Funeral Etiquette


Even working Friday night, it seemed a long weekend, all told.
I don’t do well without at least some company over a 48 hours, even if it’s a phone call or a brief chat,
C’est la vie !
It’s Trefor’s funeral on Wednesday and I’ve nothing to wear
The etiquette for funerals generally is pretty fluid nowadays but even I recognise the fact that I cannot go to the Welsh funeral in a custard yellow sou’westers jacket even if it’s Northface made
I’ve been needing a proper, coat for years.
So this morning I bought one from Marks And Spencer 
What an indulgence ! 
It’s lovely.
Grey, wool and simple .
I tried it on with my own green cashmere scarf ( which Chic Eleanor even noticed) and looked very New York. Even with my crocs on.
The camp, tubby salesman rather enjoyed it when I said I felt very New York and joined in telling me if I had a floppy hat on I’d look very Helen Bonham Carter! ( he was referring to my crocs) 
Cheeky cunt!
Don’t worry your sweet little heads about my crocs dear readers,  they will not be worn on Wednesday.

On a roll I also treated myself to some budding daffodils and a new fruit bowl from Habitat in Sainsbury’s which was reduced in their sale to 5£  
I bought a MacDonalds coffee and sat at the beach with my face to the sun.
It was glorious and felt like such an indulgence.
It’s half term this week, but I need to catch up with my Uni homework so have booked a room in the library for all day tomorrow 

Hey ho


  1. I know it’s an odd request, considering funeral etiquette and all, but I’d love to see a photo of you looking very New York.

  2. The new bowl is really quite nice, it might be a good idea to put it in a cupboard where no wee friends might be tempted to move it around and possibly break it
    Having a proper coat will be a "gift that keeps on giving" to you,I am happy for you,Mary

  3. Anonymous3:56 pm

    You flirt!
    I loved this!
    But a bit presumptuous of the salesperson to mention HBC
    A goddess of the trashy look.



    1. He was flirting back , the big Mary

  4. The new coat sounds very stylish.

  5. All sounds satisfying John x 🌷👒👞

    1. Retail therapy flis, occasionally works wonders

  6. Anonymous4:21 pm

    Looks like you are a bowl freak, just like me. I don’t think I have ever seen a bowl that I wouldn’t want to have. Your new coat sounds perfect, now for some decent shoes to go with it. Gigi

    1. I adore bowls , especially handmade or hand painted ones

  7. Barbara Anne4:37 pm

    Well done in getting yourself a timeless, quality new coat that will serve you well for several decades! Yes, picture please as I'd like to know what New York looks like. Will you get a floppy hat?


  8. The coat sounds lovely. Do not let the animals near it!

  9. You will look properly respectful and distinguished at Trefor's funeral.

  10. Jo in Auckland5:49 pm

    A timeless classic coat is a must for any wardrobe, it pulls outfits together and makes them stand out. Good for you treating yourself, we all need to do that from time to time and the fact that it was a coat is even better, but even better still your other treat was 5.00 quid! Score.

  11. Is that your new coat to the left of the new fruit bowl and the jug of budding daffodils? A simple grey wool coat will serve you well for Trefor's funeral and for many other occasions when a bit more that a yellow sou'wester jacket is appropriate. Well done!
    Enjoy your half-term break, and be kind to yourself.

    1. It is ….I’m working in the library tomorrow , and will enjoy it

  12. A good coat is an investment in yourself!

  13. I think I need a proper coat too.

  14. Anonymous6:10 pm

    You do know we expect a photo of you in your grey wool and green cashmere - right? Jackie

  15. Yes, no matter how relaxed we generally dress, there are times when we need something smart. Your new coat will serve you well for many years to come. Just don't let Roger get hold of it! xx

    1. AND DONT EAT ANYTHING WHEN WEARING IT !!!!so comes the chorus

  16. Anonymous7:15 pm

    I used to love weekends but since my husband died last month there can be very long and a reminder of all I have lost - this weekend I had the rugby for company
    I imagine you look pretty wonderful in your new coat
    Siobhan x

    1. I look clean and tidy and ordinary which for me is a big deal . Siobhan ….
      I understand about weekends, I really do dearheart, and even now sometimes they are a trial and lonely .
      One foot in front of the other eh?

  17. Anonymous7:28 pm

    You will never take that coat out of the closet without a thought to your old friend Trefor, and that coat will be all the more loved because of it. Your new fruit bowl is just as classic as your jacket. Isn't it lovely how the smallest details just enrich a day? A life?

    1. Perhaps I’m easily pleased…the weekend I was in the doldrums , today I feel energised, what with shopping done, applications for counselling completed and sent, and a friend chatted to on line……..I feel more human…it doesn’t take much

    2. Anonymous10:15 pm

      A good thing for us all to remember: 'it doesn't take much'. We can apply that wisdom to ourselves and our care for each other. I am glad that you had such a nice day.

  18. Lovely buys! Classic beautiful coat--does it matter what you wear under the coat, please not a gravy stained tee shirt? Love the daffs, they will be gorgeous when in full bloom, tho I enjoy the green speared buds too.

    1. No I have a black pullover ( with no stains) all ready

  19. Great purchase. A classic overcoat elevates your style and appearance immediately. Even over jeans it looks great. You will get lots of use out of your new coat.

  20. Anonymous8:32 pm

    An investment coat, well done you, enjoy it for years to come. I do hope when the assistant said ‘very New York’ and suggesting a floppy hat that he wasn’t thinking Quentin Crisp!! especially as you noted him as camp. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I doubt he’d ever heard of mr crisp

  21. I think, surprisingly as the terms do not coincide,that it is half term here as well...just when we had hoped for a quiet time, a certain Swedish furniture shop was heaving?!
    Your jacket will look good. Trefor deserves a decent send-off

  22. The coat sounds very stylish. Remember to take the price tag off.

  23. I am so glad you are so happy . I am glad I have had a part in it. :)

  24. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Well done for the new coat, always wear a scarf, it will save many spills and easier to wash than getting coat dry cleaned.

  25. That's a lovely coat for special occasions.
    I saw some tiny daffodil spears poking up in my garden today but cold weather is coming back here so it's too soon to expect any blooms.

    1. Spring , like mrs doubt fire , is on her way

  26. With Roger around, perhaps the new fruit bowl should have been plastic or possibly an old Army helmet.

    1. Or a flame proof inverted fireman’s helmet

  27. I've never seen anyone taking photographs at funerals. I guesss that is not in the book of etiquette either.

  28. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Will you wear the green shoes to match the scarf?

  29. Yes, anything goes nowdays. I went to a funeral in August wearing white slacks and a pretty blue blouse because all of my black clothing was too big as I'd lost 35 lbs. Everyone else was in black and I felt a bit out of place, but it was hot so I was probably the most comfortable. The reception after the funeral was at a kind of run down pizza parlor that the family had always gone to in earlier years. I kind of liked that...informal and actually fun.

  30. Quite right to be sensitive to the individual's funeral "dress code", if any! When a much loved member of our group died, we ladies who rarely wear rhinestones in the evenings scrambled to flaunt our biggest, gaudiest bits of bling at her afternoon funeral -- because she loved bling.

  31. I have no problem spending money on good quality coats. They last forever, and I a huge coat whore.

  32. You will look and be completely up to the standard.

  33. Your world is too quiet and mine is too noisy:)
    I worked the late shift last week, done at 5pm, which isn't late at all, but it was so nice to walk to the University, by myself and ride home on the bus, by myself. A little bit of peace in my world.

  34. I'm afraid that I really hate funerals. I always turn up at the church door, greet all the important people (so they know I was there) then when the coffin is in the church I discretely head for home.

  35. That's a very clever choice of coat - not too casual, but can be dressed down very easily. I reckon you'll get a lot of use out of it. I hope your Study day is productive, and you get a couple of satisfying conversations with interesting people too.

  36. I love that style of coat and it will be great for so many different occasions. Its often a wedding when I have to buy something new to wear.

    Glad you are feeling more energised now and am sure the sun on your face helped too. I had a wonderful riverside walk and it was good to see so many happy people enjoying the day.

  37. A gorgeous outer layer can hide a multitude of sins, but not Crocs, so smart shoes are definintely required and for goodness sake take off the coat before you attempt to eat or drink anything!!

    It sounds strange but the best funeral I have ever attended was my cousins. He asked that all his friends and anyone else that wanted to, came in jeans and something comfy. Everyone, although obviously upset, was super chatty and very relaxed.


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