Trick or Treat

 One little zombie knocked on the door tonight and I had nothing for her, not even a pound coin.
I didn’t recognise her from the village but told her to come back for a treat.
She said she would 
Last night’s egging of the cottage has grown a little more menacing as I found later today that Bluebell was targeted too and four solar garden lights and a planter fully of fading geraniums were stolen .
Tonight the planters on the garden wall were pushed over, smashing two and with the dogs barking I was out quick sticks but saw nothing. 
I’ve had four home phone calls too, all hang ups with no numbers available 

It’s all feeling a bit personal now


  1. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Time for those cute little cameras? Catch the little brats!

    1. The time I start camera positioning is the time I move out of the village

    2. If it is targeted on you, moving out would be a win for them. Very sad to have to suggest it may be some very nasty "gay-bashing" by youngsters. I'd try the little cameras set inside the windows, myself, if it continued beyond Halloween. Such issues need tackled.

    3. Exactly A. x

  2. You don't need to have a camera, just a sign that says" Smile, you are on camera"...that is usually a deterent.

  3. My car was hit violently with an egg once. Thought it was a bullit!

  4. Personal and worrisome.

    Wishing you the best...

    Btw, I too, am missing Weaver... And wishing her son would update us. Also hoping that if anyone hears, they will comment on her blog,for others....

    Happy Halloween and may the nastines stop!

    1. How can we find Weaver? John asked me and my answers were useless. I'll make a plan and be back later with details.

    2. Joanne, I have e-mailed. Please send me a gotcha, if you receive it.

  5. Anne Brew10:15 pm

    I got rid of my landline. Occasional annoying anonymous phone calls made me feel a bit uneasy.

  6. Those sensor security lights work when someone walks a bit too close x

  7. Unsettling. You have my sympathy. I hope that the culprit tires of this mischief and moves on to something and somewhere else.

  8. I’ve pushed this part of the blog onto the village forum

  9. I'm so sorry about the attacks. I hope it gets sorted out quickly. My heart is with you.

  10. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Resally sorry it is disgusting but youngsters with nothing to do ? ! It is half term this week in north wales so more people hanging around & not the normal blare thddoughy bum xxx.

  11. I'd install motion detecting lights on the property. If anyone steps on the property the lights will go on. Also, a hunting camera with night vision would be a good idea as well. Your village law enforcement might have a camera that they could install on your property. (Motion detecting lights and the hunting camera are available from Amazon.)

  12. WOW! Kids in the village really take trick/treat seriously. I've not seen property damaged before. No one trick/treats around here any longer but, when they did and one didn't pay up, it was toilet paper spread with peanut butter on the windshield or an egging. Sounds like you've got some possessed teens in the area.

  13. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Perhaps you should contact the police or will they see the Village Forum page? Find out if it's just you getting hit or are other homes being targeted, as well?
    Regardless, it is vandalism and it needs to be reported to the authorities!

    1. Well, that's from me ⬆... don't know how my name disappeared!

  14. How upsetting - egging is a darned nuisance to remove, and can cause damage to the paintwork. Because Halloween is in Spring here, the ragbags are out later - I hope the cold weather deters them pretty soon. I do hope it's not personal, or anti-gay, but the latter would be typical nasty-adolescent behaviour, I suppose. Lights! Cameras! Community response... I'd certainly suggest you don't meekly put up with it.

    1. More from me! Our local Facebook page has an entry from a family who have a son who's highly allergic to eggs, and their home, the door handle and their car was egged - fortunately the parents got to it before the little one suffered a medical incident! How awful!

  15. Sorry to hear about the vandalism.
    I am in the U.K. and regularly get such phone calls - no one speaks and number unavailable.
    I have been told that it is a computer generated cold call - computer rings numerous numbers at same time.
    So if someone answers before you , you just get silence.
    I have had loads recently so let everything go to answemachine.
    Frustrating , but such is life !

  16. Sorry to hear this John. Unpleasant behaviour. It could be mischievous young people but the anonymous phone calls suggest it's someone or some people who have somehow accessed your number either from yourself or from someone else who knows you. If it happens again, think you need to inform the local constabulary. Hope it doesn't happen again though x

  17. There seems to be a bad element in your charming village. Remember the person[s] who pissed in the food bank kiosk during Covid? And the theft of firewood etc. I'd call the police justbto have it on record. Also for insurance purposes if vandalism escalates. Wrecking your garden is destruction of property, as is damage to your car! Add cameras and motion lights. Ask the police to drive by now and then---your tax dollars at work! Broadcast your situation on local FB and local media pages.

  18. I'm sorry this happened to you. Not cool. Has it happened to anyone else?

  19. Well, whatever it is, it's escalated from tricks to vandalism.

  20. That's harassment!
    You're going to have to think about investing on some movement activated cameras....


  21. Really? And here I thought the British were so civilized! In our town we do Trunk or Treat on Halloween Eve ... parents park in the school lot with the back of their cars decorated ... and of course, candy for the kids to keep them out of trouble.

  22. Sorry you are getting vandalized, John. You take such nice care of your garden.

  23. If it continues past Halloween, you may want to call the police. Phone calls, at least, can be traced.

  24. This sounds a quite nasty. Maybe some CCTV would find the culprits, one can buy kits quite cheaply these days.
    I had my new (to me) car 'egged' yesterday. Whilst in the supermarket a Seagull decided that it needed decorating!!!

