
 I’m late blogging today 
A hard shift yesterday 
An early night and a day in the library yet again .
My essay is in though, and I’m pleased. 
This week is another mixture of work, college and village
Two nights at work, college all day tomorrow with a recorded counselling skills practice to film and send in, and on Saturday it’s one of the/last set pieces for the TCA this year and that’s the Christmas Fayre 
My Mr Bumble Victorian outfit had been ordered a while ago and should be delivered by Wednesday and Bridget hits that we have a snow machine ordered !!! Which should be fun. 
A couple of the TCA lads ( lads!!! Older than me) 
Climbed up the village green trees to hang fairly lights in preparation 

It’s suddenly feeling like Christmas 


  1. Replies
    1. It’s getting there don’t you think ? Must be the temperature drop

  2. I can picture it all! You'll have to practice booming "MORE?" a la Harry Secombe. xx

  3. Anonymous5:42 pm

    I absolutely love Christmas markets, large or small, love them all. Yours will be perfect. Glad you are getting all your assignments ticked off. You have so much on your plate! Gigi

    1. I’ve not supported the TCA as much as I could since I’ve been in college but that’s life

  4. Start practicing your Noddy Holder.

  5. Anonymous6:33 pm

    I would say the lads, once they are up there, should have most of the battle whipped.
    Will love seeing you and all the costumed characters, please. The town has come alive with a little nudge and post covid fervor !

    1. I’ve observed this too since covid finished
      Everyone seems to have grabbed life by the balls so to speak

  6. It's suddenly sounding like Christmas. I don't know about you, but I'm so glad that essay is done.

    1. It was getting on my tits too Mitchell
      Far too much air time xxx lol

  7. I helped all day at it our Xmas Church festival last week - I enquired " Where's the snow machine" (we always have snow floating down outside the Church) - " health and safety " the lady replied x 🎄

    1. I’m sure Bridget will be bringing ours out ..she’s a devil

  8. Barbara anne7:12 pm

    Cheers that your essay is finished!! How about the poster?
    The Christmas Daire sounds delightful and I hope someone will take a photo of you in your costume - please?!
    I'm playing my Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Cs and will get my Christmas mugs sown tomorrow.
    Do please leave yourself time to relax and to sleep.


    1. Yes I have an academic poster, and two presentations to go before Christmas

  9. The fayre sounds delightful, how festive and fun. A snow machine and a Victorian outfit too, perfect.

  10. Anonymous7:39 pm

    Congratulations on getting your essay done! Nothing like a mature student for organization and diligence! I also join the voices calling for lots of Christmas Faire pictures!


    1. Is the pope catholic ?

    2. If he is, and I'm not so sure, he certainly makes a habit of skating on thin ice (to use a seasonal analogy).

  11. I can't wait to see you as Mr Bumble 🤣 !!!!! Is anyone being Mrs Bumble ? XXXX

  12. This sounds like fun! Iove the poster, food and beer listed first.. Priorities right again.

    1. I don’t drink during the day, I think, for this I’ll make an exception

  13. It is starting to feel like Christmas everywhere. Enjoy!

  14. Traveller9:40 pm

    The poster looks great and I love the idea of a Dickensian market.

    I also hate the Noddy Holder song but love Greg Lake’s

    1. The chance of the memorial hall looking like a dickens scene is remote , but chapel street next to it will be closed. And all the buildings are pre Victorian

  15. The Christmas Fayre sounds like so much fun! You MUST post a photo of yourself in your Victorian outfit!

  16. Anonymous10:19 pm

    Nice to have you back John
    You havent enough hours in a day do you?
    I envy your grasp on life



  17. Anonymous11:07 pm

    Tina in west oz. Beautiful tree! I've been practicing Merry Little Christmas to sing with my (usually pop song) choir for a Christmas Choir bash, and am finding it makes me very sad. My mum has advanced dementia and this is the first year we decided we can't do family christmas with her taken away from the home. It's been hard for a few years now, so am relieved, but also, that song.... if the fates allow.

  18. You will have a grand time and like the others, I want to see photos of you in your costume. We have snow here so it helps get the Christmas spirit moving! :)

  19. I want to see what you look like in a frock coat and top hat carrying a cane.

  20. Anonymous8:53 am

    So satisfying when an essay is completed.

    I love Christmas Fayres and even more if Dickensian!

  21. Your Dickensian Christmas Fayre sounds wonderful! I hope it is to quote a phrase 'A Merry Christmas to One and All!

  22. If your Mr Bumble costume doesn't arrive, just go in your ordinary clothes. No one will spot the difference.

  23. Nearing the end of the semester (term) with much accomplished. Who said that about old dogs and new tricks.

  24. weaver11:53 am

    Glad your course sounds to be going well. Christmas still seems a long way off but our lights here in the Market Placee are up and running.

  25. I LOVE the poster. If that doesn't get people in, nothing will. I wish I could come - it al sounds so exciting.

  26. Oh, I do want to see pictures of this fayre. As well as pictures of Mr. Bumble!

  27. Anonymous3:42 pm

    Your poster turned out well.
    Don't worry about not passing your course, it's a paid course and you're guaranteed to pass! They need passes to go through to get recommendations for the courses, I've worked for such a private company and all were guaranteed to pass! Fails wouldn't look good for the company.

    1. Not guaranteed to pass , not guaranteed to finish, the group ahead of us has lost 12 students

    2. Anonymous4:19 pm

      Some people choose to drop out. If you stay the course and submit the work you'll pass. This applies to paid courses and private companies.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes