BackStairs Billy

 London was freezing, but looked lovely, as it always does at night.
I got to Dishoom early and sat at our table nursing several consecutive glasses of hot spiced chai
Bloody lovely.
It was lovely to catch up and see the photos of new house, it looks delightfully villagy
But then I’m biased
 We gossiped and talked as we walked across to The Duke Of York’s just in time to see Backstairs Billy 
A frothy tale of upstairs downstairs at Clarence House in 1983.
The story of head footman Billy ( nicely played by Hollywood heartthrob Luke Evans) and his relationship with the Queen Mother ( Penelope Wilton) isn’t rigorous or in anyway in depth, it shows the mutually needy banter between “ one old Queen and another” 
Billy’s, job is to entertain and boost an ever growing isolated and lonely Queen Mother and she validates his camp existence by promoting him into a position of power.
On reflection both exist in a somewhat melancholy way, and it’s is a relationship, which Billy, is finally reminded, to be one sided without parity. 
Wilton plays the Queen Mother with affection, giving her a certain physicality and vitality not captured by the television footage we have all grown up with. But we have plenty to smile at too , as corgis run merrily across the stage and sycophantic guests are privy to her infamous afternoon drinks party.


  1. Penelope Wilton can do no wrong. I'd love to see her.

  2. Do they have real corgis running around the stage or small children in corgi costumes?

  3. How I would love to see this!

  4. It all sounds thoroughly enjoyable and a nice change from everyday goings-on.

  5. Anonymous11:07 am

    Hot Chai, Indian food, a good friend and an easy play, whats not to love. Be grateful. Gigi

  6. Penelope Wilton can do no wrong, in my opinion. The play sounds like just the thing to enjoy with an "old" friend. Hope the little episode yesterday hasn't left any lasting injuries. xx

  7. Anonymous12:25 pm

    That sounds like a great evening, a real treat in January.
    I have to confess I've never tried Chai 😀 X
    Alison in Wales x

  8. Sounds like a delightful evening for a gang of old queens, wish I was there.

  9. Sounds like a fab time, both the dinner and the play!

  10. "Corgis running merrily..." does not compute with my family's memory of dear Astrud, who was related on her mother's side to the Queen Mum's pack. She was hearing aide trained to herd one to doorbells, telephones and tea kettles. She demanded immediate action or else -- she bit one.

  11. Oh, I bet that was a wonderful evening! Wilton is fantastic.

  12. Sounds like a fun evening! I should get tickets to this show. Dave loves "Downton Abbey" and I bet he'd get a kick out of seeing Wilton in person.

    1. Anonymous5:37 pm

      Be quick it ends soon

  13. Glad you had a great time!

  14. Sounds like the perfect get-away to London.

  15. I love Penelope Wilton. I bet she's great in this part, just edgy enough.

  16. I imagine there's worse ways to make a living.

  17. Barbara Anne5:01 pm

    What a wonderful outing with the delightful play and dear Nu! We have some Spiced Chai by Bigelow in the cabinet, so will have some today!
    Hope the train got you home without bothers or delay.


  18. Sounds an absolute delight! Wilton is a treasure!

  19. It sounds like a pleasant evening in good company. I hope you come back rested and relaxed. And surefooted! My best to you and Nu too.

  20. It looks like a splendid time. But no pictures of the lovely Nu?

  21. Sounds like a fun evening which you were in need of, especially after falling earlier. I remember reading something about Backstairs Billy in a royal biography.

  22. Anonymous11:58 am

    Billy was treated appallingly after the Queen Mothers death, considering the length of his service with her. Didn't he lose his grace and favour accommodation too? He must have been privy and probably took part in a great deal of private discussions with her, especially in the latter days. Loyal to the last.

    1. The actor stated his funeral was specially organised by the palace

  23. Anonymous1:28 am

    I did not realize that the character was based on a true person. It was fascinating to read about him.
    I, too, was trying to figure out how you managed to tuck a 12 hour shift in there as well! No wonder the dogs had to wake you up and tell you to go to bed!


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