
 I’m late with my nephew’s London visit gift. I’m pushing him to try for a revival of A Chorus Line at Saddler’s Wells, but we shall see. I also want to go to Buckingham Palace which opens July to September. That’s one for my sister Janet too, a birthday gift to both of us.
Some guys from work have invited me to see Cosi Fan Tutte by The Welsh National Opera in March
I’m going

Do you believe in star signs ? 
I never did.
But I do now as I enter my dotage.
I’m a typical Gemini 
I am Quick witted, and I miss nothing.
That’s a curse too sometimes
For I can tell you word for word of a conversation made and long forgotten by many, especially if I was hurt by it. 
My grandmother used to read tea leaves but I knew she could read people 
Some people can
Most cannot.
I am drawn by confidence, and warmth and brightness.
And manliness but not testosterone 
We are back to the hole in the jumper thing.

It’s the middle of the night and I’m having a stream of thoughts as I sit and read and type. 
It’s quiet tonight and we are babysitting rather that treating and medicating and comforting .
Everyone is having normal sleep.
And that’s how it should be

Sleep ..yes and I’m Including one of the magnificent Orme Billy goats here, who has sheltered from the blustery night, by sitting under the canopy of our reception .


  1. Your last paragraph made me chuckle.

    1. He was magnificent too, with his windswept horns and benign expression

  2. I don't really believe in start signs either, but I'm a typical Libran. always looking for a balance in life.

    1. Strange that we fit the brief so to speak

  3. Clever goat!
    I'm an Arien - but more like a bull in a china shop. I crash through problems rather than round them.

    1. Me too…….I’m up having a late lunch now, a raspberry croissant and some shop bought soup which is more bland than bland

  4. I expect that that goat is a Capricorn! "Capricorns are the hardest workers of the zodiac and love nothing more than getting ahead in life. They are ambitious, determined, materialistic and strong. They will keep going when others would’ve given up ten miles back. This makes them great partners in life, as well as friends or collaborators."

    1. Well, I am a Capricorn so that description must be true...

    2. I've been married to two Capricorns, both from completely opposite sides of the spectrum, but the current one fitting the work ethic to a tee.

    3. I wonder if animals have zodiac personalities too?

  5. I’m not at all a believer in star signs. But I do believe in providing shelter to Welsh goats.

  6. I believe in some aspects of astrology but Gemini is just your sun sign. You are made up of your rising sign and a multitude of other planets that were in your chart at birth. Get your natal birth chart done - it will be fascinating! I got mine done at the astrology shop at Covent Garden a few years ago.

    1. Also, vedic astrology is different to western astrology. My chart was western astrology Such a BIG topic! Forgot to say that I love that the billy goat has been given shelter. x

    2. Sounds fascinating and to the tiny bit of non believer in me , a cop out lol

  7. A relative of mine is also a Gemini. The thing with her is you never know which side of her you will get. She really has twin personalities!

    1. I don’t , perhaps the reason is that I am clinically a twin

    2. Comedian Bob Hope and his wife were both Geminis. He once said "We're the four nicest people you'll ever meet."

      Disclaimer: I'm a Gemini also. My grandmother, my brother, and one of my granddaughters are Geminis. All 8 of us. :) My husband used to say, with me, he didn't know who he would be waking up to in the morning.

  8. I think the goat is waiting for an invitation to come in. I think there is a place for both manliness and testosterone. Fuelled testosterone can be a nice fantasy.

  9. Nelliegrace10:22 am

    I enjoyed the pictures of the Great Orme goats going into Llandudno to see where everyone had gone during lockdown. It was a windy night here in Staffordshire.

    The old ladies from a Lancashire WI went on a coach trip to see Buckingham Palace. When the security alarms went off, and they were searched, it was discovered that they had their packets of sandwiches, wrapped in foil, in their coat pockets.

    1. Ever practical the women’s institute

  10. I'm not big on star signs either, but once met a colleagues brother who said "Hi, oh you're a scorpio aren't you!". Maybe just a good guess.

    Love the goat.

    1. Apparantly Gemini will come into money soon…..that’s why I believe the press lol

  11. I don't really believe in star signs, but as a Cancerian, I am inclined to retreat into my shell! The Buck House visit should be interesting. Just thank goodness you don't live there, imagine having have to clean it all! I love the goat photo. xx

  12. I'm not that into star signs but I do fit the Aries that I am perfectly, so there could be something in it. My hubby has now been married to three Aries ladies and says I am the fieriest of fiery ones ... I guess he just worked his way up. In many ways I am very similar to you John, so I really don't know how Aries and Gemini match at all.

    1. Both air signs so we do match and compliment each other very much

  13. Anonymous12:50 pm

    I am aries, but my get up and go attitude has left me, old age I guess. Aries people get bored fast and just move on to the next thing. My daughter is a Gemini and like you is very caring. I love goats and even have a goat tattoo on my wrist. Mine means Greatest Granny of All Time! Glad you had a quiet night. You have some great plans in the pipe. Gigi

  14. Astrology can be fun if we don't take it as gospel.

  15. weaver1:09 pm

    Not sure I would care for an Orme Billy Goat sheltering under my canopy - luckily a)I don't have a canopy and b) he would have strayed far from his territory. But I love to see him through the glass.