  25. Seems to me to have less to do with Halloween and more to do with harassment and vandalism which other people have suggested on here. It's probably young teens and they pick on someone who they think it may be fun to bully. Probably as likely in a village as anywhere and hopefully they will simply get bored and move on. So hard to catch them and where I live there has been an absolute outbreak of Ring doorbell videos of people stealing and vandalising in gardens and streets put up on our local website and it is getting worse. Some of the pictures are quite clear too! It is upsetting.

  26. Yeah, that's way beyond Halloween tomfoolery. Call a cop.

  27. Anonymous6:30 am

    Sorry to hear about your bit of bother. 😞
    Have you heard anything about the Weaver of Grass?

  28. I agree with others. Time to report it, it's gone beyond trick or treating onto vandalism and harassment. Motion sensor lights are a good idea. These little tow rags don't like the limelight! And an answer phone (don't record your own message). They'll hopefully get fed up when they get no reaction. Hoping all settles down for you. xx

  29. Do you think the maliciousness may be caused by someone who reads the blog and is getting a kick out of reading about it the next day? (One would hope not but these days you can never tell). x

  30. Yorkshire Liz7:48 am

    I can only agree with everyone else. Report this to the police so at least it is logged. Make a record and take pix of the damage, be prepared to build a dossier and NOT just shrug it off. Ask around and see if other people are being targeted. If your phone is a landline you can get the number and time of the call by dialling 1471 (before another call eradicates the problem call.) And be careful with what you leave outside. Put a padlock on the gate at night. Put a notice on the gate saying a nurse is being targeted and vandalised here and ask your neighbours to keep an eye out and report back. Having been burgled and targeted myself, advice from the police was to not be polite and quiet, but to make a noise ready to name and shame. As with all bullies, the only way to stop them is to face them down Good luck!

    1. Anonymous3:34 pm

      No do not mention a nurse lives there on the gate. That would attract predators.

  31. Great advice from Yorkshire Liz, don’t lie down and accept it, fight back.

  32. Can you switch on the ansafone so that it clicks in after one ring? Deter the buggers. Costs them to ring and just get the ansafone. Theft of the planter and lights needs to be reported to police, in my opinion.

  33. All very sinister. I hope you find out who is doing it and can stop it happening. Maybe other villagers might have some information?

  34. Just a thought John, just in case it's someone who is reading your blog. Maybe don't post about when you are going to be absent or working nights etc. You can always write about where you've been and what you've done AFTER the event. Those bastards don't need to know when the house will be empty. Good luck. I live alone and I would be very unsettled by this!

  35. Horrible. So many good people in the world and so many bloody horrible ones. x

  36. Glad you're put it on the village forum, but do report it to the police. Take care of yourself. Jxx

  37. Shelly Williams11:10 am

    That’s not pleasant for you John . I hope it gets sorted out soon xxx

  38. How strange. Do you think the zombie girl knew you follow the Walking Dead? Or is it just coincidence that she dressed as a zombie? It does seem a bit personal and a little freaky.

  39. Being the corner cottage does mean that the little shits can make a quick getaway. I would get a couple of camera signs at the very least. We did that when we lived in Wales and it stopped a lot of the vehicles that used to pull up onto our drive.

  40. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Oy vey! In Detroit, back in the 70's when I was still living in the city, it was called Devil's Night and garages and vacant houses would be burned down. It's calmed down since then. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Your's went well beyond a little mischief. H H, Michigan, USA

  41. Grrrrr! I hope the culprit suffers negative karma after this meanness. In fact, I know they's how karma works.

  42. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Not nice at all. Prompts me to apologise for my comment to your previous post suggesting the egging was merely a minor annoyance. As you say it has become too personal. Hope you can catch the culprit/s

    1. JacquieB1:29 pm

      Sorry forgot to leave my name.

  43. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Sorry to hear that there has been more senseless behaviour. Take care
    Alison in Wales x

  44. Anonymous1:34 pm

    I am sorry to hear this, John.
    Have you had any interaction with annoying neighbours recently?

  45. It does sound more than just Halloween shenanigans.. I hope its over with..

  46. Oh no! Report it to the Police as I think they should be notified, just to make them aware, even if you choose not to do anything about it at least there is a paper trail of your concerns. They could also be targeting others who are not so capable of looking after themselves. You will do what is best for you. Take care Pattypanx

  47. Too many tricks and not enough treats. I hope the trouble ends quickly.


  48. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Really sorry to hear of the troubles 😟 i agree it is half term & the egging sounds like silly teenagers but I doubt if they are interested in garden pots - not unless they have changed dramatically in recent years ! 🤨 I agree that it is a good idea to let the police know, & other villagers so they are also aware of the problem & can let hefty hints drop where they may be necessary . Do hope there is no more trouble & stay safe Anna in Wild Wales

  49. Anonymous2:47 am

    Sounds like you have a lot little shits in the village!

  50. Anonymous10:41 am

    I am an admin for our local community fb. We have chosen not to publish any posts reporting or picturing vandalism kn the community as we have been told by police (and the vandals peers) that this gives them the notoriety they are seeking. They advise reporting to police with photos. Let your neighbours know by word of mouth about what is happening. Might be a good idea not to mention on your blog as they know they are annoying you and getting pleasure from it. Hope the problem sorts itself soon, Best wishes, Rhonda


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