

I wish I had seen the Royal De Luxe Giant puppets when they came to Liverpool back in 2018. 
It is unclear on their website, that there will be another “ performance” anywhere…..which is sad.
The puppets are on my list to see, wherever and whenever they appear again.

I also want to experience a sleeper train. The British one from London to Cornwall is all booked up on line so I will have to looked further afield  unless there’s an easier way to book. 
It’s another ongoing plan  

New York is booked and on this visit I want to include The Museum of the Moving Image, the free tour of The New York Public Library and The International Centre of Photography.

2024 is going to be some new, and different experiences 
I’ve decided that today on this bleak, rather wet Sunday .

I’m on nights tonight, and have been day dreaming the morning away , whether it be on my morning walk or coffee time at the kitchen table. 

Plans are afoot. 

The dogs are steaming gently in their reading chair
As I daydream of puppets striding through streets and the gentle lull of a train journey though the night



  1. Anonymous1:45 pm

    We rode a railway with private sleeper from Iowa to California. Rented a car and drove all over CA then took the train back home. We had a wonderful time. I know you will enjoy your adventures! Jackie

  2. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Yes, agree about the sleeper train, how soothing the clickety clack of the wheels as you drift off to sleep.
    Alison in Wales x

  3. Anonymous2:14 pm

    We took a sleeper about 10 years ago, it wasn't at all soothing! First of all I puked in the little sink when cleaning my teeth, so nauseous with the movement of the train. Then we were both awake nearly all night, shunting backwards and forwards into sidings meant more nausea! Then a 5 am knock on the door, tea and a biscuit, the steward had us written down for an early call when we hadn't booked one. We got up after that and went to sit in a carriage.
    Husband had another sleepless sleeper incident after that when there were rowdy travellers up and down the sleeper compartment corridor with the steward bellowing "Get back to your carriage" several times at the top of his voice, the rowdy ones weren't booked on the sleeper. They banged on doors as they went past shouting "Get up you lazy bastards!"


  4. The grand essentials of happiness - something to do, something to love & something to hope for.

  5. I did a sleeper from Glasgow to Manchester long ago, largely just to see, also to get an extra day in Glasgow, New Year partying with fiance. Went straight from the train to work!

  6. Anonymous3:03 pm

    Plans are lovely things. They make me think of the bulging sock on my bed on Christmas morning when I was a kid, - the moment before you pull out and explore what is inside. Your plans for New York sound great. I do admire you for how you get out and see things and enjoy life, also for your decision to change careers and study to be a counsellor. As I get older, I think of the song by Queen, Don’t Stop Me Now. It reminds me to make plans and enjoy life. Jean in Winnipeg

  7. I wish I'd seen the puppets, too, but I don't like crowds. I wonder if they'd do a private view, just for you and me? Lol! 2024 is going to be a wonderful year for you. You have some great plans. xx

  8. It's exciting to contemplate new things and new experiences! That keeps life fresh!

  9. You've got some great travel plans ahead. Adventures with lots of new experiences are always inspiring.

  10. Barbara Anne3:33 pm

    I never heard of the giant puppets and hope you find them on show somewhere close by. Nice plans and NYC is already booked!!

    Daydreaming is a good way to placidly start a day that ends with a night shift. Happy nap!


  11. Exciting to plan...and one must have something to look forward to

  12. Anonymous4:10 pm

    I saw the giant puppet Little Amal in D.C. She walks to draw attention to the plight of refugees. I hope you get to see them, quite amazing.

  13. Anonymous4:12 pm

    How about the Caledonian Sleeper? Pam

  14. Anonymous4:38 pm

    My friend and I did the “Palace on Wheels” in India several years ago and it was wonderful. I remember train stopping at platforms in middle of night and we peeked out the window and saw people sleeping on the platform. My friend and I also asked to ride in the steam engine that started off the trip for the first few hours. We got filthy from the coal, but it was really fun. At the first stop where the train changed the engine for diesel engines we had to run back to our car, laughing all the way. Gigi

  15. Quite excellent daydreams to have and I know you will make them real.

  16. I did the sleeper from Paddington to Cornwall some years ago. I did enjoy it but... because they don't want to be slinging you out at the first stop too early you do spend a good part of the night in a siding - around Taunton if I remember correctly. Not a bad thing for those who don't find the rhythm of the train motion a soothing one.

  17. I took a sleeper train in the USA as a kid. I've never forgotten it. It seemed so exotic. I also took one in Spain many years later.

  18. Anonymous5:15 pm

    I have done the South of France train.To go to bed and wake up in Avignon.Bliss.Coming back not so good.A chap shared our cabin,drank a whole bottle of red wine and then snored all night.Not good.Barbarax

  19. Anonymous5:32 pm

    You have awakened so many sleeper car train memories! We took one from Merida, Mexico down the middle of the Yucatan in the 'early '80s - amazingly exotic to wake up and look out in the middle of the night at little stations with ladies making coffee on camp stoves on the platform and handing cups up to the train windows. Thanks for that memory!


  20. I would LOVE to do a long distance sleeper train, But I'm settling for a day out in London with a tour of the Barbican (huge fan of Brutalist architecture) and my first ever visit to Liberty! I may be slightly over-excited!!! hehehe x

  21. When the lovely Joanna Lumley awoke after a night aboard a sleeper train she announced it is perfectly acceptable to apply more make-up onto previous days x 💄

    1. Anonymous11:04 pm

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  22. A long distance train is on my bucket list, the trips south and west from DC are all overnights.

  23. We saw the puppets, in luxury and with no crowds, courtesy of my friend Lynne, who has a flat at Albert dock, her living room window gave us a great view!
    My aunt lives on Wellington Road in New Brighton, so we had a 'Giants' party, with again, brilliant views!
    The second photo down is taken from New Brighton Prom, looking towards the enormous cranes at Seaforth docks! X

  24. Anonymous7:23 pm

    When I visit New York City, I love to eat at the Cafe Sabarski inside the Neue Gallery. In the afternoon, a reservation usually isn’t needed to have a pot of tea and a decadent dessert. It is a beautiful room. It is expensive but most things in the city are. It helps me to think of my money while in NYC as “fun tickets” to be used for pleasures. Llynn

  25. Anonymous9:36 pm

    never heard of the giant puppets.....but I trust you will find a way to see them at some point! Though your London to Cornwall journey will be a short one....I highly recommend a sleeper car! Took trip 6 yrs. ago from Los Angeles, Toronto Canada with a friend (5 day trip by rail) and sleeper car saved us! Wouldn't do a long train trip or even an overnight trip without one!
    Susan M/ Calif.

  26. Dear me! those are quite the puppets to dream over !

  27. Royal de Luxe are magnificent. I've not seen them live but have watched plenty of TV and Video.

  28. I too would love to travel on a sleeper train. And those giant puppets look incredible.

  29. I worked with Royale de Luxe in Europe when they were just a little street theatre company. I loved the elephant.

    1. The bulldog , old lady , all are amazing

  30. Anonymous12:51 pm

    Always wanted to do the sleeper train from London to Scotland.


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