

I was snowed in again this morning
This happens because of the topography of the lane rather than the amount of snow falling. 
From my cottage the lane snakes upward into the village at quite an angle .
When snow falls and gets iced, the cars just cannot get past the church. 
My sister and brother in law dressed in matching emergency yellow and black ski tops came to the rescue with a food pack and Sailor John from next door dropped off some logs .
Mrs Trellis tied a plastic carrier bag on the gate with two Mars bars inside wrapped in Christmas napkins 
Ive been looked after.
Which is very nice.

Tonight as usual I’m crammed on the trendy blue couch 
Roger is snoring gently on my shoulder,Mary & Dorothy and Albert scattered liked curled fur cushions crammed in the gaps .
Albert’s broken leg stuck up in the air 
I’ve been rather moved by coverage of the funeral of King Constantine of Greece 

And the fire is roaring 
I may be single , but I don’t feel alone tonight


  1. Anonymous8:56 pm

    What a great outcome of being snowed in! Nice help from your community, (especially the Mars bars, mmm).

  2. As Jimmy (You Might Be Overdressed) pointed out to me in a recent comment. As long as we have one another none of us will ever be alone.

  3. Snowed-in is always fine with me. It's when I get snowed "out" and can't get down the road to home that I dislike! You have lovely neighbours and friends, don't you? Which tells me you must be a pretty good guy, yourself. - Kate

  4. Just five minutes of snow here, but cold. You sound cosily snowed in - perfect!

  5. Sounds like a song. The snow photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It sounds very peaceful. As always I am fascinated that you have no supplies on hand, but lovely that friends and family came to your rescue. Even Mrs Trellis, w her Mars bars contribution, how sweet.

  7. Me and my furry ones are sitting close to the fire - and getting through quite a lot of logs - I checked the log shed earlier with my thatch who always likes to accompany me - it's going to need a top up x

  8. Countrygal10:29 pm

    On the set of the film 'Marathon man', Dustin Hoffman stayed into character by not sleeping for 3 days, when he arrived for filming, Laurence Olivier asked why he looked so awful and of course Dustin explained he was getting into his character. Appalled, Laurence Olivier replied, 'my dear boy, try acting '. This has got nothing to do with your post but I had to mention it because it makes me laugh and l hope others.

  9. You are well and truly blessed John.

  10. Anonymous11:06 pm

    wait, Albert has a broken leg? Or is this an old injury that makes his leg stiff?


  11. How kind of Mrs Trellis to give you those two "Mars" bars. I was going to say something else but deleted the intended comment because my words might have been misconstrued.

  12. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to say- I cannot go out. I must stay right here in my own cozy home. At least that's how I feel.

  13. With the snow and cold outside and a cozy home with a nice warm fire ablaze, all is good. Albert, Mary, Roger and Dorothy resting happily adds to the lovely ambiance.

  14. Single, but not alone .. I know you're not always feeling it but that's the spirit! Enjoy!

  15. Snuggle and stay warm

  16. Gosh -I hadn't thought of that, and your photos were so beautiful - a real Winter Wonderland; but being snowed in could be tricky. Thank goodness for the kindness of good friends. I hope it doesn't last too long.

  17. Barbara anne4:39 am

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful that since we've no plcae to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
    So nice of family and friends to bring dfood and fuel and to have the family who resides with you all snuggled up.


  18. When I was in my teens, my people had a cottage on top of a Welsh Hill. The snow would drift against the front door making it impossible to leave. We were advised to keep 2 weeks worth of food in the house; just in case!

  19. Not always lovely to be snowed in, but on this occasion, surrounded by furry friends, with the fire blazing and Mrs T's Mars bars, what could be better. xx

  20. Cosy, cuddled up with your furry family.

    Your family and village friends are great.

  21. A good place to be. Whatever the weather

  22. The Mars Bars on the gate have warmed my heart.

  23. Yorkshire Liz10:05 am

    All that love coming at you in some many little but telling ways. You see - you are much loved and appreciated. My home village used to get snowed in, and in winter getting to my grammar school by our elderly school bus was a nightmare. In one very bad winter the driver threw us off the bus to call on all the householders on one particular hill to beg the ashes from their open fires to put down on the road under the tyres as the bus was stuck. Only last year when having my little house renovated, the kitchen units struggled through snow over 200 miles up the M1 to the top of my road. The driver did not dare come down the slope because he said he would never get back up - so another fortnight of the units went all the way back again. Another fortnight of using the bathroom as the kitchen! So I envy you being warm and snug and with a good supply of Mars bars. And relax!


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