
I met an old friend cheryl for lunch in Chester today.
Which was lovely. 
She thought I was a little Frazzled 
I don’t think I am 
I’m still wearing my Christmas Jumper, I’ve not taken it off since Saturday, even sleeping in it last night as it was -3 outside.
The woman in the thai food stall liked it.

When I got home yesterday 
Outside the back kitchen wall was a container of soup and a lovely tiny card covered in flowers.
The card was from Brian 
And it was a gracious apology for what he said to me.
A big man 
And an apology I need to counter with another apology 
I’m sorry I posted about it 

Enjoy this video, I forgot just how good a good comic Grayson was


  1. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Perhaps "frazzled" was her being kind when in fact she meant "stinking" which you would be if you're stil wearing Saturday's jumper!
    Yes an apology is needed to Brian, you're right you shouldn't have posted it, you were being childish.

    1. Anonymous6:01 pm

      Yes that's typical from you mavis although I'm sure John doesn't need you to hide behind. He just needs to get over being childish and trying to garner sympathy from readers at someone else's expense. The whole post was unneccessary, perhaps a bit of green eyed jealousy, why else would he make a point of saying Brian was retired and played a lot of golf?

    2. Anonymous6:37 pm

      So do I but how wonderful to have all that free time, that's enough to make anyone envious.

    3. John doesn't hide. He is an open book, well read with slightly tattered pages. I repeat FUCK OFF you nasty, jealous troll.

    4. Anonymous7:07 pm

      Sic em Mavis
      Love your loyalty and sass
      Always worth reading on a winter's night



    5. Thanks mave , you little terrier you! Always lovely to have you in my corner xx

    6. Anonymous8:33 pm

      You shouldn’t need anyone in your corner, it is childish but as a teacher I know that at the end of the year everyone is tired and teacher friendships are pushed to the limit. We all become a little narky with each other and most of us are just looking forward to the Christmas breakup lunch and the holiday . Normal friendships resume in January and everyone is refreshed

    7. Yorkshire Liz6:01 pm

      Everyone needs someone in their corner. It is called friendship. Empathy. Common humanity. And such a need to have, share and return is a basic part of the human condition.

  2. Larry Grayson was brilliantly funny.

  3. I used to enjoy watching Larry Grayson and him talking about Everard!

    1. Ah yes, Everard. And remember Slack Alice. Ha ha. His facial expressions were genius. Tut tutting and eyes rolling.

    2. The postman pop-it-in-Pete !!!!
      His pain “ all down one side”
      I adored him as a child

    3. Oh dear, you've just reminded me. I've had many laughs about Pop it in Pete. That was the nickname I gave to a boyfriend. You can guess why !!!!

    4. Anonymous12:45 pm

      Everard Farqueharson....

  4. You're both human. I hit a homeless man, during an argument, lightly tapped his chest, he was much bigger than me and had stolen Katie's coke and I wanted it back. There was yelling and swearing, by me, all in a food court that we frequently visit. The man gave me back the coke, I got Katie and we proceeded to eat. The man came back to apologize and I apologized as well. We shook hands.
    It happens.

    1. It gives the trolls more ammunition and gets them shaking with anticipation

  5. Barbara anne5:37 pm

    Methinks you need a ssecond and third Christmas jumper so you can swap and still be festive! Knitters?!
    Nice you god a delicious apology and that all is well.


    1. They never made walking dead jumpers for winter wear ..I would have bought some

  6. Brian came through! Now I like him a lot more.

    1. Good, I jumped to umbrage too quickly people here jumped to dislike him too quickly

  7. Brian was right to apologize, he should have never spoken like he did. At least he realizes he was wrong.

    1. Debbie6:42 pm

      We don't know exactly how Brian spoke, to anyone else it could have been perfectly fine and John did say others joined in with the goodwill. John was being over sensitive, he's very conscious of his weight right now, as he confirms in replies to some of the comments. Hopefully it's been a wake up call for him and he'll feel much happier when he's lost some weight. It's not easy it's hard work but he did feel happier when he was gong to the slimming club and reporting on here how well he'd done. Hopefully he'll report again and we can cheer him on.

