Balancing The Books

 It’s autumn and with yesterday all done and dusted the passing into another season feels so much more poignant. 
I’ve dug out jumpers and made pea and mint soup this morning and walked the dogs at 7.30 am when it felt cold and quiet and darker than I expected. 
And the day has an anticlimactic feel to it, which is exactly what I didn’t want to happen
And so I’ve taken my coffee upstairs and opened the office again.
Roger is happy in the kitchen, where I have hidden tiny bits of dry bagel around his bedding and under the table . He is happily searching for crumbs with satisfied nom noms when one is found.
Mary is asleep on the reading chair.
I am behind on paperwork today. 
Of looking at the bills,
Of checking for the best deals, of balancing the books.
There are other things that need sorting too. 
Online mandatory training for work, the Village Pond open day 
Updating the village website
Organising a meal here for my family ( it’s been over 5 years since I hosted anything) 
A super dinner party for friends, promised and overdue.
My friend Nigel hasn’t visited for a few years too, he needs a date to come over

I haven’t made lists in ages. 
Spare time is wasted on tiktok, YouTube, day dreaming, going out!
I need to make one today.
The filofax is ready.

I feel I need to be worried more about money too
The electricity bills need checking
Bloody hell the website says I’m 700 quid in credit ! 
There’s a turn up for the books! 
Shit, I’ve just remembered Bluebell needs an MOT and service 
Bollocks I need to get dog wormer too! 

11 am and 16 things ticked off so far
Just 15 bigger things to do


  1. One of my least favorite things...the attack of adult responsibility. Balancing the check books and correcting all my errors in addition and subtraction. Planning for my pups annual vet visits and budgeting those (always seems like bankruptcy looms over that one). And my new one, trying to make sure I will have the funds to move from my rural farm life into a nice apartment in a hotel in town sometime next year. It is so much more fun to just read and walk and stare/contemplate the distance.

  2. I am working through a list here too. Must be that time of year

  3. Yorkshire Liz10:58 am

    Full of admiration! You have to do this stuff when in the mood, or you never get it done, And then even less likely to ever be in the mood. But remember how virtuous you feel afterwards, And also a bit smug - and rightly so. Your reward will be the happy socialising later. Want to come and do my paperwork too. P.S. Don't forget any animal vaccinations, while sorting all this stuff!

  4. He's making a list, and checking it twice, . . .

  5. Adulting is so bloody hard and annoying isn't it. I don't think we are old enough to do it yet. ;-)

    I hope you took the money out of the electric companies account and have it ready for Bluebells service and MOT. Better in your account however briefly than in theirs.

  6. Anonymous11:25 am

    I would not get anything done without a list. I know what I have to do but it feels better when you can check it off. Suzy

  7. Anonymous11:28 am

    I really hope so much that you don't need a dog wormer. There could be stirrups involved.

  8. I tend to make lists in my head. Usually they are the things I have forgotten and not tackled right when the come up.

  9. I think we'd all rather play than do the serious, grown-up stuff. £700 in credit - how'd that happen? You've managed to get through more than half your list - well done! xx

  10. Lists rule my life but in a good way. I feel I accomplish so much more when I have a list to give me direction. (I also forget fewer things.) I have a list sitting beside me at this moment with my things to do for my husband's birthday dinner tonight. Gather fresh flowers for vases is #1.

  11. Lists are helpful. I use them too. For me, having specific dates each month for taking action is also helpful. Costs are continuing to rise and this seems part of life for now.

  12. It's always so satisfying to feel organized!

  13. I love making lists and checking things off. If I do something not on the list, I add it after it’s done just so I can check it off.

  14. Sounds like Roger is a built-in entertainer, bless him - though I'm sure it gets wearing after a bit.

  15. Barbara Anne2:32 pm

    So happy that your blog is accessible in its usual form today!!
    I love list-making, too, but all too often lack the energy to follow through. Well done in accomplishing those 16 tasks so early in your day!
    I'm still happily sewing and feel C creeping up on me.



  16. I get great satisfaction from putting that check mark next to even the most mundane items.

  17. Well done - keep it up until the list is empty.

  18. Love a list, the best one is for a big shop, go through fridge, freezer, bathroom, utility room, pantry and everywhere else. Then go shopping.....and leave that list on the kitchen table! Tess x

  19. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Your office looks like a wonderful place to write lists, make plans , study
    And create magnificent menus
    Siobhan x

  20. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Youve "JUST" remembered that your car needs an MOT and service? I don't think so as you've already mentioned it in your Friday post.

    1. Sigh....I know it's in the autumn generally...

    2. MOT is expensive? Bluebell shouldn't need much service, maybe an oil change. She is only 3 or 4 years old, right?

    3. Oh I looked up MOT, like L58.oo. Less than an Amazon midnight splurge.

    4. Anonymous4:48 pm

      John likes to tell us about his bills and suchlike Lizzy, in the hope there'll be readers taking pity on him and sending money as they have in the past.

    5. What a dreadful thing to say

    6. Anonymous2:52 pm

      Sometimes the truth hurts John. Perhaps you've forgotten those donations from readers?

  21. Doesn't hiding crumbs around the kitchen draw bugs? Ick! Or no ants in Wales? Cockroaches? LOL.

  22. Anonymous10:50 pm


    1. Anonymous4:50 pm

      It's all the new boy Roger these days, poor Dorothy.

    2. Anonymous10:14 pm

      Whew! Good to hear. I was worried something might have happened to her. Thank you for responding.

    3. Dorothy was with me in my office , I’m sorry I forgot to add every tiny detail lol

  23. Gosh you seem to have gathered a lot of nit-pickers on this post!!

  24. Anonymous12:35 am

    I just found out today that it will cost $400 for our Fritzi pup to be spayed. That was an adult responsibility moment. I was thinking half that much, because I had heard other people talking. Well I don't want to risk her with a different vet, the one she has now is so kind, and gentle and precise. I don't want somebody cutting into our little Fritzi Pom in a situation that is like an assembly line (though I suppose it would be a dis-assembly line in this case). This vet does not believe in putting the cone on the dogs head, they use little one piece outfits that don't allow the dog access to the surgery area instead. Kind of like a Onesie for human babies. I don't know how Fritzi will do in dog clothes. I tried to put a cute little dog bow in her fur and she gave her head such a shake it flew off of her head, across the room, and under the TV. I tried to put it on her again and she wasn't having it. She is too much of a wild girl


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