Funny Old Day


I had planned to meet my friend Colin for lunch in Chester today but I felt all out of sorts as soon as I got back from morning walks. 
He’s an understanding soul with as much gay drama in him as an empty theatre, so we rescheduled and after avocados on bagels and ordering Nu some flowers as she has finally moved into her new house , uncharacteristically I went back to bed.
Perhaps it was the fact that I needed that duvet cocoon 
Or simply more sleep. 
I woke at three after dreaming vivid dreams and it was raining and Misty and cold.

The dogs had been patient so I took them to the beach, where the cold rain stung our eyes and woke me up sufficiently enough for me to feel hungry
I bought a large fish pie on the way home, the sort that taste better than they look.
It’s in the oven now.

It’s been a funny old day


  1. I slept thirteen hours last night, obviously needed it, just as you needed a nap.
    A walk at the beach sounds like an excellent idea.

    The cure for anything is salt water- tears, sweat or the sea. Isak Dinesen

    1. Barbara Anne5:47 pm

      That is one of my favorite quotations. :)

  2. Some days are disjointed. Hopefully, tomorrow will be back to the normal flow.

    1. ☀️⚡️πŸ’₯🌨☃️πŸ’¦☔️πŸŒžπŸŒ—πŸŒ”πŸŒ™

  3. Fish pie is a good, comforting pick-me-up.

  4. Some days just have their own unique needs and rhythms.

    1. I ve never had a sense of rhythm

    2. Yorkshire Liz10:44 pm

      Clearly need more Andy Williams homework!

  5. Hint - maybe you actually need to rest more. You seem to be forever doing something. I thought this was a week off.

    1. It is and to be fair this was my only lie in, you are right , I should just follow my body

  6. Barbara Anne5:45 pm

    You were wise to listen to your mind and body and get that extra sleep. I'd not have welcomed that beach walk in the rain but more power to you and the dogs surely enjoyed themselves.
    Fish pie on a rainy day. Hummm, there is a story there.


    1. It’s a day slightly lost though babs

  7. Some days you've just got to go with the flow. Your body obviously needed the rest - I'm not surprised, you seem to be on the go all the time. Pace yourself! xx

    1. Vivid dreams too…..and very odd subjects

  8. Anonymous6:41 pm

    I'd never heard of fish pie so had to look it up. Sounds yummy!!!

    1. Never heard of fish pie ? Where are you from

    2. Unless you have a recent British background it's unheard of in North America. Factor in how expensive fish is, most families when they immigrated just couldn't afford to make it

  9. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Funny day here too, I woke very early after a disturbing dream. The wind was howling so I knew I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. The snow from yesterday has been plowed and the temperature was 5 degrees so now it has all melted. It is trying to snow again and temperature is dropping. I am so over winter and we have only had a couple of days of it so far. The wind has been full on all day and it is getting on my last nerve. When I let dog out at 7:00 am it was dark and there must have been an animal in the yard , she kept barking and barking, wouldn’t come in. Maybe she was barking at the wind. I think I will go up and try to have some duvet time this afternoon. No fish pie, but bacon, eggs and crumpets was had. Gigi

    1. Nicely described.
      Perhaps it is the dark days that are getting to me

  10. Anonymous6:52 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Anonymous7:17 pm

    John! The above comment is NOT from me. I DID NOT write this !
    This is something I would NEVER say to you.



  12. Keith no2 of course…XX lord what silliness

  13. Your bagels do look tempting John - I never know what to do with one x 🍩

  14. Anonymous8:49 pm

    You obviously needed the rest. The beach walk sounds great. I’ve written comments before so I do hope this one publishes as I want you to know how much I look forward to your posts, Noreen

  15. A proper rest..just the ticket xx

  16. It must be something in the air. I usually get between 4-5 hours sleep a night. Last night - 9 1/2 hours, and I was woken up. I love the expression 'duvet cocoon'.

    1. I didn’t want to leave the house let alone my bed today what’s that all about

  17. Anonymous9:38 pm

    never had or heard of a fish it similar to *our* pot pie with a double crust and vegetables and sauce? Must be good..... and I can relate to the duvet cocoon. Sometimes..... that may be the only thing that gets us righted again.
    Susan M/ Calif.

    1. Pieces of cod , prawns , salmon, with peas mixed with a white cheese sauce with quarter pieces of boiled egg , all covered with creamy mash potato

    2. Exactly my recipe John, but LOTS of parsley added.

    3. Yorkshire Liz9:42 am

      You can get fish pie kits, fresh or frozen, from most supermarkets with bite sized various pieces of fish. Usually good value too.

  18. I see how you can regard it as a "lost " day but I think it's so, so worth losing a day now and again if it allows you to live life the way you want

  19. Some days feel as if they are being filmed from behind a screen and in a different speed than usual life. I do not like those days at all.

  20. Sometimes days and nights get mixed up.

  21. Anonymous1:26 am

    Fish pie is new to me, also. Looks a bit complicated to make but after a walk in the rain you deserved a treat!


  22. We had a (very expensive) M & S Fish Pie last Friday, it was delicious.

  23. I can never understand the point of a bun aka bagel, with a hole in the middle. The toppers fall through the middle.

  24. Not every day needs to be filled with 'doing something', there are times when doing as little as possible, and having a random snooze is exactly what's needed.
    I make great fish pies, but the first two I made after meeting my husband, I dropped on the floor as I removed them from the oven! The third one made it to the kitchen worktop, but I dropped one of the plates halfway to the table!
    Now it's a standing joke in our family, I make the fish pie, then go and sit at the dining table, someone else does the serving, and I am forced to sit still until my plate is put in front of me, it's obviously safer that way! X

  25. I love "as much gay drama in him as an empty theatre." Ha!

  26. “As much gay drama as an empty theatre.” Your writer’s mind is fascinating.


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