Film Nite

 This morning I took the first collection of money collected from the Memorial Windows to the clerk of the TCA at the Saturday coffee morning . 
As usual all the tables were full, and I could see as well as cake , there were homemade sausage rolls on the menu. 
Mrs Trellis put one in her handbag.
I said hello to a few people and collected another two sponsorships before coming home, I have an on line film course starting at 1pm.

The next event for the TCA Is a film night, which was the brainwave of Bridget who has secured a projector and a screen. Unfortunately I’m working night shift on the 29th but I will try and change it. 


It’s still cool but there is a bright blue sky over the village.
One of the ponies neighed at me when I got home .


  1. Mrs Trellis knows a good thing when she sees it.

  2. That looks like a good night. I hope you can change your shift to be there. I bet there'll be some dancing and singing in the aisles! xx

  3. If Mamma Mia! doesn't get you up and dancing, nothing will. Hope you can change your night shift.

  4. Will it be a singalong Mamma Mia? That would be even more fun!

    1. Of course, alcohol will be sold so we will encourage it

  5. Your TCA continues to make great strides. The fundraising effort seems to be working well on all fronts. Film night sounds like a big win.

    1. I hope so , we are trying as many things as possible

  6. weaver1:26 pm

    Better start practising and perfecting your neighing.

  7. Barbara Anne1:37 pm

    The events in Trelawnyd are so well planned and attended! Hope you can swap your work schedule so you can attend the movie.


  8. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I miss living in a small place, Trelawnyd sounds like my kind of place. Hope you find a way get to film night.GG

    1. I was due to work night shift that Saturday but a kind colleague has just swapped my shift x

  9. It is well worth seeing.

    1. It’s rubbish but enjoyable rubbish if you can forgive mr bronsan’s singing voice

  10. sillygirl3:15 pm

    I read this quickly and saw where one of the peonies neighed at you!

  11. Mamma Mia film night sounds fun. A projector and a screen! I can't remember the last time I heard those used. My mother and all my aunts would have been right there with Mrs. Trellis (no matter at what time in their lives), My mother always had plastic bags neatly folded in her purse ... just in case.

    1. Lol I think it’s a digital projector , I’m not sure…..I’ve managed to swap the night so I’m off to go and help out and sing along


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