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As you all can probably tell, I have totally fallen for Italy
Just as Tom Stephenson probably did over a busty Sophia Loren when he was a teenager.
Always late to the party, this quick jaunt has seriously healed a little hole in my psychi, one I never knew was still there and even after a few days I feel lighter and brighter and eager to move on to Barcelona next month and Rome in the autumn.
A four star hotel, lovely service,plush surroundings, cracking food and long easy conversations over sunny views all help to lift the spirits.
Last night we had to laugh, as a young couple who had sat silently next to me on the plane in to Venice despite my welcome saw me sat in our favourite cafe/bar.
Both smiled broadly and waved just as I had waved so energetically at the passengers in the water taxies and Vaparettos on the Grand Canal from the veranda of the Guggenheim .
Caught under the Venice spell, too, I thought…
Just like me



  1. This little break seems to have done you a power of good, John. Renewed, refreshed and ready to face anything! I've got a feeling this won't be your last visit to Venice. Safe flight home. xx

    1. It’s been more important that I ever thought it could have been . I’ve reflected on many things during my time out and I know I needed the break

  2. I love Venice, been twice now and I'd love to go back sometime. There's something about Italy that captured my heart as well and still many more places there that I want to visit. Next time you go to Venice add a couple of days to your trip and catch the train to Verona.

    1. I cannot quite express walking through the Guggenheim and out onto its terrace with the whole of the Grand Canal in total movement and bright sunlight beyond the peace and calm of the gallery
      It took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes

    2. This is the short version of my post of tomorrow

  3. Nothing like a change of scenery to lift the spirits. x

  4. Anonymous7:26 am

    That time has flown too quickly and bet you could stay for longer. Venice is a beautiful, beautiful magical place. Can imagine you sitting in the sun with your aperol spritz people watching and soaking up the atmosphere. We stayed on a Lido when we went. Thank you for taking us along and look forward to Barcelona and Rome...the Trevi fountain, the Spanish Steps.......If you like Italy, I recommend Croatia, Istria especially. The ferry across the water used to go outside our hotel in Porec and there is a lot of Venetian type beautiful architecture there. Louise X

    1. Anonymous10:24 am

      PS. I meant the ferry that went to Venice! : ) X

    2. My affinity with Italy has been a complete surprise. I knew I was going to be impressed with the city, but I was honestly captivated by it .

      Captivate : to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait and with an irresistible appeal. We were captivated by her beauty.

  5. Your time spent in Venice has been so beautiful that it's made me a bit weepy - I've adored your sharing of it - thank you John xπŸΈπŸ›⛲☕

    1. I was weepy as I drove home.
      It was the first holiday I’ve been on where I didn’t want to leave

  6. I'm more of a Monica Vitti sort of chap these days. After Rome you should go to places like Florence and Sienna. Very different to Venice of course. If I had to live somewhere else in Europe, it would be Italy.

    1. Also, the internet connectivity in Italy is about 3 times as good as ours, as are the trains, as is the coffee, as is ....

    2. Florence is on the agenda as is , as you know Rome , in September . Another friend has asked if we can do Naples next year.
      Fuck the expense l I’ve already said yes ..

    3. Anonymous1:10 am

      Do go to Florence. It is different from Venice, but also very beautiful. Despite the crowds, seeing David for the first time is a transcendent experience. S

  7. You bring back to me the feelings of not wanting to go home after a wonderful holiday. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. I didn’t carol.
      I actually cried driving home.

  8. The perfect get-away. Your posts had me looking at flights last night. But, there are too many other plans that have to come first. Still so tempting.

    1. Go one darling, get yourself over, the flights should be peanuts from Spain xx

  9. Forget the counselling! Surely there must be an opening for a Welsh gondolier.

    1. It would have to be a robust gondola

  10. weaver9:40 am

    I will tell you here and now John - the Venice spell never leaves you. The four footed ones will be pleased to see you back.

    1. They have been well looked after pat,
      It’s funny, I’ve been impressed with places I’ve visited ( Pittsburgh, Seattle, london) I’ve loved others ( Sitges, paris, New York, Greece, Corfu, australia, ,)
      But I’ve never been spellbound before

  11. I am glad you had such a good time in Venice, a place I've not been. You made it sound wonderful, a change from a lot negativity I hear about the city.

