Vit D

 I love little moments that matter. 
They make everything worthwhile.
It’s a study day at home today. Reading around Uni subjects, catching up with paperwork , rewriting notes.
Emailing and list ticking.
I shopped for dog food and picked up my antibiotic prescription which was delayed from Friday.
It’s cold but sunny, 
And I suddenly realised that I needed the Sun on my face.

For an hour, after I returned home,  I sat in front of the cottage, 
Just like Auntie Gladys used to do up High Street in the height of summer.
I sipped coffee and listened to Radio 2
And Mary joined me and immediately fell asleep, snoring gently.

As I watched the Sun shine through the metal agapanthus sculptures 
With narrow eyes, and a warm face


  1. What a cute photo of Mary!

  2. Finding a little sun trap on a cold day is lovely. Feeling the warmth soaking into your bones - bliss. And a furry hot water bottle to cuddle, even better! xx

  3. We all need a little sunshine to chase the winter blues away.

  4. Today does bring hope doesn't it x 🌄

  5. Gray and COLD here but I have some good books to read so I don't mind staying inside. I am glad you had the sunshine to lift your spirits, John. xx

  6. Sun on one's face is a great way to lift the mood. Flippin' cold here though.

  7. weaver2:37 pm

    You get more pleasure from your dogs John than anyone I know. I sat in my chair, snug and warm indoors and the sun shone in my face. I slept away most of the morning.

  8. You're lucky you can be out in it! I'm stuck at work. :(

  9. I've been sitting in the sun outside our holiday cottage rental in Aberystwyth, The Red Kite is keeping me entertained with calls and soaring. I wish we lived here x

  10. Dogs are such great company - they are our four-legged shadows.

  11. Anonymous4:02 pm

    Its minus 10 here this morning but thankfully we have bright sun. My dog has found herself a sunny spot to curl up in. I don’t need to go out today so I will read my book. Mary is really enjoying the sun on her face. The sun really lifts ones mood doesn’t it? Gigi

  12. I'm relaxed just reading that.

  13. I know how you felt. We went over 2 weeks without the sun and when it came out, I sat in the LR with the most powerful sunbeam on my face and all 4 cats jostled to find the best spot to enjoy it too. It stayed in a prime spot for almost 20 minutes and we loved every second. It was glorious and very much missed. Ranee (MN) USA

  14. Mary certainly looks blissful. Always good to get some sun after days of cloudy weather.

  15. I'd be so wrapped up against the cold that there'd be no skin showing on which the sun could make Vit D!

  16. Sounds absolutely blissful! Love the photo of Mary dozing on your chest in the sun.

  17. The light and the sky in your early morning photo is beautiful. What a lovely view. My doc recently checked my Vit D. levels and felt I should take a D supplement during the Winter months. Easy enough.

  18. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Safe on her best friend's lap. Makes me smile with glee. B. (Gemma's person)

  19. The sun can surely be a tonic sometimes.

  20. Anonymous5:33 pm

    I love that picture of you and Mary :-) Jackie

  21. Mary is so elegant when she sleeps like that. I, too, need to sit in the sun for a bit. Never left the house today and jet lag–slept for three hours. Should have done it outside!

  22. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Just exactly what was needed 😉. Jan in Castle Gresley

  23. Such a sweet photo of Mary.

  24. A lovely resting Mary!
    Those too brief pauses in the Weather which keep us going...much needed

  25. Yorkshire Liz7:46 pm

    A blog delighting in the small joys of life. You sound peaceful today, and as if you have managed to breathe deeply. Over here, a delightful grandad called Jeremy, in Madness t shirt and biker jacket, mended my washing machine to stories of old cars and rescue dogs we have known. Very pleasant, very old school.

  26. Barbara Anne8:32 pm

    What a lovely day for you and the littles. Mary turned her face to the sun, blinked at its brightness, and nodded off. How sweet!

    Another for your book.


  27. My dog and I sit out in the sun most days after walk and his breakfast. Until like now, the days are grey and true gale winds blow, 50, 60 mph sometimes---and I finally give in and lash down my last chair and the table. The view of the dunes, beach, ocean is centering; I briefly study the ships, the birds, the waves. 6 months now til summer....


  28. Loved seeing such a gorgeous picture - it really cheered me up John x
    Wendy (Wales)

  29. I sit on my deck from 6-9 am from May thru September. I definitely notice it helps my sense of well being. Looking forward to late April or so.

  30. There are few things better than sitting idly in the sun.

    This doesn't have anything to do with your post but, somehow, I thought you'd like it. As I was coming home from some errands this morning, I saw a man walking along with a totally black cat on a leash. Predictably the cat was somewhat balky but his owner seemed patient.

  31. Mary is so sweet, sleeping on your lap. I would love to sit outside, in a few month maybe:) Glad you got your Vit D.

  32. I sat enjoying the sun on my balcony today as well John,just along the road from you in Llandudno,and in Craig y Don park, but now we are expecting to be snowed in here tomorrow!

  33. The apricity of the winter sun on my face makes me feel quite happy.

  34. I wish Billy would cuddle-up on my lap, but he's too much of a Border Collie.

  35. Anonymous10:08 am

    Old ladies , like Mary love to face the sun with eyes closed
    You are too soft for your own good


  36. Turning your face to the sun, no matter what the weather feels good doesn't it, especially at this time of year.

  37. A healing time together in the sun. Wonderful.

    The sunlight shining through the sculpture is beautiful too.

  38. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Why don’t you answer some posts over others?


    1. I apologise but sometimes there’s not enough minutes in my day

  39. Anonymous4:47 am

    Sunny here today but wind chill of -32 this morning. No school. People were grousing about it but some kids have to walk to school or wait at bus stops. Yes 99% would be fine….taken by parents or whatever but who would take a chance on even one child getting frostbite or worse. I sat in a sunny spot in my living room and read for a bit. Kathy near Chicago.


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