

It’s really winter as Bake Off  has just finished and although the contestants this year have been a little bland it was nice to see the gentle , cheerful,  tattooed young teacher Matty win

My vote was always for Saku who acted as though she’d just stepped from an Ealing Comedy but I hope that scores of young men and boys in the country would now see Matty as a credible role model. 

I hope so


  1. He was my favourite all along, cheerful and funny :)

  2. We didn't even watch this season. I kinda think this show has run its course.

    1. Yes I get thAt Steve, and probably feel the same , I’ve not watched strictly either

    2. I sometimes feel that way as well.

  3. I don't watch Bake Off, but was pleased to see 18 year old Nathanael, who has autism, win Handmade - Britain's Best Woodworker. Watching his progress and confidence grow over the weeks was wonderful. His family must be so proud of his achievement. xx

    1. I'm also thrilled that Nathaneal won 'Handmade'!
      It was a pleasure seeing him develop and 'bloom' over the series.
      He's a very talented boy, and I'm sure has a great future!

    2. We have been watching that too . A worthy winner.
      Nice to hear that the woman in the final( Jan? Not good on names) now has her own workshop.
      I wonder how Wolfgang is going.
      All three deserved to be in the final

  4. Damn it, John!!! It doesn't air here until Friday and I purposely unfollowed the GBBO on social media to avoid spoilers. :(

    1. Yes, you spoiled our surprise, John! We get to watch it this coming Friday!

  5. Oh drat, I hadn't watched it all so you spoiled it for me too, my "friend". Just kidding. I can still watch it and enjoy predicting to Judy who will win! 😁

  6. Anonymous11:56 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler

  7. Anonymous12:10 am

    I quite like knowing who is going to win, suspense makes me so anxious!


    1. I know what you mean, I've been watching reruns of the first few series and it's good when you already know who wins. You can follow the progress and see why they won.

  8. We'll see this just completed year's series in about 10 months time in Canada.

  9. Anonymous1:51 am

    Oh no - couldn’t you have put a warning in the title? Spoiled for me. Ariadne

  10. I saw a bit of it recently. They didn't seem a very inspiring bunch. Now I shan't bother watching the final.

  11. Anonymous5:45 am

    I have always learned the winner at every season of Bake Off and it makes it so much less stressful. Actually I just turned on my computer to try to find the winner! So no worries. They were all so good, each and every one of them. lini from petaluma

  12. I really expected Josh to win. By the look on his face, so did he.

  13. Anonymous7:47 am

    Once a programme has aired I expect to see comments.
    I enjoyed it and thought Matty a worthy winner. I liked all three finalists so it didn't matter too much. Josie

  14. Although I couldn't argue with the declaration of the winner, all through this series I couldn't keep my eyes off Happy-Daddy Dan. He always wore his emotions on his sleeve, mostly positive ones, though he could never hide his disappointments with himself. I was particularly touched by, whenever it came to results being declared, he was always looking down at the ground as if he was thinking "Just MAYbe?......" But I really enjoyed this whole series, the first time I've watched one right through.

  15. I was surprised that he won but he had the most positive comments re the taste of his cakes. He seems a lovely lad and I hope he has a positive impact on the students he teaches. Saying that Josh and Dan were super bakers and seemed like nice people too.
    Still finding Alison very irritating though, wish Sandie T was still doing the programme.

    1. For me Alison seems to be an acquired taste, also in 'Good Morning'. I mean she's okay, though Sandi was miles better. I'm still waiting fully to 'acquire' Alison.

  16. I'm thrilled that Matty won!
    For some reason I couldn't take to Daddy Dan, and really, really didn't want Josh to win it.
    As for folks abroad who haven't had the opportunity to see it yet, it's a British programme, and yours is a British blog, so I fail to see what right they have to complain and demand spoilers.
    You haven't let anyone down by revealing the winner, ignore the moaning minnies! X

  17. Agree Matty's win may inspire other young men. He was lovely but I definitely wanted Josh to win. He was wonderful throughout and I enjoyed the stories of his grandmother. Loved Tasha and Saku also.

  18. Looks like an interesting baker to watch, if it ever appears on this side of the pond.

  19. He didn't crack under pressure on the day so it was well deserved!! And I think I'll have a go at making lardy cakes at some point :-)

    1. My grandmother taught me to make Lardy cake, it's very, very nice. I've been baking it for over fifty years (obviously it's not been in the oven for that long), so I think I'm pretty good at it now!
      It's great with a cup of tea/coffee on a miserable, cold afternoon!

  20. It sounds like we should have watched some of that!

  21. Wow! Matty won, eh? My money was on Josh. Our Bake Off final show airs this Friday, so I'll look forward to seeing his win then.


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