Lie In

 My academic poster needed uploading to turnitin today , and happily  I did so around 2pm
Before that I had a proper lie in, which was lovely. 
A lie in ( after dog wees) with a cup of tea and hot buttered toast.

Of course the dogs ate the crusts with their sleepy eyes shut tight and we all slept in until 10am which I so needed.

This evening I’ve practiced my presentation ( which is tomorrow) then made noodles and chicken sprinkled with peanuts to eat on my knee in front of the fire.

Tomorrow after Uni , our group is off for an early supper
I’m still wearing my Christmas Jumper
It will need a few squirts of Fabreese tomorrow 


  1. You needed that lie in. I love just waking up when you wake up, and dropping back off if there's no rush to be up and about. Bliss! Good luck with the presentation. When my son graduated, he and his friends just sprayed Febreze on their shirts. After all, who washes clothes for a graduation ceremony? xx

  2. Anonymous9:13 pm

    What a wonderful day you have had, bliss in fact and what you sorely needed. Keep on wearing that Christmas jumper, I’m sure it will make it to the 25th before the washing machine puts out an APB on it 😉. Jan in Castle Gresley

  3. Febreeze is a miracle of the modern age. Have a great time at your presentation.

  4. Good luck with the presentation.

  5. Oh god. I hate Febreeze. But that's just me. I'd hang your sweater outside overnight. That'll freshen it right up!

    1. Anonymous2:22 am

      I hate it tooooo! Tina in west oz

  6. I'm sure the presentation will go well. Good preparation and confidence always works 👍

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Best of luck with the presentation!

  9. Yorkshire Liz10:57 pm

    There you go, batteries recharged. Just be you. And remember the old theatre adage - " shoulders back, it's all tits and teeth dear."

  10. I like the name of that facility - "turnitin". Wouldn't it be nice if all facilities had self-explanatory names? I can think of several new names for a lavatory bowl for example!

    1. Anonymous6:49 am

      I liked the name too. Just works well and sounds good.

    2. Anonymous6:50 am

      Sorry that was me MarisAna

  11. I had to google Fabreese. It sounds a bit strong scented but if it works for you, all is good. You might need a second jumper to rotate the two. I'm sure your presentation will be great. Enjoy supper with your friends.

  12. Sometimes a lie in is good medicine. Enjoy your time with friends!

  13. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow!

  14. You needed the sleep. And tomorrow you can tell us how your presentation goes. You sound a lot brighter today and I am glad to see it.

  15. Barbara anne5:27 am

    Isn't a lie-in the perfect way to start the day?
    Wishing you well on your presentation tomorrow and how your Christmas jumper is fresh enough to do you proud.


  16. I wish I could sleep properly. Good luck with your presentation!

  17. Anonymous8:25 am

    I had a lie in this morning after a client cancelled.... I agree it's bliss. Good luck for the presentation tomorrow...wear your Christmas jumper it's like a good luck charm!

    Jo in Auckand

  18. That sounds like a perfect way to start the day. Good luck with the presentation, one thing I am really not good at is speaking in front of a lot of people, even if I know them. But you will sail through, I have lots of confidence in you ... and your Febreze. ;-)

  19. A good start to the day. Have a good presentation..but what about another jumper?!! (Laundry powder scents and febreese type stuff gets at my chest eyes and sinuses....I can't be the only one 😄)

  20. Anonymous11:34 am

    Good luck with the presentation. Jackie

  21. That extra hour or two of rest can be so Wonderful, enjoy it.

  22. Anonymous11:55 am

    Can’t stand fabreeze, it makes my smoke detector go off if I spray near it. I worry about what chemicals it contains. Just wash that jumper or get a new one! Have a good meal with your buddies, and hope your presentation went well. Gigi

  23. Good luck for tomorrow. Also, I think the jumper might need just a bit more than a few squirts of Febreze :)

  24. Noodles and chicken sprinkled with peanuts sounds delicious! I hope your day has gone well.

  25. Anonymous5:28 am

    Christmas jumper might be getting ripe! Ha ha. I love to read your blog! Kathy near Chicago. PS - my trip to New York City was crazy! Exciting, exhausting and EXPENSIVE!!!

  26. I need to break out my Christmas jumper. I still haven't worn it this year!


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