Confessional: The Scotch Egg Incident of 2011

 I first told this story to my group in University and on a roll repeated it to my table at the Village Casino night.
They say confession is good for the soul.
So my soul should be squeaky clean.
By now….

Picture this…..Trelawnyd 2011….It’s summer August 13th ….Sylvia Evan’s blood pressure is through the roof as she and us, her Flower Show minions, set up for another record breaking show. 
Domestic class entries are through the roof, this year and as usual I’m helping with the organised madness that is Judging Day.
It’s 11.55 am and setting up closes at midday.
Sylvia is very strict with her timings 
Mona Davies arrives breathless, with seconds to spare . Her entry, a scotch egg, the only one in its class , wrapped in clingfilm on a saucer in her hand .
The scotch egg, is huge, the size of German grenade.
It is a thing of pure beauty 
I almost heard heavenly music when I first set eyes on it 

Now I liked Mona. She was a spinster school teacher and elder sister of farmer Basil , one of the most highly respected countrymen of Trelawnyd . They shared the beautiful Ochr y Gop farm, a slightly dilapidated Georgian farmhouse at the top of high street, and I was lucky enough to interview them both for my history blog , oral histories which have now been archived by the National Welsh Library in Aberystwyth.
Mona was strict and fair. She didn’t suffer fools either and was an amazing cook.

I fell in love with that scotch egg the second I saw it

Look closely the egg can be seen centre table to left

Now of course Mona won first prize for her glorious egg. 
The elderly judge, who was not know for flights of fancy , even commented how magnificent it was and gave it a comment of merit which was a rarity 

Now fast forward to the Flower Show final moments which have always remained a complete bunfight
The hall is packed with winners collecting their winnings (coins placed  in tiny brown envelopes) and exhibitors grabbing their certificates, exhibits and extra cakes bought from the tea table manned by Irene Murray .
And in just a few minutes the hall can be stripped, like a carcass surrounded by hyenas .

I noticed that the scotch egg had been abandoned at the end of the day
Mona had left it ! 
I was joyful 
And devious.
If it had been abandoned I was having it.
So I pocketed it as deftly as if I was jewel thief and
I hid it in my Flower Show bits and bats box as the show folded and the doors closed. 

I had swept the floor, put away the rubbish and said goodbye to most of the committee, before there was a small knock on the Hall door. 
It was Mona and she was late collecting her scotch egg.
Sylvia found the saucer and Mona’s first place certificate but was thin lipped in anger at the thought someone had taken the egg home. 
We shook our heads at the awful thought someone had stolen it 
And Mona took her certificate home with a slightly heavy heart

Am I ashamed ? 
Of course I am
But do you know what? 
It was the best bloody scotch egg I have ever tasted

The delightful Mona Davies
Shortly before her death in 2021

The egg in close up


  1. No one else would have appreciated that scotch egg as much as you did ..
    you were meant to have it,I imagine Mona looking from another dimension now saying "I wanted you to have it John".
    What a fun memory,thanks for sharing this, -Mary

    1. For all you know, dear Mona might have been looking for her egg so she could hunt you down and present the egg to you because she knew how much you loved them.

  2. I'm a little bit devastated for poor deceased Mona!
    What a prize for you, though 🙂

  3. weaver8:56 pm

    Scotch eggs and you have almost become synonymous - I never see one or eat one (occasionally as I am not keen) without thinking of you. If I overate any particular food as a child my mother would always tell me that if I ate any more I would begin to look like one - so beware/

    1. Thank you for not telling me off weave xx

  4. Barbara anne8:56 pm

    Had anyone else eaten that Scotch egg that Mona made, it would have been forgotten. You have imortalized it and that's got to make Mona happy Sweet memories!


  5. That made me laugh and as a lover of Scotch eggs myself I fully understand you taking it as you thought it had been abandoned. I am sure Mona is somewhere laughing too, bless her.

  6. Ah, Mona looks lovely.
    Shame on you Mr G!

  7. We shook our heads at the awful thought someone had stolen it

  8. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Oh john your troll will be moist at the though you’d done something truly bad lol
    Three Hail Marys



  9. You naughty man! Did you ever confess to Mona?
    I have never seen a Scotch egg other than on your blog!

    1. Karen8:21 pm

      She knows now, LOL. How was is so large? Duck egg?

  10. You do have that gleeful naughty schoolboy streak.

  11. Anonymous9:42 pm

    This made me laugh,thank you for sharing 😂

  12. Oh, you'll never go to heaven, John! If anyone was to save that egg, (was going to say steal, but I reckon you saved it from others who wouldn't appreciate it half as much as you!) it had to be you. Mona looks a kind soul, and so I'm sure she's looking down and having a little chuckle. Sometimes, temptation is just too overwhelming, isn't it? xx

  13. She went to her grave not knowing where her prized egg went. You have confessed . How will you face those around you now they know?

  14. Laughing here from the start of the post, John. I have long thought you were a devious sort, lol.
    I've never had/seen/heard of Scotch Eggs prior to your blog, some years back. Alas, I doubt I'll taste one. I do have a question, though: What is in the batter for the coating? It looks like whole wheat, or rye, or some dark flour.
    Cheers my friend.

    1. A Scotch egg is a hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated in breadcrumbs, then deep fried. Quite easy to make if you fancy having a go! x

  15. I have to say, nobody could have appreciated that Scotch Egg better than you. It was meant for you. Finders keepers and all that applies!

