Spring Garden

My sister arrived early on and licked the front garden into shape.
I videoed the result and have mooched around it for most of the morning. If my new neighbours are out in their back garden I try not to be around in mine, for all I seem to hear is an elderly Yorkshire terrier’s incessantly yapping followed with their incessant bellows of “ Shut up Charlie” 
It’s all a bit common.

Speaking of common I’ve just braved Tescos in Prestatyn 
Which can be a trial in itself if you aren’t in the mood for badly behaved kids and their sports wearing parents.
I soothed my nerves with a mooch around the home department of TK Max and bought a rug, and some accessories for the new bathroom.
Charlie was at full hysterical yapping stretch when I got home so I closed up the back of the cottage and opened up the front to the sun.
Hopefully he’ll have a Stroke soon 
I only mean that a little )
The sea pinks

It’s still glorious here.
The honeysuckle which Janet so fervently cut back last year has formed the front door in dark green healthy leaves in which the hedge sparrows from the lane are presently chattering.
The sea pinks in the basket by the door have finally bloomed and are thriving in their mid air beach.

I’m going to make butter and bread and a seafood paella later.
I’ve watered the houseplants using the garden toucan and the front room now feels a little humid in the direct sunshine


  1. Got yourself a new camera?

  2. Your sister does a marvelous job with your yard and garden!

    1. She has a natural talent, I will post some photos of her garden .it looks like something out of Kew gardens

  3. Wonderful green tour! and the interior of your home. We are still in cold and snow but there is brown grass peeking through. Yesterday I watched a skunk tootle around the front yard. Cute but I hope neither Scott, nor I, nor Duckie Doodle the Dumpling Dog, nor any of the barn cats that like to congregate on our back step, run into it. Actually it's been seen in the barn so is obviously not afraid of cats. Your garden looks great. Helps me hold on till I can get into my flowerbed here. -Kate

    1. This has been the driest April on recent records here…

  4. Your pictures can be widened and they are very nice ... Gives a good view of your home and of the garden! Janet really does a great job getting your garden sorted!!

    1. Thanks, I would not have noticed that.

    2. I’m playing with my new iPad , I didn’t know all the gizmos

  5. I adore your cottage! 🙂

  6. Your place is lovely, in and out. Happy to see the camel prominently displayed.

    1. Yes he looks happy there doesn’t he?

  7. I know all about common riff raff-that's why I have 7 cameras surrounding-They well ruddy hate it x

  8. I agree with hart above - it is all a delight to come home to John.

  9. The garden looks terrific. The inside photos show a very welcoming, warm and cozy cottage. When the bathroom reno is done, you'l have everything in tip-top condition. Pure joy to come home to. Maybe the barking dog needs a good long walk. Something is wrong if he's barking all the time.

    1. Just new carpets then the spare bedroom to complete then

  10. We need your sister here weekly for our terrace! I get enthused and then get unenthused. I love seeing the panoramic photos. Sorry about Charlie and the new neighbors.

    1. She’s clever at planting
      My borders are slowly looking properly herbaceous with multi layers

  11. Wow!What an amazing cottage and garden.
    Perhaps you should shout over the fence and say”your dog obviously doesn’t like the move.He sounds really unsettled”.See if they can take the hint.Nothing worse than a yapping dog particularly if you are trying to sleep during the day.

    1. I have bellowed a few “ shut up Charlie s “
      Let’s see if they take the blunt hint

  12. I love your cozy little home. I also love that you found the perfect place for your little camel! Oh, could I ever use your sister!

  13. Can I move in to your lovely home? (Don't know what my hubby would say to that though!) A shame the yapping dog spoils your pleasure at times. The garden is springing into life now and looks lovely. Dorothy obviously approves! xx

  14. Anonymous4:08 pm

    You sound a dreadful snob

    1. Less snobby more a disliked of bad behaviour

    2. Diskliker ( is that a word? )

    3. If I may say so John A non sounds a misery guts and jealous too x

    4. Yeap they sound like an arsehole

    5. Anonymous10:37 pm

      Flis again, does he think John isn't capable of answering comments?

    6. Mr Phillips -how very dare you x

    7. Flis , you should know better if you are referring to Rachel, she will always fire her own bullets under her own name

    8. I have never made an Anonymous comment anywhere on any blog. Nor a comment in any name but my own.

    9. How unfortunate x

    10. What is that supposed to mean? Back to the drawing board for you? You need to be careful before you start making false accusations about people on blogs.

    11. I mean no harm xs

    12. But you do cause harm. How you cannot see that is beyond me.
      Please hold your hand up and apologise.

    13. I shall avoid-I think that's best x

    14. An apology would be best.

    15. Why indeed-as you never apologise for being so argumentative x

    16. Avoid what? The blog? Me? Other people's threads? John's battles? Anonymous? "I shall avoid" is not a satisfactory answer and is meaningless.

    17. I state facts, I am not argumentative. I hold my hand up if I am wrong. Your reasoning does not give you a reason not to apologise.

    18. I do not make false accusations about people as you have done.

    19. I recall that you have made uncalled for unpleasant remarks regarding me several times -so another is expected -PLEASE will you leave me alone - you are making me feel ill

    20. I have tried everything with you I think, agreeing with you, sharing banter, disagreeing, never been knowingly unpleasant, jollying you along, ignoring your interferences. I give up. I note you forgot to leave the x this time. Have a good afternoon with thatch and don't accuse me of being Anonymous again.

    21. interferences-no Rach x

  15. I always thought your cottage was a stand alone place, I didn't realise you had a close neighbour. I note that the church is on a narrow lane, any planning applications for community centre, alternative uses etc. would mean traffic access would have to be approved by the planners. Is there a parking spot for cars attending the church at the moment?

    1. I’m one of two cottages , known in older days as LLAN cottages or church cottages. They are two of the oldest building in the village dating from the mid 16 hundreds.
      Now we have just 6 houses on the lane , the build behind me being the latest
      The lane snakes up into the village proper .where the church gate is. There is only parking for three cars.

    2. Do you ever mention ypur immediate neighbours in posts here?

    3. All the time Trendy carol, Mary and sailor john , Trefor

    4. Are they the ones with the yappy dog who you shout at?

  16. veg artist5:26 pm

    Your cottage is beautiful.

    1. It’s still a work in progress

    2. veg artist9:10 pm

      Maybe, but it is beautiful now too.

  17. A stroke?! You're terrible, Muriel.

    Your camel is looking right at home!

  18. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Your television remote control (on the last picture) is disgustingly dirty.

    1. What big eyes you have-and I do believe that shall be Angel dust you do behold x

    2. Well Anon I hope it has spoilt your day

    3. Anonymous10:34 pm

      Why does flis take it upon himself to reply to comments that are intended for John? Go get a life of your own flis.

    4. Whoever you are-I can assure you that I have a good life and can choose to spend my day as I please-I have a disability which weakens my legs from time to time and during the recovery I prefer to ponder-I enjoy John's blog as it's so varied- I mean you no harm x

  19. I bet you could help Charlie be better,

  20. Barbara Anne6:33 pm

    Love the photos and the look of a curving staircase in picture 2! Dorothy could apply for a position in The Peaceable Kingdom!
    Yes, please send Janet over asap as we're in desperate need of help destroying the ivy here.
    Might Charlie be in need of a play date with Dorothy and Mary?


  21. Fabulous pics. Thanks for sharing. Janet has done wonders for your garden as you have done wonders in your cottage. The camel is wonderfully placed; I do believe he is smiling. Pity about the yappy dog they do get on your nerves don't they!

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Thank you jo , everytime my sister does my garden she often plants a new plant..so the borders are maturing very nicely

  22. Everything is beautiful both inside and out. I particularly love the stonewalls in your garden. I'd love to have a stonewall in my garden... and a stone cottage to go with it.

  23. The video and your garden is lovely! I enjoyed the panoramic photos of both the cottage and garden. You are so talented at making a wonderful and warm "home" as opposed to just a nice house.

  24. Sounds like anon is gurgling today.

    1. Anons try to spoil every day
      Sad cows

  25. Wow your place is so lovely and has such character. It fits you well.

  26. I have such stone wall envy! What a beautiful, charming place you have. And what a great sister to do that! A barking dog was the motivation for us to move and buy our first home! -Jenn

  27. Your sister is doing so well with your garden! Its just lovely. The cottage is cosy and attractive inside too.

  28. Your gardens indoors and out are looking well!
    Pity about Charlie..bored and ignored..

  29. We had a yorkie living with us for a few years ( I looked after her for an elderly lady nearby) and I never found a way to stop her yapping at anything and everything. When Jean died I re-homed the dog asap. I did love her, but the yapping, and the expense of 2 dogs I would then have to pay for were too much! She is having a lovely life with her new family.
    PS. My son works for Tesco, and if any of us forget and say it with an S on the end.....we get well and truly told off!

  30. Lovely!
    Very inspiring. I hope I get to take some time to work in mini-garden LOL
    Love the Panorma pics!


  31. I prefer my neighbors in small doses. Luckily, I do not see mine very much.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes