

Weaver, get your carers to bring you in a McDonald’s kitikat McFlurry, when they get a chance, bloody lovely.
I had one tonight on the way to work with a coffee and sat on the dark Promenade in Colwyn Bay listening to the sea as I ate it.
I’m on two nights and we’ve had no snow, even though it had been forecast. The hospice was grateful as covering me would have been difficult if I’d been snowed in. The parents of the local school children were pissed off as the school alongside 77 other ones in Flintshire had been closed as a precaution.
I’ve received four phone messages, one phone call, one audio message and a valentine’s card today.
The audio message was feedback for my skills practice from my tutor which was nice as it was positive. My first few have been a work in progress, shaving away all the bad habits I’ve employed over the years.
I can be “ too challenging” at times…..something which is common in Gemini men.
I’m working on it.
The Valentine card was from a blog reader and it was kind.
One message was from a beautiful Greek girl who used to work in the hospice. She now lives in Manchester and is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She misses me. I used to make her laugh. I miss her too.
Funny I watched the Guns Of Navarone this afternoon. 
Didn’t Irene Papas have big eyebrows?

Just a thought


  1. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Steady on John, the eyebrow comment has confused me!! So good to hear positive feedback on your skills practice and even nicer on Valentine card and messages. I would love your counsel at this present time as I have just learned that my first love died in November, holy shit has it thrown me even though half a century has passed. Jan in Castle Gresley

  2. So, along with the Scotch eggs, you can have my McFlurry. We share the same astrological sign. I wonder if I can be too challenging. And, yes, Irene Papas DID have big eyebrows.

  3. Barbara Anne11:16 pm

    This post was a bit of "flight of ideas' but I enjoyed going with the flow. Cheers for the positive comment from your instructor and it's nice to missed by a former co-worker.
    I haven't seen Guns of Navarone for many decades and don't remeember Irene's eybrows.. Sorry about the tuypos, hope you can decipher what I intendeed to write. Bother!


  4. Those eyebrows are all the fashion these days - I don't want any though - Mine were plucked relentlessly in my past - happily x

  5. Anonymous1:38 am

    A girl I worked with had huge drawn on eyebrows. Quite honestly, they were so distracting when we talked. I simply could not stop staring at them.

  6. She did have big eyebrows! Once you have noticed there's no going back :)

  7. The kitikat McFlurry made me laugh. I'm sure you meant kitkat. I don't think a milkshake made with cat food would sell well! (and before anyone leaps on my back, I know it was a typo, and I'm just teasing John). I hope the night shifts aren't too arduous. xx

  8. Anonymous8:27 am

    Guns of Navarrone is my alltime favorite movie. It was the first movie I was able to walk to all by myself and I sat through it twice that afternoon so many many years ago. Anthony Quinn was perfect too. I need to watch it again these 75 years later.

  9. Good to have feedback and even better positive feedback.

  10. Anonymous3:40 pm

    You should see the magnificent Irene as Helen of Troy in The Trojan Women - with Vanessa Redgrave and Genevieve Bujold - or as Katherine of Aragon in Anne of the Thousand Days, again with the wonderful Genevieve. A much neglected actress - and yes, she did have impressive brows. Bel Ami

  11. I don't think I've ever seen that movie. A Valentine's card! I haven't even thought about Valentine's Day.


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