  16. Dotage? I don't think so. Remember we're the same age:)
    I'm a virgo and I pretty much fit it to a T, both good and bad. Of course it's the bad traits that cause me the most problems. I'm critical (self critical too), stubborn, overly independent, picky and a worrier.
    Love the goat.

  17. Good to hear that your Goats are still around. I hope they become permanent residents, like the Apes at Gibraltar.

  18. That last picture made me smile. I loved reading about those goats and I love the idea of goats casually strolling in to take shelter under a hospice reception.

    I am born on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. I do share charactoristics of both of them. But I don't put a lot of stock into these things. I often wonder if I was handed a card with the attributes of ,say, Cancer or Libra, if I would find traces of my self in that that description as well? I've never been interested to actually sit down and give it a go however.

  19. A place of calm and shelter, inside and out. Buckingham Palace is worth the time and money to see. Book ahead and getting in is efficient.

  20. Barbara Anne2:02 pm

    Taurus here married to another Taurus and we havwen't killed each other yet!

    I loved this post, and well remember the drifting thoughts of being up all night at work.

    Sweet dreams as you sleep today.


  21. I'm a Leo but I am not sure what that means for me. I've never followed the star signs. Glad you had some quiet time at work. Sleep well today, John.

  22. That goat looks SO out of place in that setting. Which is wonderful.

  23. The goat has found good shelter and makes a temporary mascot. He is pretty funny. Astrology? It is fun and generally I do not take it seriously. It is a bit like fortune telling.

  24. Krayolakris3:21 pm

    Another Aries here, happy to see the goat regardless of the zodiac. There are things I really miss about working. I haven’t been able to figure things out since I retired. Still looking for the right fit for a volunteer job. Your blog continues to give me hope, John. People and life can be so difficult these days.

  25. Anonymous3:25 pm

    I am a Taurus and I would say the stubborn part describes me! Does the goat ever come inside when the door opens? Jackie

  26. Pisces through and through. I even have bad feet.

  27. Anonymous3:43 pm

    I'm a Scorpio - and you certainly know me well enough to know whether that's relevant or not...Bel Ami


    1. Search Results
      Featured snippet from the web
      Scorpio is the sign most closely associated with sex: The part of the body that Scorpio governs is the genital area. Sex isn't solely about pleasure for these sensual scorpions. They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy sex can provide

    2. Explains why the thing I miss most in Life is hugs, hand holding and being kissed.....

    3. Anonymous2:26 pm

      Like I said, you know me about as well as anybody does know me...Bel Ami

  28. I have never given much thought to the signs of the Zodiac and their relation to me, but I do like the fact that the goat comes to your reception for shelter. Very nice.

  29. As a religious non-believer and skeptical on most other subjects, l find it both bizarre and fascinating that as a Leo l am everything that star sign says l am suppose to be! Married to a Pisces he will happily swim away from any nasty confrontations whilst l stand and roar!.
    It didn't go down too well with my boss once, who on asking me to share a responsibility with another member of staff l airily announced that l would like to decline the role on account of not being ' an also ran'.Hahaha! Tess

  30. P.S. Love that goat, still fondly remember the Orme goats out on the lash in town during Covid lockdown!

  31. Star signs are fun, but that's all the significance I'm willing to attach to them. I'm a Scorpio and I've never thought it fit me very well -- I'm not very ambitious or hot-tempered. (Though I'm getting crankier as I age!)

  32. I feel a bit sorry for the cold goats - Could someone build them a shelter do you think - I'm a typical Cancer - though born unto Leo star sign - Mum being a bit tense held onto me awhile x 🐏

  33. Another Gemini here. Don't believe this stuff except just for fun.

  34. Glad to hear the night was quiet and calm for all. Lovely to see the goat sheltering under the canopy and peering in. I recall them being on the loose during lockdown and the hospice t-shirts that featured the goats.
    Have a lovely weekend, John dear.

  35. Though I haven't completely, totally given up on the existence of God or the immortality of the soul, I think our personalities are mostly a combination of brain chemistry and whatever experiences we went through growing up. Like you I'm LGBTQ, but I don't think any astrological sign has a monopoly on that particular set of characteristics.

  36. Now, this is a post with one Welsh goat by another! (Getit, getit? G.o.a.t. Getit?)

  37. Jo in Auckland4:01 am

    I'm a Pisces, it fits me in some ways but although I don't like confrontation I have an element of righteous justice floating around in my veins, if I feel I have been wronged I won't let it go easily. I forgive easily otherwise but I never ever forget! That has cost me more friendships than I care to remember. If I say I have your back I do and if you don't have mine don't say you do! Love the Goat having a looksee while sheltering from the wind.


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