Evening Stroll

Walk a few steps past the ponies and this is my view of the valley to the South West. 
I forget sometimes just how beautiful it can be. 
The dogs, Albert and I walked to look at the view this evening. 
A peaceful walk. 
Roger arrives next week so things will be fraught for a while . 
Puppies can be exhausting if you let them be .
I know, I’ve had enough of them 

I’ve painted the upstairs doors a gloss white today, 
Another necessary job to do before a puppy arrives.
Wipe clean surfaces are the order of the day. 

I’ve sorted out my sister’s birthday trip on the 27th. I’ve rebooked trains for the day before the strike and booked us another hotel room for the night. Not the boutique Z Hotel in Covent Garden , that was full, but a travel lodge on Drury Lane. 
I hear there are more rail strikes for the weekend of the 30th
Thank fuck I’m working that weekend.


  1. Barbara Anne7:17 pm

    Lovely view just past the pony pen! Yes, these are the last serene walks as Roger will cewrtainly add frolicking and untold sniffing as yoou walk wiith him and he walkks with the family!
    Hope the travel plans don't fall through!


  2. How old is Roger? Is he tiny and cute still? Are they an easy to train breed? Hope you have a good minder for him while you are in London and Spain.

    1. He’s a few months old , old enough to cause havoc

    2. Oh how fun! Did you ever install the new carpet you wanted?

    3. No…..let the puppy grow up a little first x

  3. You are on the edge of the farmland there! So pretty! Hope your little group welcomes the new puppy! It will be a busy time for you but I am sure you will enjoy it.

    1. New challenge I’m ready for new challenge in so many ways

    2. Anonymous7:47 am

      I’m so excited for you - Roger is going to bring such joy into your home.
      Desirée from South Africa

  4. What a beautiful view. Someday I hope to return to Wales. I spent about three days in Wales back in 2005, a lifetime ago! I am so excited that you are getting another dog! Roger will certainly change things a bit!

    1. There’s always a bed here for you Mike x

  5. You could never tire of that view as it changes colour throughout the seasons. Roger will certainly shake things up chez Gray. I envisage Albert haughtily ignoring him, Mary mothering him and Dorothy wanting to play (once she's sussed out he's not a threat). I could, of course, be way off the mark! xx

    1. Albert will batter him senseless , Mary will!play , Dorothy will lose her temper

    2. Anonymous7:53 am

      😂 Love the entirely different predictions - John, of course, will have hit the nail on the head - he being the Dad to these delightful, furry companions and intimately knowing each of their personalities ☺️
      Desirée from South Africa.

  6. I can't wait to see Roger-My 4 are "a nice selection" a lady once remarked"- After 4 years the look a likey is still the naughtiest,cheekiest monkey- and wees indoors at night-I do love him-but he is a wild one x

  7. That is beautiful..you would never credit how close busy p!aces are to that peaceful one

    1. Like I said , I’m lucky , and I know it

  8. That is a beautiful walk to have on your doorstep. How far does Albert go with you? My little cat hates to go out of sight of the house - it's like she's on a piece of elastic.

    1. Where I stood was literally fifty steps from home , he will always walk with us as long as I let him , but I tend to discourage this given his poorly leg

  9. I can't wait for that first photograph of Roger.

  10. Anonymous10:11 pm

    I agree, Pat. I can't wait to see the first of many photographs of Roger. What a lucky dog.

  11. Your view is a fantastic vista. The eye travels a long distance and it is truly beautiful in every direction. Luck you are. With Roger's arrival you'll have to provide some structure and discipline. Roger is a little guy and given the reception you describe, he might need some initial protection.

  12. It's nice to see your rolling countryside hills ... such a peaceful pastoral view! I love that!
    Yes, I am also anxious to see little Roger and hope the rest of the family doesn't give him too rough of an introduction to the household!

  13. The evening sunlight in summertime creates a very special kind of illumination. More muted and golden than the middle of the day when the light can be harsh.

  14. Wales is a beautiful country; the proof is in your video.

  15. That view is beautiful and how wonderful to have it just outside your home.

  16. Anonymous8:00 am

    Your home and surrounds are truly lovely! Thank you for sharing them with us.
    A fun exercise might be for each of your willing Followers to share a photograph of the view “just beyond their own dwelling” 😊
    Desirée (South Africa).

  17. Given all these strikes, I think I'm going to do my best just to stay home.

  18. Anonymous3:07 pm

    A little worried about Rachel. Have you heard from her

  19. My cousin made it here from Venice on Ryan Air the day before Ryan Air began another strike. What a relief!

  20. What a beautiful area you live in. It must be a feast for the senses to walk your dogs there.

    I feel your excitement as you wait for your new pup to arrive. In one or two weeks our Pomeranian pup will be here at our house, depending on when the breeder can get her into the vet for her checkup and shots. We were originally planning on a different puppy, much younger from a different litter, but when 2 out of three of those puppies died of liver shunts
    I called my vet and asked if they thought we should go ahead and get the one little Pom that survived. They recommended against it because of the possibility of some other congenital problem not yet discovered. It would absolutely break my heart to bring home a new puppy and have it die soon after. The breeder mentioned that they had an older pup from a different litter, and mama. We checked that little pup out and her little face and expressions and white crest are so similar to our Little Old Fuzzy pom who
    died in March that I almost cried. We told the breeder that the little older Puppy was the one for us. I can't wait.


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