Lovely Linda and The Meaty Farts


I’m not banging on about being busy
But I’m busy.
I’m on a two day training course and it’s college night tomorrow 
I’ve just finished nights as well,
And they were busy too.
I got home all in a rush, and after dog walking, cat feeding and the like took a few minutes respite and let Dorothy give my feet a jolly good licking
It was Delightful! 
Now when she’s on a good one, Dorothy can slobber over my bunions for a good half hour, during which she has a particularly odious habit of farting rather heavily. 
I think it’s a kind of gastrocolic reflex, like a baby sucking a bottle will wind
And It’s only a small price to pay, to be sure
But today I wasn’t banking on the velvet voiced Linda knocking on the door wanting to organise a community council meeting just as Dorothy was in mid lickn’fart
I let Linda in before I realised that not only my feet were covered in slobber, but that the cottage smelled of the meatiest of farts….and boy are we talking meaty.!
I was mortified .
Blaming Dorothy seemed like the most obvious of ruses 
So I said nothing and hoped she wouldn’t notice
Linda was as gracious and as smiley as always, she’s rather like Chic Eleanor in this respect 

But I did notice that she didn’t stay very long at all


  1. Barbara Anne5:11 pm

    Can't stop laughing but after a few night shifts, you cannot help what's going on in the cottage! Hope you opened some windows, however briefly.


    1. I know meaty farts aside , I cannot tell you just how therapeutic having your feel licked by a bulldog’s very powerful tongue feels . It’s like having free reflexology

  2. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Oh my, so funny. No excuses just own it. Ha Ha. I think it is hilarious. Suzy

  3. Reading this has made my eyes water x 💦

  4. Revolting. Whatever rocks your boat is fine but keep it private. You are disgusting.

    1. Oh do chill dear Adrian

    2. FO and when you get there Fuck off again.

    3. Don’t knock anything unless you’ve tried it x

    4. Anonymous7:04 pm

      Re "Don’t knock anything unless you’ve tried it". Really? That ridiculous old statement - Rape? Murder? Buggery? Self-harm? Eating shit? Drinking urine? Football hooliganism? Fighting in the street for thrills? Sex with goats? etc... etc.. etc..., all of which others do indeed do

    5. Oh lord ….ffs lighten up

    6. oo no I don't like that x 🐎 🐽

    7. Anonymous8:13 pm

      Oversharing as usual..

    8. Anonymous8:21 pm

      Ah... "Lighten up", that pathetic old phrase so often used by people who simply cannot bear to be corrected or called out about anything. They should grow up and learn to take a little of what they give. Too late for some though.

    9. It’s not a big enough subject to be arguing or complaining about lighten up is the ideal comment …..
      By making a fuss you look and sound like a suburban curtain twitcher complaining about a cat who pooed on your lawn

      Hey ho

    10. Anonymous9:00 pm

      So why are you arguing and complaining? Sigh... Never one to accept what you give out. But you won't see any of that. It possibly explains why.... oh never mind...

    11. "sunburban curtain twitcher"! I love it, even better than cheap shoes. Tho curtain twitching seems another British thing, no one bothers around here or anywhere else I have lived.

    12. Oh, I see the repulsive Adrian is at his silly games again!
      He obviously has a huge problem with anyone remotely 'normal', and is a racist, sexist twat!
      Don't worry about the old idiot, this word is full of nut jobs, and he's one of the finest!

  5. A true lady for not saying anything, but I bet she had a good laugh once she'd escaped (and took a huge gulp of fresh air)! xx

    1. I feel I do have to blame the bulldog

  6. Velvet Voiced Linda should have worn her COVID mask.

  7. I laughed out loud at this one. Thank you!

  8. I'm in tears....

    My only advice dear...don't light a match!!!

    1. I know ….a hydrogen explosion

    2. Fact Checker9:04 pm

      Methane actually. If any of you is emitting hydrogen they need to see a vet or doctor fast

    3. Lol I stand corrected

    4. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

  9. If you could capture that gas, you could make a fortune. As a friend once put it, there is more room on the outside than the inside.

  10. Anonymous9:39 pm

    We have a new pup she is gorgeous…. But oh do her poos smell rather old cheesy….and moi, I had cauliflower issues
    Had to open all doors….l

  11. Anonymous9:41 pm

    Cauliflower girl( anonymous) is your Adelaide stalker Good wishes

  12. Anonymous9:46 pm

    All these cows are complaining? It is funnyin an odd sort of way. I thought quite funny. Suzy aaaaaaaaaaaaand anom dont tread on my quotes and try to be me. Blow it out your arse.

  13. It appears there is only one downside to this foot licking/massage by Dorothy. Linda was gracious about the ripe smell in your cottage. I have to wonder, what she will tell her friends...

  14. Great name for a punk rock type band John. I'd go to watch them for the name alone. Let me know when they're playing the village hall. ;-)

  15. Good lord, a scatological post from you and the anon's go ballistic. What is with them? What you and your dogs do in the privacy of......anyway. Better you than me, John.

    1. I know and a few non anons were pissed
      Go figure

  16. Oh, I would have thrown Dorothy under the bus! After all, she WAS to blame!

  17. Hahaha! Poor Linda. Oh well what you do in your own house is your business. How come you have so many nasty anons do know how to touch a nerve apparently. Another great quality. Good old Dorothy... your foot therapy dog lol

    Jo in Auckland

  18. When Billy licks my feet (I'm always bare footed in the house) I take it to be some form of deference, accepting me as top-dog!

  19. Sometimes my thatch enters the bathroom as I dry myself with a towel after a shower - he proceeds to lick my feet helping to dry them and then continues up my leg - saucy monkey x 🐒


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