6. So wonderful the patient was able to grin and call you mad near the end.

  7. I won't thank you for being a nurse, and I won't thank you either for keeping me awake all night giggling at The Complete Lionel Blair you posted yesterday. The one that really did it was asking to borrow a fiver from Christopher Biggins. And "Anchors Away".

    1. Wasn’t it a great listen . ? You should get it on the nhs for depression days

  8. OK, I won't thank you for being a nurse, but I'm glad for the help in how to behave towards a loved one who is nearing the end. Sometimes, with the best intentions, we can get it wrong. Hugs for Dorothy. xx

    1. She’d love the hug x

    2. Anonymous10:34 pm

      Have you the time to spend with just one patient ?
      Isn’t your ratio 5:1?


    3. No Lee ratio is 4:1 but that’s too much given what we have to do

    4. Anonymous10:48 pm

      1 to 4 ? How can you give 1:1 care if it’s needed ?


  9. I won't thank you for being a nurse ... even though I do ... but I think taking away the fear and letting someone die peacefully not long after is the most perfect thing to do. Just reading the words gave me tingles all over. No matter what you say, what you do is so special.

    I'm sorry that Dorothy is still unwell, I would call it winding down, which sadly is what we think Mavis our JR is doing at the moment. It's hard to watch, but if nothing else it gives us the chance to love them more, give them treats ... and take away their fear. xx

    1. Winding down
      I like the gentle metaphor

  10. It's a good thing there are people such as you to be nurses, I definitely couldn't do the job, and being perfectly honest, nor would I want to!
    We went to see Wicked Little Letters yesterday, and both really enjoyed it, it's no Oscar winner, but is an enjoyable watch! There was no surprise as to the letter writer's identity, but that was fine!
    I really liked Joanna Scanlan's performance, and Olivia Coleman, as ever, is wonderful!
    The swearing could have made a navvy blush, but was a joy to behold!
    Have a great night out, you can swear like a trooper all the way home afterwards! X

    1. Joanna is Welsh and comes from a town a few miles east of Trelawnyd ….her bra in this move was phenomenal

  11. Patients just want honesty and compassion. I'm glad you were able to have a laugh. Sending hugs John.

  12. Marisana12:37 pm

    Different stresses all at the same time. Glad the essay is completed, that your patient was peaceful at the end, and that Dorothy was able to enjoy a little food and cuddle up to you for her rest. You really are in need of some lighthearted relief at the moment.

    1. I feel a little overwhelmed , so letters will be great fun tonight x

  13. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Enjoy the film it was excellent. To fully appreciate the medical profession watch Breathless. Stunning

  14. Glad you got the essay done. Hope you enjoyed the film!
    Hope Dorothy is feeling better today.

    1. Trendy carol’s husband looked after her well today , she’s just eaten and is cuddled up in bed with me as I type

  15. Anonymous2:03 pm

    So sorry to learn that Dorothy is not well. Jackie

  16. Anonymous2:03 pm

    So good that your patient was able to have a peaceful end due to your kind professionalism John x
    Alison in Wales x

  17. Glad the essay is finished. If school was easy, everyone would do it.

  18. A good friend of mine, who was fine at Christmas, has now had a recurrence of cancer and is going into palliative care. She has chosen a medically-assisted death. It's shocking and upsetting how quickly this has happened.

    1. I think Dignitas is a way forward , for some, including me

  19. i am glad you have plans with your sister. Some good fun is always needed.

    1. We are going to the cinema again on Friday x

  20. I am glad you are a part of my mornings.

  21. Big laughs and big hugs.

  22. I have the utmost respect & admiration for those who are in the nursing profession, good on you for being a caring and compassionate soul. Sorry to hear about Dorothy.

  23. You've got a lot on your plate, demanding job, the rigours of study and a fading dog. A good swear is a handy back pocket pick me up. Hugs.

    1. I do, but no more than I’m used to, I’ve got nice things planned too, ( more cinema trips and lunch out with a friend )

  24. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I don't know how you do that job.

  25. Vent all you wish, John dear.

  26. Barbara anne6:39 pm

    I'm so glad your upet patient had a peaceful end to life andthat you were his/her nurse last night.
    Applause for finishing your essay and wish sweet Dorothy well.
    Have fun tonight with your sister and laugh til you are in laughinhinh tears.


  27. It's always of interest to me when you talk about your interactions with hospice patients. This is a part of life/death that most of us don't have the privilege of seeing from your point of view. I only know that to be with and help someone at the end is an honour; at least, that's how I felt when it was my mom dying and I was with her as much as possible, and was trusted and appreciated to be allowed that intimacy. -Kate

    1. My interaction was a generalisation of many such meetings , and is aimed to take some of the fear from what we as palliative care nurses do

  28. Anonymous10:36 pm

    My mother died of COPD and her nurse at home ( employed by my family) made sure she was sedated at the end , I could have kissed her



  29. A good move by the nurse

  30. Anonymous10:59 pm

    I've recently read With the End In Mind by Kathryn Mannix. My mum is close to the end now and I'm not one to shy away from being informed. It was a hard read, but I do feel I better understand the process of dying. I do recommend her ted talk for anyone afraid of death. I've also just finished her book called Listen, which was marvellous. Tina in west oz


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