    2. Anonymous7:01 pm

      Everyone seems to know john more than he apparantly knows himself .
      Im sure he will read every revelation about his motivations and his psychi with complete and open mouthed surprise.
      Jesus people



    3. Lol! Oh Keith. You are great!

    4. And oh so right keith xx

    5. Yorkshire Liz6:06 pm

      Everyone has a sensitive spot especially after a stressful and exhausting week. Taking umbrage and then back pedalling on it is just being human. **** happens. It is how you get past it that is key. For both of you.

  8. Traveller5:54 pm

    Respect to Brian for the apology.

    1. Anonymous5:58 pm

      I agree, huge respect to Brian, it sounds as if he's a nice guy.

    2. Traveller6:08 pm

      And respect to you John, for saying you need to apologize to him.

      Hope it all works out

  9. Yes, a big man for apologising. Takes some of the sting away I hope. Nothing wrong with wearing the same jumper for days and nights on end if it keeps you warm. I'd forgotten how funny Larry Grayson was. Goodness, was that really 1979? xx

    1. I’ve been watching may of his episodes with the tomboy Isla who is now 71 and still working in her one woman shows

  10. Righto top trumps at play here I have been ' out out ' today in yesterday's nighty with no bra and a big coat and jumper and a liberal spray of Chanel Mademoiselle just in case of ---‐--- anything l might encounter Tess

    1. Beautifully put tess
      The prize for the best comment goes to you

  11. Anonymous6:20 pm

    ah, optimal outcome, plus soup! What a lovely gesture.


  12. I didn't think Brian was 'bullying' as some had implied. It sounded as if it was the type of joshing that some men do, often when put on the spot in public situations. He was probably as mortified as you were hurt - I'm sure most commentators on here have uttered things in the past they wish they could retract. Least said soonest mended... That jumper will be worn out by Christmas if you keep wearing it!

    1. Anonymous6:44 pm

      Yes men do josh! Perhaps John isn't used to that.

    2. I wish this crap would be deleted without comment. There is no redeeming value to the exchanges. Zero.

    3. Anonymous - I'm pretty sure John is familiar with joshing. My point was about intent and interpretation.

  13. A welcome development. We are never too old to learn, if we're willing. That applies to all of us, including me!

  14. Grayson was brilliantly camp at a time when that alone could have ended his career (and worse).

    I'm so glad Brian apologized. I'm also glad you think differently about it now. It's challenging when we use self-deprecating humor as a defense and then others don't appreciate how sensitive we are. My initial reaction was misplaced.

  15. One more thing, that was a VERY kind gesture of Brian's!

  16. Anonymous6:33 pm

    A lovely outcome all round and I am sure you will both move forward as friends. Kudos to both you of you ‘big guys’ in the handling of the situation. Keep wearing your Christmas jumper until it walks itself to the washing machine and damn the ‘anonymous’ naysayer who clearly is not on anyone’s wavelength who reads/comments on your blog. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I want this one

    2. Anonymous9:28 pm

      Love it - go for it and enjoy. Jan in Castle Gresley

  17. Good to hear of Brian's apology and your rethinking of the matter. Hugs to you both.

  18. We all have blips - and genuine apologies by those concerned allow friendships to develop - I like Brian x 🍵 👬

  19. Did you know John - The fashionistas say you must never wash your jeans - well almost never - just pop in the freezer x 👖🎄

  20. Well done Brian...with his background the remark wasn't surprising....but apologies from that background are few, I have found. So we'll done indeed.
    Keeping a jumper on? Very sensible... keeping body heat is very important this weather.

  21. I hesitate to ask but .. are you still wearing that jumper?

  22. Anonymous8:26 pm

    I think I would like Brian a lot. I expect he saw on your face that he had hurt you. Gigi

  23. Anonymous8:28 pm

    Hey John
    I haven’t commented much but please know that although we have never met , I think you are amazing - and the community you live in is both supportive and supporting

    And in my grief I often don’t change my clothes for days -

    Siobhan xx

  24. Karen8:36 pm

    He reads your blog?!!? Yikes. Did you know that? Well good on him! and the card is pretty

    1. No he didn’t but his partner did and I’m sorry she was upset too

  25. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Honest of you john , I hope all is well between you all, it should be , it sounds as though you are all good people

  26. Tracy8:54 pm

    There is still great joy to be found in running a finger across a dusty surface and saying "Look at the muck!" with pursed lips and rolling eyes. Larry Grayson, absolute legend.

