Ordinary is Good

 I had a simple and ordinary night tonight.
Supper with  Gorgeous Dave and his seven year old daughter 
Paella with long discussions of not hiding your prawns under the rice and no pudding until you finish
Some showing off in front of the guest 
I made some brownie points bringing a girl’s magazine 
Nothing too heavy 
I sort of played a benign uncle and sat there and listened
It was Lovely


  1. Well done on the discussions...and the brownie points!

  2. Barbara Anne11:04 pm

    What a completely delightful evening out. 7 year olds a excellent and interesting company!


  3. My Uncles have been quite 'strong' characters - One though quiet,calmer - never forgets my birthday - and always a thoughtful Christmas gift - He has a good life,meeting up with friends and holidays in this country and abroad - He has interesting tales to tell x

  4. Paella is an unusual girl's name. Was she conceived in Spain?

    1. Haha, I think there is a missing full stop ... as you well know!! ;-)

    2. Obviously related to her English Auntie 'Piella Bakewell' erstwhile girlfriend of Wallace. Sorry couldn't resist it! Tess

  5. Dave sounds like a wonderful parent. Your gift was a very thoughtful gesture. The 3 of you must have enjoyed the meal together, including the guidance on dining out.

  6. Those kinds of evenings can be exquisite. Sounds like yours was.

  7. Is her name Paella or you all ate Paella? Where was dinner, at your house, theirs? Out? In the snow?

  8. Seven is such a magical age.

  9. Na - I reckon they ate Paella, with prawns - sounds delicious. And, of course No Dessert Until You Have Finished Your Main Course... or convinced a best Uncle 9or grandma) to helpfully eat a prawn or two!!

  10. Life is a wonderful mix of ordinary and extraordinary times, sad tears alternate with happy tears. It sounds like you had a perfect day.

  11. The magazine was a great move. Well done you!

  12. I wonder what a girl's magazine is. I remember one called Dolly that may have been a girl's magazine. The trouble with our generation is that we generally grew up with enough to eat and learnt how to not eat what we didn't like. My pyjama pockets would often be full of cabbage or contain some brussel sprouts when I left the dinner table. It is good that you did something nice and quiet with a family.

  13. Hiding prawns under the rice sounds a bit like hiding the sprouts under the potatoes. Nice evening with Dave and his daughter.

  14. Sounds like bliss. Ordinary is VERY good. It took me years to understand that.

  15. Sometimes (well, most times) doing ordinary things with lovely people is just perfect. I'd have loved you forever if I'd been that 7 yo and you'd brought me a girl's mag! xx

  16. I like Ordinary. I am very ordinary.

  17. Ordinary is just fine by me. Wouldn't want to be Somebody!

  18. Sometimes ordinary is very good. It sounds like a lovely evening. xx

  19. She will grow up and appreciate you for other reasons.

  20. Shell those prawns and savor them.

  21. I bet you are a favourite uncle too.

  22. Sounds like a lovely time, John.

  23. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Simple and ordinary sounds just the right medicine.


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