    1. One night we both chatted about the city for hours , sharing googled facts about it found on the internet
      It was fascinating

  12. Anonymous10:13 am

    I second the person who mentioned Croatia, it is so gorgeous along the water in the not so touristy towns. We always stayed in small 2 or three star places while travelling so we had more money to spend eating out, drinking wine in tiny places all afternoon and sometimes in the morning. In France it was sometimes cheaper than having a coffee! I have never regretted all money spent on travelling. I can’t say which country was my favourite but Italy would be high on the list, oh, the food! So happy you got a preview.xx GG

    1. When I was very young I went to SPLIT , I need to revisit the city

  13. Anonymous10:46 am

    Well done for going
    And having fun
    I just had a phone call from friends who live in Portugal
    Booked a flight for next Monday to visit
    My first flight in over 30 years without Tony by my side
    Siobhan x

  14. I am so glad you enjoyed Venice, and you have great plans for later in the year. Italy has never disappointed.

    1. I know Venice ISNT Italy
      But a magical place all on its own

  15. I can only imagine how enjoyable the trip was, I can hear your Glee. It's also amazing how quick a couple days can go isn't it?

  16. I'm so glad you had a good time, and that hat came too. I think when you are on holiday everyone relaxes and by the end of the break seeing a friendly face that you recognise amidst a lot of strangers is a real boost to anyone ... not that your aeroplane friends weren't genuinely pleased to see you. :-)

  17. So glad your getaway was a great success, John!

  18. Barbara Anne1:19 pm

    I'm very happy that this trip was all you'd hoped it would be and more! Ve Venice will still be there when you want to return.
    Happy homecoming to your happy dogs!


    1. I’m back home with a certain bulldog licking my feet lol

  19. Anonymous1:57 pm

    Glad to hear you had a wonderful time and I hope you've returned feeling refreshed.
    As usual some of the comments have run amok while you've been gone, in particular after your "Breakfast" post, just ridiculous as the usual tiresome commenter replied to Anonymous so many times. Despite your previous requests for them to desist.
    This is a lovely blog but ruined by that one reader.
    Oh well, hey ho. Though it was wonderful when they weren't around after "feeling scared" and the Anon comments stopped too. I won't name names but you know who it is. I'll remain Anon on this post too.

    1. Just read this as I’m sipping. Coffee at the airport
      I love the fact you enjoy the blog
      Please keep on reading
      If the comments upset you so much, best you leave them unread xx

    2. Anonymous6:35 pm

      John, reading over comments from the last few days, l get the feeling that you might, just might have an Anthony Perkins Physco type person on here. They comment often, with their name but they have no profile, then THEY make various anon comments which in turn the named person comments on. Maybe they are all the same person? Very weird! BTW glad you enjoyed the break away

    3. I’m in too good a mood to worry

    4. Anonymous9:11 pm

      Lol fucking great reply John …..don’t be manipulated by these fucked up trolls

    5. Anonymous9:47 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Once home, you will plan your next trip to beautiful Italy. One day, you might own a flat in Italy.

    1. Lol I think finances will never run to that x

  21. The feeling towards Venice will not leave, either. It's been some years since we were there, and I remember it vividly.

    1. I had that feeling when you described how you felt about the city in your comments

  22. Anonymous3:29 pm

    So, the $1000 question is - did you and Colin have a fuck? Or just drunken oral?

    1. Sad and rather beneath anyone to post I think

  23. Everybody's a little nicer when they relax!

  24. And this is why I love your blog! You include us in your daily life and then take us along on your adventures. You expand my world and I, for one, am grateful for that. I'm so happy that you had a great trip.

    1. Katie
      I appreciated this comment greatly
      Going Gently has never been a discussion forum , it was never designed as one, it is essentially my journal of a life lived

  25. Mary D6:41 pm

    Glad you enjoyed your stay ,and it was so nice to read about it each day. With the photos you included X

  26. Like Katie, you are broadening my world when it has done a lot of shrinking the past few years. You are a wonderful travel companion. Thanks for the ride. So nice to hear you smiling!

    1. My world has shrunk too, as had my confidence and my positivity on occasion ..I need to expand everything

  27. What a lovely trip you have shared with us John, I feel as if I've been there myself.

    1. Thank you jo , my friend , I’m humbled

  28. It is fantastic that you have found a place that has moved you! That is how I feel about various places in New England.I just feel like I belong there. I really don't enjoy traveling at all but always look forward to anywhere in NE. We are going to Rhode Island in August and staying in an old one room schoolhouse. I can't wait!

    1. I’ve never had such a strong emotive moment before

  29. The joy in your voice is wonderful to hear! Thanks ever so much for sharing your trip and thoughts with us.
    As others have said, I truly appreciate your sharing bits & pieces of your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.

  30. It sounds like you were in the right place at the right time . . .

  31. Have you seen the 1955 David Lean movie filmed in Venice— “Summertime”? Katherine Hepburn as an unmarried older American who falls in love with Venice—and with married Venetian Rossano Brazzi. It’s rather emotionally overwrought but beautiful —your posts reminded me it made me want to go to Venice (never have). Maybe a Venice film fest…

    1. We talked about that film several times

  32. You stopped me at Sophia Loren - in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Oh my...


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes