It’s Time

 For all of my adult life I have battled with my weight.
Comfort food is my go to despite on line healthy Korean recipes , mindful sushi and photographs of nice soups 
I eat on a late evening 
When things are quiet and I’m not diverted with “stuff”

I lose weight when I’m ready to do so, and have done so before 
And I’m ready…more than ready now to get my ample arse into gear.
So there you have it.
I’ve joined weight watchers again, weigh in college and choir day every Tuesday 
It’s up to me now 

Hey ho


  1. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Spooky! My thoughts on weight mirror yours and yesterday I kicked myself into touch so today it starts in earnest to lose three stone, although my health is good the mirror tells me “I is fat”. Sending you lots of positive thoughts, you know you can do it. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Perhaps all “interested parties” should have a weigh in next Tuesday

    2. Traveller7:34 pm

      Count me in

    3. I will join in as well. I was going to suggest it.

  2. Could you make the larger proportion of food on your plate vegetables John - and nice fruit as pud xπŸ“πŸŒΆπŸ…

    1. Thank u xx….yes flis I know all the right tricks , and plans and shortcuts and how to do it ….I just need to do it x

    2. Of course - My problem was booze - Once I decided it was Not a friend I found it easy (motivation for housework is difficult for me though ) x

    3. Anonymous9:58 pm

      If only people would realize that is it sugars/starch as in fruit and carbs and not fats Then everyone would be a lot lighter in weight and healthier.

  3. A good helping of willpower usually does the trick for me ... when I can find some.

    1. Me too……and not to stop at the shop on the way home

  4. Good luck and more power to you!

  5. Barbara anne5:09 pm

    I'm with you. My problem is that fatigue sends me to sit and read for too mcuh of my days, so even though I don't eat a lot, I don't work off even that. Sigh! It seems to be a long lasting lupus flare. and it's annoying.
    Wishing all of us well in our efforts to take better care of ourselves.


    1. Nicely put babs and let’s be nicer and better care givers to others

  6. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Best thing is you will feel so much better-and look so much better! Good for you!

  7. It must be more difficult to watch what you eat when your body clock is messed up with nursing schedules.

    1. Nights arnt easy but I’m pretty good at getting myself to prepare stir fry’s and noodles for middle of the night dinners

  8. Anonymous6:12 pm

    My thoughts exactly Monday just gone...back on with Dr Mosely...results already which is fabulous. I was sick with a virus that attacked my tonsils first, then my nasal passages and then my chest. Horrific for a whole 4 weeks I ate what was put in front of me, I was too sick to care what I ate, hence the need for a recap in my eating plan...Keto works for me.

    JO in auckland

    1. Things have been insidious during lockdown and I never really addressed it afterwards… now is the time …..chicken stir fry tomorrow , lots of lemon juice and water too

  9. Good luck. My husband and I started a very low calorie and low carb diet about 6 weeks ago. I've lost about 11 lbs and husband has lost about 1.5 stones. Need to ward off T2 diabetes. Lots of salads and veggies. No bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. And surprisingly, it's not been too bad. Don't feel hungry at all and if I feel peckish, I'll have a few nuts. Once the weight starts dropping (and quickly) there's more incentive to keep going. xx

    1. I’m very impressed HH WELL DONE THE BOTH OF U …

    2. My Husband and I also eat this way and have lost a lot, but we eat a lot of fat as in cream and butter which staves off hunger. This is called the Keto diet and is amazing , we also eat a main meal once a day. Oh and no exercise needed.

    3. I’m reading about this


    5. We picked up the book by Prof Rob Taylor "Reversing Type 2 Diabetes". Makes so much sense, when you realise why we put on weight and what it does to you. Husband occasionally has a meal replacement shake, I can't as they're all milk based and I'm lactose intolerant. But cutting out the refined carbs, and fasting for 12 - 18 hours really does work. Wish we'd started it years ago! I used to be permanently hungry eating carbs, but now I'm only occasionally hungry just before meals. Only trouble is, we both need new (smaller) clothes! xxx

  10. I had to keep track of my wt after I stopped running 40 miles a week when I was around 50. At 72, I said 'hell with it, I'll eat whatever I please', and promptly gained 10 pounds. It's leveled off at that, so I'm satisfied. I found if I didn't eat vegs, fruit and salads I had craving for them, so their included in my 'diet'.
    Good luck, my friend. I think, from your pictures, you're a handsome guy.

  11. Good luck with that. I wish it was that simple for me. My problem isn't food as I don't eat much, but it is inactivity. I do do some simple exercises which are obviously not having much effect.

  12. YOU can make it happen John! Big Hugs! deb

  13. Anonymous7:17 pm

    It's really very simple, consume less calories than you expend in energy.
    Don't put the extra calories in your shopping trolley or in your mouth.
    Eat to live not live to eat.

    1. The answer is always simple on paper , but other factors need to be considered
      If it was that easy then there would be no fat people around..and we all know the truth .
      Psychogical aspects of it need to be addressed

  14. I was diagnosed as pre diabetes last June. That gave me the scare I needed. I've lost close to 40 lbs and my a1c has gone down significantly. I have slipped a few times but in general I've gotten into the right frame of mind. Cutting down on carbs was the biggie. Good luck, I know its not easy especially when you love food like I do.

    1. The mind set it the tough one , I’m a terrible one to say “ oh fuck it” especially when tired or stressed which my body is physically when nigh shifts come around. No excuses, I just need to be focused

  15. You got this, John!

  16. Wishing you well with this. I had the opposite problem for probably the first 30 years of my life. Stressed or depressed? I wouldn’t eat. And I was always stressed or depressed. Fortunately, I developed healthy workout habits despite that and, finally, healthy eating habits. But I've been lucky to never have to seriously struggle to manage my weight since -- although the waistline does go up a bit at times now and then. Anyway, I feel for you. Almost everyone knows how to lose weight. It's the making permanent changes that could drive you crazy.

    1. Interesting you went the other way so to speak x lol

  17. All the "don't eat this, don't eat that, eat this, eat that" is nonsense. It's simple - eat less until you lose weight. Two words, eat less (not that I am claiming it is easy to do). We get fat because we eat too much. I hope you succeed, and I expect you will, but the difference is that this time you need to succeed and stay succeeding rather than putting it all on again when you get pleased with your success. None of my business, of course.

    1. It’s never that easy…or is it?

    2. It can be. I lost about 3 stone some years ago by eating less, and have kept it off for more than 10 years now. The trick, for me, was to realise that "Oh, it really does just boil down to two words."

    3. it's a lot more complicated than that

    4. It's not. If you eat less you will lose weight.

    5. Provided you eat sufficiently less, of course. I despair at all those nonsense diet books making money out of misery, when all we have to do is eat sufficiently less. Pretending that it is more complicated than that is the barrier to success. It is simple (but often not easy). My final word.

    6. It really depends on the person and their mindset. A lot of people are emotional eaters. That makes it a bit more complicated.

    7. Barbara Anne4:47 am

      My dear MIL said , "Eat less, move more." It worked for her!

    8. I actually don't get the 'cake or sweets as a treat' mindset. Food is nourishment. Buy the best quality you can afford, eat an appropriate amount. Why deliberately eat something you know is bad for you? We are what we eat, remember.

  18. Intermittent fasting has changed my relationship with food but I still have days where I just think I deserve a treat or four.
    My scales are completely unreliable but I'll weigh in with ya :)

    1. Kylie, that is what I am doing as well! I was doing well. My husband had a stroke at the end of January and I got off track. I will start again.

  19. Good luck with this John. I find as I age, I can't eat what I once did. I find my downfall is sweets.

  20. Wishing you all the best as you embark on your new weight loss regime. Perhaps having fruit in the house and going to that when you feel the urge to snack might help the campaign along.

  21. Come Summer, you'll be fit and trim. I believe a bit of extra weight during the winter is okay. It's good insulation for the cold season.

  22. Well done John. I too struggle to keep to a healthy weight, and resist the 'comfort food rubbish'. Hoping it goes well. I tell myself I'd loose weight if I had a full time cook and empty cupboards!!

  23. I find what helps is not developing 'will power' but putting up impediments. Especially not having stuff in the house in the first place.

  24. Anonymous6:07 am

    Some very useful advice here in comments which I completely agree with. For me it is the will power problem, so I keep it simple with "Eat less, Move ,more" and plan the weeks meals. It must be much harder with your shift times. I try to do it slowly and "creep up" on my metabolism so it doesn't notice what I am up to :)
    Hope it goes really well for you.

    1. Anonymous10:39 am

      This is me MarisAna. No idea why I’m anonymous today.

  25. Mindo6:51 am

    Good for you, all good wishes for reaching your goals! There's just something that "clicks" isn't there? For me it was having to buy larger sized clothes to go on holiday tomorrow. I've piled on the weight since my husband passed away, at first for comfort and now from boredom. The cost of Weightwatchers, the time and petrol to get to the weekly weigh-ins seem to motivate me! In the past I've tried the Harcombe diet which was very successful but, until I've shifted some weight and retrained my appetite, I need to the support of weekly weigh-ins.

  26. I am very much an " emotional " eater.
    Will be joining in on this.
    Roll on next Tuesday !

  27. Good luck with the new diet. I think if you can food prep in advance it will be easier. On a Sunday , for instance, do as much food prep as possible for the week ahead. Have containers full of carrot batons and prepared veg to snack on and have portioned up containers of food in the fridge or freezer. I just have to follow my own advice now!

  28. It's a good mindset to be in John. I won't add to the 'do this, do that' list of comments. Do what suits you and your body, after all only you know it well.
    I am currently doing the Fast 800 and it's working well for me. Alan is on Metformin for his diabetes and it's a brilliant appetite suppressor ... so he is doing well too!

  29. I think it would be a good idea for me to join you on this John.
    I'm another who's an emotional eater, and as I get older, the weight is creeping on.
    I know all the tips and tricks to losing weight, and lost 35 pounds two years ago, then had a weeks holiday, and since then have been really stupid and gained 31 of those pounds back!
    I need to sort myself out! X

  30. Take care of yourself, and do what you know how to do.

  31. Good luck with it John. I know you can do it, you've done it before. I'm minded to join you too. Let's all shed weight. xx

  32. Anonymous3:50 pm

    You said you're looking at the Keto diet as one of your readers is on it but surely the whole point of joining a slimming group is following their diet plan and doing what they recommend?

    1. Surely being open to read about things, other diets other ways of doing things is a good thing? No?

    2. Anonymous3:47 pm

      Isn't the whole point of joining a slimming club for you to follow their diet plan? Or are you paying money just to stand on their scales? Their plans are all scientifically worked out for the necessary nutrients, the correct ratios of fbre, protein, carbs etc. If you're going to follow the keto or any other plan you're wasting your money just paying to be weighed.

  33. I joined Slimming World and lost two stone over the winter. I feel so immensely better for it but couldn't have done it before. You have to be in the right frame of mind and focussed on the process. You sound like that you are going to be successful, the time being right for you.

  34. sillygirl12:59 pm

    It is time for me, too. I had been to the doctor and they weighed me - I asked not to be told but the paper they gave me to have a scan had all that in bold print. Yikes! I have fought overweight all my life - I'm almost 80. When I went for the scan I had to not eat for 4 hours before and this was my danger time - from noon on. When I went for the scan after signing in they said the doctor had cancelled it! All that not-eating for nothing!!! The next day they called to reschedule and I thought better of it and felt good about that PLUS it started me on passing up food in the afternoons. So far I have lost probably more than 5 pounds and am going to hold the line at sweets and hours of eating. Out of one irritating experience I got two good things.

  35. Excellent! Keep us posted on your progress! We'll be your support group. :)

  36. sillygirl12:21 pm

    Thanks! I'll remember that when I'm tempted. It helps a lot!


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