
 My sister called yesterday to bash the garden into shape.
We discussed the total absence of honey bees and butterflies on the buddliea bushes in the garden which have just burst into bloom.
I checked each of the three bushes in turn.
Not one pollinator could be seen. 
Their absence has worried me for days now.
Perhaps it’s because today seems warmer, a precursor to the proclaimed horror temperature due on Monday, but this afternoon the bees were back in good numbers and the butterflies, noticeable in ones and twos rather than the dozens I was used to last year.

The back garden buddliea 

At least they’ve started to return. 
I cooked stir fry vegetables and mixed them with udon noodles and hot Korean sauce for supper.
I’m back on nights tonight.


  1. Anne Brew2:26 pm

    Buddleias are such a worthwhile plant. You should see plenty of wildlife on it by August. That dark one is an absolute smasher.

    1. I think the blooms have come too early this year

  2. Sounds like those lazy bees don't work in the mornings now.

  3. I have six pots outside my front door - facing South - whenever I open the front door they are absolutely covered in pollinators - they have not been like this in years,

  4. The pollinators don't come until the pollen is formed when the flowers are in full bloom.

    1. Most of the buddliea is in full bloom, but it feels a bit early this year

  5. Well, you've given me hope that my buddleias will soon get some butterflies, although some of them have almost finished flowering now. Not many bees to be seen, either. Hope it's not too hot for you at work tonight. xx

    1. We are digging out fans and are strategically placing them around the hospice for maximum effect

  6. I am in Somerset and have a huge Buddleia which l do tend and has recently burst into flower. Not one butterfly have l seen so far. Bees very scant as well, there is lavender and honeysuckle and all sorts to tempt them, also cammomile and meadow grass. But sadly, this year to date nothing, nada, no visitors at all. Where are they? Bit worrying, got any ideas John or indeed Janet

  7. Comment published before l had finished!. Thank you for any ideas on where my visiting butterflies and bees are this year, Tess x

    1. Perhaps the buddliea is a little too early this year

  8. I read about your upcoming heat wave on Steve's blog. Goodness! Ya'll are in for a bad time! From what I know of the UK from reading blogs all these years, very few people have air conditioning.

    I was pleased to see Pat's comment about all the pollinators she's been seeing. I don't blame you for worrying about them being MIA at your house.

    1. Brits don’t do very well in very hot weather Jennifer

  9. Very beautiful

    1. Funny the Bush is very much a weed in this country

  10. You could get a neighbor to start keeping honeybees.

  11. I've just been listening to an old recording of Dulcie Gray talking about her love of Butterflies. I believe she even wrote a book about them.

  12. How beautiful your garden is!

  13. Do you have a water feature? Even a shallow tray with some pebbles in will help attract butterflies and bees etc.

    1. I’ve put out a shallow dish with water in it

  14. We've been saying all year that we've noticed fewer bees and butterflies. I'm not sure why that is but it's worrying.


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