And Just Like That


The series remains a fantasy, even to its last moments.

Carrie's "Last Supper" where she got together her nearest and dearest friends to say goodbye to her old apartment/life is something most of us would love to do at one period of our lives.
Friends are the family you choose and by having so many on screen (16 or so) is a testament of just how loved you are.
For Gawd's sake even Samantha almost turned up but due to a blip with British Airways found herself back in the taxi back to Chelsea.
AJLT  comes from a world that lasts in just 2 minute bursts. it would be lovely but exhausting to live that strange fantasy life for real. sex is always on satin sheets and last exactly four thrusts before intercutting with another friend bedding another man.....and poor Antony, almost forced into anal at his ripe age just because everyone has to be everything to everyone.
And Just Like That is rubbish
but its now a 50 something rubbish show that the fans have followed  so loyally over the years and we forgive the holes in the script for the little gems of sassy dialogue that occasionally remain.
Miranda now is being kind to her exes in a touching scene worthy of the 1998 production and the whole thing is left a little hanging so that season 3 can be commissioned, which it unsurprisingly has been 

I suspect season three will be the last we will see of the large ensemble cast of multicultural ladies. Good as the African American, Latina and Middle Eastern actors are, their characters are never more defined as the original three Caucasian ones, which is a shame

I also predict Samantha will return again.
Kim Cattrall always stole the show in the first place


  1. I loved the original series, but when that ended for me. These wonderful shows , many, never know when to end the dance. They go one to long and then ruin my feel for them. And couldn't agree more about Kim Cattral . She was the reason I even started watching the show.

  2. I've not even heard of it, let alone seen it. Have I missed much?

  3. Barbara Anne4:27 am

    Saw the first series but had no interst in the new series. Go figure. Guess there are too many hungry and hurt people in the world to indulge in it.


    1. Anonymous4:32 am

      It's called escapism. It's called the decline of capitalism as we knew it. Stay woke. Go broke.

  4. Anonymous4:31 am

    It's been interesting to watch the 4 women stars age from their late 20's to now in their 50s and 60s. Don't you agree? Just from that standpoint, I enjoy the series. Women are still catty regardless of age and we just love them! (PS: I found the AJLT new series hilarious. So stereotypical!!!)

    1. I too have found the transition quite brave and interesting …

  5. How much time between blips? Enough to catch your breath?

  6. Anonymous6:10 am

    I’ve watched from the very start… and this last series has been dire….and Aiden coming back was just wrong .. . it’s just the fabulous outfits that have kept me watching …Libs x

  7. Now you've really put me off ever watching it or the prequel. Not my thing at all. Still, horses for courses and all that! xx

  8. I may be in a minority but I have loved it. I love that they have aged on screen from 20's to 50's. It still brings a tear to my eye at times and makes me laugh at times too. I didn't want the series to end and am glad there is going to more.

    1. I’m like you carol, I’m a fan, though I can say it’s rubbish in the same breath

  9. I have never seen it, nor the first series, but I know they have been popular.

  10. I have not watched it.
    Really. And I used to LOVE Sex and the City! It was literally a ritual.
    Love me some Kim Kattrall, though....


    1. I think the writers will be brave and remove the badly written characters like Che

  11. Anonymous12:59 pm

    I haven’t seen any of them, but really don’t think I have missed much. Gigi

  12. Many things in life are ... Just like that.

  13. I never watched a single episode, don't think I missed anything....

    1. Some episodes have been better than others I must admit

  14. Not something I would watch - but a pointer towards why it's sometimes better to leave things as they are, rather than revisit - as per Mistress Maddie's comment. In a similar vein, I'm looking forward to the next round of Frasier Crane's adventures, and at the same time wondering how it can be anything like as arch and witty as the original Frasier. No Niles Crane to provide a cutting verbal riposte.

    1. There are still little glimpses of wonderfully arch dialogue in AJLT.
      And it’s lovely to look at

  15. I never really watched the original series and though I went to one of the movies (it was meh) I haven't watched this latest show at all. An article I read dismissed Cattrall's appearance as "perfunctory."

  16. AJLT is pretty lightweight stuff but it's irresistible. Amazing how they all seem to live in fabulous NY apartments on presumably fairly average salaries.

  17. Anonymous8:35 am

    it's not that good. Wrinkly sex never is. but it's escapism.


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