Jog On

I’m going into work later on overtime
So the Mocca pot is on and it’s chill morning time.
I’ve opened birthday cards which have arrived a day early ( I’m not one for saving them for the actual day) and I’ve had a row with a hiker who complained that Roger had frightened her when she went to pat Dorothy on the head.
So it’s not been that chilled really…

Now before I am lectured by some psychobabble amateur about having an anger problem, I will assure you that I do not, but like many people in their sixties, I won’t put up with bad or stupid behaviour 
The woman in question had obviously seen Dorothy dozing and had made a fuss, so true to form Dorothy had galloped over to the wall in the hope of a face rub or even better something edible. As that was going on , Roger gave his usual protective bark and bounced up next to his sister in order to see what was appertaining .
The woman shrieked and jumped back, so Roger barked even more. 
and that’s when I walked out to intervene. 
“ He’s a bit vicious “ the woman said pointing to the still bouncing Roger 
He nearly bit me” she called out as her fellow hikers stopped next to her.
Rubbish” I said and the woman puffed herself up, ready for an indignant disagreement
“Don’t try to pet dogs you don’t know” I told her
The woman glared at me and started to huff and puff
Which I dismissed with a Curt “ Jog On “ 
A phrase I like almost as much as  “Cheap Shoes”
Jog On covers more bases me thinks.

I’m 61 tomorrow….bloody hell John 
JOG ON !!!



  1. Happy Birthday! Always be careful around dogs that don't know you.

  2. JOG ON BIRTHDAY (tomorrow) BOY! :) xx

  3. I can imagine Roger being as vicious as a marshmallow.
    I do love the phrase "jog on" . It really means what it says.

    1. I had to smile as when he was bouncing and barking he had a big soppy smile on his face
      He couldn’t have looked happier

  4. People who still ignore the advice not to pet dogs you don't know really should get up to speed.

  5. "Jog on" is SO much classier than "fuck off."

    1. Isn’t it?? And it says exactly the same thing in a more acceptable but arch way, I love it

  6. Vicious? Roger? What planet is she on? Jog on and bog off! 61 tomorrow - a mere baby. I'll be 69 in July - how did that happen! Have a wonderful birthday. xx

  7. Ach, "Jog on in your cheap shoes" would've been better :)

    Can't understand someone moaning about a dog barking at them when they have intruded uninvited on the dog's space. Happy birthday young man.

    1. Mind you, I am always in cheap shoes, because, eh... they cost less than expensive ones and it's not a disaster if I catch them on a nail, sharp edge, etc. so I'd take it as a compliment on my shrewdness if someone commented on my cheap shoes.

    2. Yes that’s like pulling the second trigger on a shotgun

  8. Anonymous12:18 pm

    The lady? should know that you should always ask the dogs mummy or daddy if it is ok to pet their woofer. I would have told her to get lost, but jog on is so much nicer. Have a fabulous birthday tomorrow, John. You could be my son, I have a daughter who will be 60 soon! Oh no, that must mean I am getting old..xx GG

    1. How did we get where we are…it’s only yesterday I was 30

  9. Nearly bit me. But he didnt!

  10. I would suggest that folks should be careful around dogs ... and their owners ... that they do not know! Personal space, folks! You never know who just might bite ... however, it won't be either John nor Roger!!
    Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‚

    1. More likely to be me more than Roger ….Mary is the most feisty

  11. Happy Early Birthday, John. Tomorrow I turn 73!! Hey Ho to us!

  12. Mucho happy returns for the morrow, JayGee. Hope I'll be 'seeing' you then when I'll be reprising my wishes.

    1. Love to meet you in real life too Raymondo
      One day eh?

    2. One day certainly, JayGee. From your blog I, along with all your many followers, know a great deal about you. However, you'll know very little in this direction as my own blog doesn't give away as much as you do. Added to which, in just over three years I'll be EIGHTY (if I manage to get there - which I have every intention of doing!). But, the 'gods' being willing, It really would be great to meet up - as well as being 'fun'.

      Oh, and here's my reprise. Very many happy returns for today!!! XXXXX.

  13. As a life long dog owner I would never approach a dog no matter how sweet they looked without asking the owner first! Stupid woman indeed!! Where I'm from, you add 'pal' to an insult. Jog on pal!!

  14. I know a lady who tells people her dog has lice rather than fleas if they get too close x ๐Ÿ•ท

    1. I did that with an unwanted date once

  15. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Why do folk do this with dogs they don't know and then have the nerve to complain if it doesn't quite work out as they imagined. We've got a gorgeous honey lab - but she still loves to jump up at visitors to the gate, she's a lovable buffoon BUT could so easily catch someone's skin with her claws......... I call out " please ignore her completely " because that is what stops her jumping........9 out of ten just can't seem to take that instruction!! Moan over.
    I was 62 last Sunday, not keen on it but what's the alternative : ) Happy Birthday for tomorrow x
    Alison in Wales x

  16. krayolakris1:22 pm

    Jog on indeed! A useful phrase for many occasions. I will raise a glass and toast your birthday. Sending many warm wishes. I’m 10 years ahead. Your blog brightens my every day.

  17. I would never reach into a yard to pet a dog I didn't know especially if the owner wasn't right there. Goofy jogger!
    Hope your birthday will be as fabulous as you, John! xx

    1. I’ve planned a quiet one deArheart

  18. weaver1:55 pm

    And a very happy sixty first my dear young!!! bloggy friend.

  19. Happy Birthday, may there be many more. Enjoy the day, for tomorrow will be a new adventure. Take care.

  20. Anonymous2:14 pm

    John, I just watched a youtube documentary called “ the Sailor” it was filmed on Carriacou, part of Grenada. You might or might not like it but I knew a few of these old “sea gypsies” down there, very interesting. I don’t think we ever ran into Paul though. You will see why I love the Grenadians. GG

  21. Jog on indeed! She was100%wrong!!
    Penblwydd Hapus yfory ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Clearly jog lady does not know dogs - jog on was perfect. Happy B-day!

  23. I remember the “Cheap Shoes Incident.” A classic.

    1. I haven’t forgotten the insult , jog on is in some ways better as it’s more dismissive

  24. Anonymous3:16 pm

    if you had bravely left your name you would be next lovely anon xxxx

  25. Welcome to Club 61 John - happy birthday. Daft woman - of course dogs bark if surprised!

    1. It’s always entitled middle aged women I have trouble with….

  26. Sorry your chilled morning was interrupted by an idjit hiker. And good for you for not putting up with her bad behavior. Hope the remainder of your day is uneventful and free of idjits.

  27. When I'm out walking with my long-haired Chihuahua in his stroller, people usually ask first if they can pet him. (Chihuahuas have a mostly undeserved reputation for being snappish but they don't know my little guy is a lover, not a fighter.)

    Have a very happy birthday, fellow Gemini. Mine is on Saturday and I turn 76. You're still a young whippersnapper!

    1. I always ask to pet any dog , including th3 animal itself

  28. Anon 1:41pm. You Sweetie.

  29. Anonymous4:00 pm

    anon 141
    you coward

  30. Well, she certainly was constipated!! Happy Birthday John,

    1. She wasnt after Roger had frightened her

  31. Barbara anne4:55 pm

    Good grief. How did that woman miss the childhood life lesson of not pertting - or reaching toward any dog you don't know? It's not Roger's fault for being enthusiastic.
    Hope your evening s shift is tranquil.
    Happy Birthday to you! And at 61 you're a babe in the woods.


    1. Babe….not in gay years babs …..61 is well dead, and buried and decayed and dust

    2. You've been watching too many zombie movies, methinkks. Wink wink, nudge, nudge!

      Happy Birthday hugs

  32. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Happy Birthday ! from Rall

    sixty one
    is so very young
    lucky you
    no cheap shoes
    lots of adventures ahead
    footloose fancy free


    1. Thank you a poem for me, I’m honoured

  33. Ay! The woman's lucky she didn't get bit. By you if not by Roger.
    Happy birthday, dear John Gray. You are fabulous.

    1. Loli love being called fabulous even if I’m not, thank you deArheart

  34. Anonymous6:34 pm

    Happy Birthday, jog on was a perfect comment.

    1. I rather like it
      It’s my new favourite put down , because it works on so many levels

  35. Anonymous6:38 pm

    "Almost" bit me? Roger? It's almost comical the lengths people will go to to get attention. Happy birthday, dear man. You and your sweet animals bring so much joy. Love from Gail in California.

    1. No I get that she may have thought that, but she had invaded his domain which was idiotic

  36. Yorkshire Liz6:46 pm

    There is nothing more annoying than know-alls who put themselves in such positions a your hiker. A lot of other dogs would have taken her hand of, invading their territoty andmaking contact wih the family they are there to protect. But then, most people are stupid, especially the ones who think animals are animated stuffed toys. I agree with you John - older people are very intolerant of people without manners or common sense. Enjoy all your cards - and your birthday. And to me you are still my toyboy, so there!

    1. Yes the foolishness could. Not have been expressed more clearly

  37. Lol original Anon…and I will continue to castigate fools

  38. People can be complete idiots sometimes. Fancy trying to pat a strange dog then complaining when another one barks at you! Good for Roger protecting Dorothy. Happy Birthday for tomorrow; I'd better get in early as otherwise I will have to be late to the party as usual. Have a great day!

    Jo in Auckland

  39. Anonymous8:50 pm

    John, good response to her. I agree wholeheartedly about people who don't know how to approach our dogs (or their best friends - us). I'm sending you my Happy B'day warmest wishes today due to the time difference, and I betcha you will be inundated with the same from all. Have missed commenting of late but am back. Regina from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. Big Hugs & All The Very Best in this new year of your life.

    1. Nice to have u back x

    2. Anonymous10:58 pm

      Ah had so forgotten.. cheap shoes. Lol

  40. There was a time when I was employed in somebody's home. I had met the dog but on this day he was locked in a bedroom which I happened to go into. I went to pat him and nearly wet my pants when he lunged at me all snapping and snarling.
    I had to laugh at my stupidity (after I recovered)

    Happy Birthday, John

  41. Anonymous12:07 am

    Happiest of happy 61st birthdays John, and I agree Jog on is a perfect way of telling someone they’re an idiot..

    1. Anonymous11:23 pm

      That’s from Tweetart

  42. Happy 61st birthday, John dear!
    Wishing you many, many more journeys around the sun!!!

  43. A very Happy Birthday from across the pond dear John. You're still exceptionally youthful. . . . . . .and of course exceptional in so many ways!!!!!
    Have a fabulous year ahead.
    Mary in North Carolina.

  44. Anonymous1:34 am

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday John and many more besides x

  45. Happy Birthday John. I hope you have a lovely day. Mine was a week ago and I am two years older than you so quite close and both Gemini xx

  46. Anonymous8:37 am

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday John! Hope you have a splendid day! Louise X

  47. Stupid woman. I would never pet a dog without checking with the owner first.
    Happy birthday!

  48. You tell them John x

  49. Nicely done! I've often wanted to use that line myself, but never had the opportunity...or the confidence....I feel that is changing as I get older.....I am certainly less tolerant of people who lack manners.

  50. There's nothing that annoys me more than when a dog is just being a dog and someone gets in a huff. And am I to understand they were in your garden and she reached over the wall to pet them? Well, that's on her, then!

  51. Jog on! What a great way to dismiss her! (Laughing here in Arizona.)

  52. Truly! Just don't do it. Also: HBD, John!


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