  16. Hahahaha. A most deserving thief ;)

  17. Nothing tastes so sweet as forbidden fruit (or, in this case, a Scotch Egg)! You devil!

  18. Poor Mona! She probably died of a broken heart, wondering where her perfect scotch egg had gone.

  19. Anonymous1:14 am

    Great story. Someday I need to try a scotch egg. I have never seen them for sale here in the states. Are they difficult to make? Jackie

  20. Oh my gosh, how I laughed. You are so bad!

    *looks around for anonymous*

  21. It has been 44 years since I've eaten a Scotch egg. I made them myself, first and last time ever. Why? I don't know, because it was absolutely delicious and I always intended to make them again. You keep talking about Scotch eggs and one of these days ... .

  22. Anonymous1:22 am

    That was great!!!

  23. Secreted it in a box because it was too big to leave the hall in a pocket! It did look lovely.

  24. Anonymous2:42 am

    I don't blame you it was a thing of beauty.... it probably had your name on it secretly anyway!

    Jo in Auckland

  25. John, remember the 11th commandment: Though shall not covet his neighbors Scotch egg. Good thing you confessed, or your soul might have been in mortal danger.

    All kidding aside, I've never had one. They're that good?

  26. If Scotch eggs could run your veins would be Olympic athletic tracks x

  27. I mean, it was a SCOTCH EGG. There is a such a thing as natural justice, and you getting it feels like that. I too probably would never have thought about scotch eggs at all for decades were it not for you. My mouth waters at the idea...

  28. When faced with magnificence; what other option was there?

  29. What a fabulous story. Scotch eggs used to be a typical summer picnic food here in NZ, and you can still buy them at some Deli's. They're an easy way to transport meat on a picnic. Another version is just as a small meatloaf with the hardboiled eggs nestled in the centre before the meatloaf is put in the oven. I used to anoint the outside with tomato sauce before cooking, but that isn't as easy to transport as it remains sticky.
    John, that egg had your name on it, actually your full name and DOB! So, you're absolved!

  30. We all have our weaknesses when it comes to serious temptation! That scotch egg needed its own personal security team I think. It looks delicious.

  31. I love this confession! I feel so much less guilty about things I’ve done and never admitted. (Well, SOME things.)

  32. Yorkshire Liz8:55 am

    You have made that single, superior, superb Scotch Egg immortal by this story, even if you robbed her of her own tea that day. It is hard for me to admit I can't stand Scotch eggs, probably after an unrepeatable incident during a school domestic science class when we all had to make six, but doesn't everyone have their own idealised comfort food?
    Iced bun or ginger parkin? Custard creams or egg custard? A slab of dairy milk chocolate or jelly babies? Oh, the very thought!

  33. Anonymous10:02 am

    That poor woman probably never got over your theft of her scotch egg. To atone I think you should make everyone scotch eggs for Christmas in your village...Also you should commission a lovely painting of her, her scotch egg and first prize certificate and hang it in the hall Also you have a t shirt made saying
    If music be the food of love...give me scotch egg music

  34. It was very cruel to leave a Scotch egg, as gargantuan as Mona's entry, just lying around when there is { and there is no other way of saying this } , A SCOTCH EGG ADDICT in the room. No Scotch egg addict would have been able to resist the temptation. But now, in front of so many, you have confessed your sin and can now be at peace with it !!!! XXXX

  35. Anonymous10:23 am

    Naughty, naughty, John. I have never seen one and they don’t seem to be a thing over here. My husband was from Scotland and he never mentioned them. Haggis and black pudding, tomato sausages and bacon and eggs were cooked up by him every Sunday, just as his father before him did! Gigi

    1. The Scotch in Scotch Egg does not refer to Scotland, apparently. They are certainly not a Scottish delicacy, to my knowledge. The two main accounts suggest they originated in Yorkshire or London, originally using fish paste rather than sausage meat, and possibly made by a chap- whose surname was Scott; but they are not Scottish (mind you, neither is haggis really, I am told; and neither am I really, my genes telling a tale of African, mainland European and Viking origin in amongst much else... everything is all mixed up and muddled by now, both in people and in foods). And John was, and probably still is, a very naughty boy.

  36. Ha! I suspect Mona would have been happy to know that someone enjoyed her egg so much. After she got over having to make another one for dinner!

  37. Anonymous10:51 am

    There is a spark in today’s post which has been lacking of late. Possibly the grief of your divorce is finally leaving you

  38. If you heard the Scotch Egg say "Devour me" -

    1. - it would be rude not to x

  39. You are a good person, and it was a good egg.

    1. I've always thought of John as a good egg as well.

  40. I had never even heard of a Scotch Egg before reading your blog. And now I seem to know quite a bit about them.

  41. Catherine from France2:25 pm

    John, I love reading your prose every day, and this story in particular, which I find particularly hilarious! What's more, I understood it on my 1st reading in English without using an online translator. Did you know that, thanks to your blog, you are also helping many foreign readers to learn your beautiful language? Catherine from France (helped today by DeepL)

  42. Respected member of village turns to crime! Love it! x

  43. I had to look up what a scotch egg was! Sounds delicious.

  44. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Oh John you shocker, it appears that the comment ‘had for the price of a cocktail’ goes out of the window where you and scotch eggs are concerned, and also Dorothy, glad it was enjoyed. Jan in Castle Gresley

  45. In reply to everyone,
    I am but a man with needs , drives and juices

    Guilty as charged

  46. I'm sure Mona suspected you had taken it and died happy as a result because she knew her Scotch egg was truly appreciated.



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