Best Of Both Worlds

I’m tired
There is a stiff wind blowing from the South West
And the cottage feels under siege, with the gusts roaring through the graveyard trees.
It doesn’t seem like 24 hours ago, I was power walking through Bloomsbury, with the obligatory Americano in hand , looking every bit of the London commuter scurrying to work. 
I’ve fitted in a 12 hour night shift too.
Nu now lives in Surrey
I have little notion where that is, suffice to say it’s only an half hour from Paddington, she’s having a birthday party there in May so I’ve booked the time off last night. 
I’ve just fallen asleep on the couch
Woken by Dorothy who knows it’s time for bed


  1. '...gusts roaring through the graveyard trees'. Oooh, hunker down with a good spooky novel. Where did Nu move from?

  2. As a diversion, JayGee, I wonder if you watched - or intend to watch on iPlayer - last night's BBC2 interview of Sheila Hancock (now 90!) with Amol Rajan. Marvellous and moving. She so articulate!

    1. Have you seen her in the film "Edie"? I wasn't a huge fan of hers until I saw it, a wonderful film :)

    2. I did see Edie, G, on the cinema screen (just before I ceased such visits) and was thoroughly impressed. I've liked Sheila since first becoming aware of her right back in the 1960s. Seen her twice live on stage - and when talking outside cinema, theatre and TV she's always so direct, unambiguous - and exudes honesty. So refreshing!

    3. We watched the interview. It was brilliant.

  3. Always nice to have Nu to look forward to. In her honor, I stay at the Nu Hotel when I'm in Brooklyn. We've had wind gusts here, too, but no nearby graveyard trees.

  4. Could I have some of your energy, please? I'm not surprised you're tired - you never seem to stop! Well not for long, anyway. Glad you had a good time with Nu. Her birthday bash is something to look forward to as you hunker down. xx

  5. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Funny when dogs know its bedtime and they pester you to go. I get wind blowing through my bedroom walls or window frames. I would rather it be from a graveyard. I have a north facing and a south facing bedroom so I can switch beds if it really gets bad. North room is only 17 degrees and it won’t get warmer so I sleep with two duvets and a dog to stay warm. Nu’s birthday will be a treat to look forward to. Now go rest up. Gigi

  6. Nu now lives in Slurry? It's a waste product found on dairy and pig farms. I wouldn't want to live there myself but hey, everybody's different.

    1. Anonymous2:32 pm

      Put your reading specs on Pud, it says SURREY

    2. Thank you for the clarification Nonnymouse.

    3. Anonymous9:20 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Anonymous1:42 pm

    I was amazed to read you had fitted in a 12 hour shift, I was trying to figure out how you did that. The London outing sounded like an enjoyable spree. Does Surrey make your friend Nu easier to visit? Always enjoy reading of your London trips and your blog. Jean in Winnipeg.

  8. Rest well, and dream well.

  9. You are such a busy man, John! Hope you had a good sleep!

  10. I've often woken my husband in his chair to tell him to come to bed, please.

  11. Our dog used to tell us when it was time for bed. Now we tell her.

  12. I had a friend who lived in Surrey near Wisley x

    1. Anonymous3:13 pm

      Wow! News of the year!

    2. Anonymous3:47 pm

      From one Anon to another - did that make you feel better? more superior? Flis - just ignore the troll- but this time I couldn't!

    3. Anonymous10:51 pm

      How strange! An anonymous troll calling another anonymous reader a troll!

  13. We're expecting the storm from midnight on Sunday to mid-morning on Monday. We'll see!

  14. 12 hour shifts are killers.
    Glad you had a good trip..and one to look forward to.
    Storm is beginning to ramp up here now

  15. Ana Dunk3:36 pm

    Having spent nearly all of December in excruciating back pain and then the last two weeks of January going through Covid, my days and nights are all mixed up. I find myself waking on the couch with my laptop on my belly at 1 am, wondering if I will ever get back to sleep in my bed. Poppy cat often joins me in the bed and her warm little body and purring lures me back to sleep to wake up at 9:30 the next morning. My healing body must need the sleep, but it sure does prevent me from reestablishing a regular schedule. When you switch your work schedule from nights to 12-hour shifts to days makes me wonder how you are ever able to get rest.

  16. Winter winds and cold, with more on the way says we've got a few more months to get through before Spring. Massachusetts is also in a deep freeze and no sunshine. I hope Nu loves her new home in Surrey.

  17. Barbara Anne4:50 pm

    Perhaps you used up all of today's energy on your adventure yesterday? Hope you're well rested and have energy to spare when the time comes for that night shift.
    Hope Nu enjoys Surreand her new home!


  18. A good tired is satisfying. I am glad you are doing so well.

  19. Anonymous11:21 pm

    I like the juxtaposition of my quiet life in the country with my occasional visits to big cities. On the day I return home, the metropolitan events can feel unreal. Llynn

  20. Surrey born and bred, a lovely county.

  21. A welcome change, but so good to return to the village and your cottage. Definitely the best of both worlds.


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