  27. I wasn't expecting this post! I think everyone all around learned a lesson.

    1. The best last word goes to you Linda

  28. Anonymous9:54 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous10:16 pm

      No john hasnt.... quite the contary in fact . what a fucking psycopath u are a fucking psychopath ursula .yes i name u

  29. Something we used to sing at Girl Scout camp, and I abide by to this day. "Black socks they never get dirty. The longer you wear them the stronger they get. Sometimes I think of the laundry, but something keeps telling me--don't send them yet!" Sheila in Idaho

  30. Your choosing to tell us that Brian left that card and soup is admirable..
    I think letting us all know that he has a capacity for good behavior shows you're an honest and fair man. May you be rewarded in life for your efforts to walk with integrity,Mary

  31. L G was very funny, he must have been the first outwardly gay comic on TV. No, maybe not.

  32. No hurt was intended and what a perfect way to move on together as friends.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I've never quite got over my ambivalence towards Larry Grayson (and John Inman was another one) who were the two most 'visible' gays in my militant pro-gay (and then virulently anti-Conservative) campaigning days of the 1970s. Those two were, in the political circles which I used to frequent, especially reviled, being representative and typical of 'visible' homosexuals which in those days were the only gays (though they both denied being so) with whom the public at large felt comfortable with i.e. very easily identifiable clowns, and therefore 'safe' with (at least in 'straight' company) rather than the then classic depiction of us all being at best untrustworthy and unreliable or, at worst, criminals, paedophiles and corrupters of children - even potential or even actual murderers. I recall Grayson once being asked whether he 'approved' of homosexuality, his response being to the effect of "Oh no! It's SO wrong!" And even now Inman is recollected as having been NON-sexual (meaning, presumably, that he was eternal virgin?) rather than the outrageously camp homosexual he played, even though he would, absurdly, never acknowledge the character of Mr Humphries as meant to be gay.
      Thankfully times have moved on in remarkable, near-unbelievable fashion, for which I'm ever thankful, since those bleak days. But when I now see clips of those two men in particular without the context of rampant societal homophobia which surrounded them at the time, it still conjures up sour and even painful memories - which I would still love to consign to the 'forgotten now' bin. I dare say that the reaction of some to reading my views would be "Oh, get a life!". I'm still trying.

    2. Interesting review Raymondo and I get what you are saying.
      I’m looking at him in an asexual way rather than in a gay way.
      To me he was brimmed with northern northern humour and played it for laughs

    3. Yorkshire Luz6:21 pm

      Remember homosexuality was illegal for a long time. There is much confusion between camp and gay, and many degrees of both and there were many gay or camp identities from music hall and variety theatre tradition. And not forgetting the gay lingo Polari - long established but very popular in comedy after the war much utilised on BBC radio comedy by the likes of Kenneth Williams and Hugh Paddick God bless them. I adored them both.
      For a modern take on a modern gay fairytale cum morality tale take a look at the brilliant and beautiful - heart rending and also hilarious - Red White And Royal Blue
      BTW, Larry Grayson came from Nuneaton. As did George Eliot. A woman posing as a man. The world turns.

    4. Thanks for reading through and commenting, JayGee. I really got on my soapbox, as I do on that subject, though I think many others wouldn't have bothered with even reading my long screed.
      Yorkshire Luz, above mentions Kenneth Williams (with Hugh Paddick). I did laugh at them a lot - this was at the time of their first being broadcast - but I was then at an age too early to 'get' all the innuendo - and likely never even knew what a homosexual was.
      Thanks again.

  34. Anonymous12:46 pm

    On the long list of things I have never done and have no intention of doing would be wearing a Christmas jumper - Bel Ami

    1. Anonymous5:33 pm

      Nor me, they are the very height of vulgar taste.

    2. Yorkshire Liz6:22 pm

      Which of course is the point of wearing one.

    3. Critical and rude comments are also in vulgar taste.

    4. Anonymous9:03 pm

      As you would know

    5. Lol. You missed.

  35. Oh, that was nice. I'm glad he gave you a card. Xmas jumper day at work tomorrow!

  36. I'm very late to the party here but I wanted to say that I think we all mis-step at times. I recently said something "edgy" to a person, justifying it in my mind because I know he always sails very close to offence with his humour.
    I'm sorry I did it but I also think that if we are known to dish it out we also have to be known to take it.
    (not saying that about any particular person, just commenting that people take their cues from us)
    I'm glad the whole situation was resolved


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes