
 Mr Pudding Sent me this update on the book today which I will accept with a wry smile. There may only be one or two here that will understand just how odd this picture feels for me lol

Busy day today 

Lectures and group work all day. 

Discussion group on gender issues on line until 6.30 than I’m off to work to cover sickness. Don’t worry dearheartx I’m not over doing it, will take Thursday off work in Lieu 


  1. It's a good light-hearted cartoony version of you, and is brilliant in that respect and no doubt the book would appeal to lots of folks with that cover. But it doesn't show 'you' ... you are so much deeper, more stoic and more full of real life than that grin suggests. But hey, the two million readers of your yet to be written book won't know that!!

    Hopefully, all these cover ideas will inspire you to go up those stairs, sit at that desk and get tapping away on the keyboard, or simply collating the back posts of Going Gently into chapters of a book.

    1. I agree Sue. In a sense, John's book is already written. It's just a matter of sifting through past blogposts and linking the selected ones together so there's a sense of unity - creating a proper narrative.

    2. Traveller12:07 pm

      Couldn’t agree more, the book is already there in this blog.

  2. Please request a taxi to get you to work and to bring you home tomorrow morning as you will be unfit to drive after 24 hours without sleep. This is for your safety and that of other road users. Take care.

    1. Anonymous10:56 am

      Most junior doctors work for days without adequate sleep and that is "expected " by not only by hospital management but by their medical supervisors.
      Most nurses I know will work nigh shifts where the first one is completed without the benefit of sleep beforehand, especially if they have families and children to juggle
      This is normal practice Rachel. Medical staff are very good at power napping on their breaks, or stopping on the way home in a lay by if they need to.
      its not right but it is normal practice.
      this is how the NHS runs

    2. John, my concerns still remain. Please ask the hospice if they can arrange a taxi for you as you are helping out to cover sickness it might be something they could do. As the hospice movement is not part of the NHS this fact could help in provision of transport for you.

    3. Anonymous12:59 pm

      well given the massive amount of time john has off sick from here i think he should do tonight for free

    4. The last comment was just very odd and totally incorrect
      Anyhow Rachel has a valid point. , if only healthcare worked that way. It’s almost 4 and I’ve just got home . The dogs are sorted by Trendy Carol so I will have an hours sleep at least before work again on line just after 5 I will also grab a sleep on my hour break which will get me through the rest of the night fine .

      I’m usually pretty caring of myself before nights, and will sleep for a few hours in the afternoon a thing more self caring than most of the young nurse mums who I know who never have the opportunity, especially given their poor pay and extraordinary nursery fees.
      Anon has a point, lacking sleep prior to shift work is a regular problem but to be fair in my case, it’s a rarity
      Tonight is a one off

  3. I think you should send a copy to Russell Crowe.

  4. That’s someone I’m supposed to know, isn’t it? (And not you.) Who is it?

  5. Well, he's got a nice smile, but it's not a patch on yours. When you DO write that book, you must have the real thing on the cover, both human and animal. Don't want to short change your readers! xx

  6. Why bother with the discussion group and gender issues? You could all just be making AI book covers or LP sleeves. Much more fun.

  7. Anonymous12:47 pm

    No matter the cover, we would all buy your book. Jackie

    1. Anonymous1:00 pm

      I would love a book all about Jackie

  8. Anonymous12:53 pm

    His beard is more flattering than yours.

  9. Anonymous12:53 pm

    I wish some blog readers (mentioning no names) would stop encouraging John's narcistic tendendencies. It's just weird. Add to this the fact that John obviously spent a few hours yesterday imagining himself on a book cover ... well says it all really.

    John, as a trainee counselor, you can do better than this.

    1. Well I found the whole AI rather fun on a drab day

    2. Yes, John, but some people think you shouldn't have ANY fun at all. And definitely don't write about it on your own blog! There's some strange folk about. xx

  10. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Anon, this is gonna shock you. John did not create those covers. People who LIKE him did that. I know this is unfamiliar territory for a scrooge like you, but it is the way life works outside of your small, strange, nasty mind.

    1. Anonymous7:22 pm

      John didn't do the covers yesterday they were done by somebody else

    2. An app did the covers

  11. There are some real treasures in these, maybe you can tell a book by it's cover (see next Saturday's Travel Penguin for a post about covers and contents.)

  12. Yorkshire Pudding's version of you got closer to current reality, so well done!

  13. Now that’s a book cover from the redundant shelf.

  14. Looks a friendly chap - like the ones I chat to walking the dogs - with a twinkle in their eyes x

  15. Another interesting book cover by YP. I still like the very first YP design. I wonder, could AI take your blog and create a first draft for your book? You could edit/customize from there but hopefully you'd have a good base. Take caution on the flooding roads. It does sound treacherous.

  16. Barbara Anne4:26 pm

    I like this book cover, too and well done YP!
    Hope the busy schedule you've set for yourself won't knock the stuffing out of you. Keep hydrated and will hope for a quet shift for you and the residents.


  17. These covers could make a funny photo montage in the book!

  18. Love the gender-fluid “dearheartx”, like “folkx” 😊

  19. The covers are so fun. Do you/ YP/ whoever tell AI to make you hot and handsome in craggy, bearded older guy sort of way? [can I be 25 again?]
    I truly like your real looks and style the best.

    Hydrate, hydrate! Regular sensible meals too.

    lizzy x

  20. Anonymous11:11 pm

    This one has a touch of Greg Wise???


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