
A friend’s daughter told me I should be watching Heartstopper on Netflix. 
“ You’ll love it” she told me
I looked it up. 
Based on a graphic novels by Alice Oseman, it is a coming of age tv series about the lives to two teen age boys Nick and Charlie and it has a wholesome, innocent but very modern look on teenage first love.
I joined Netflix in order to watch it and I must admit it is incredibly sweet , and angst and all consuming the way love always is when you are fifteen.
Oh how I wish we had Heartstopper when I was a boy.

I’ve had a paperwork morning. I’ve sorted out travel insurance, logs, vets appointments, urology appointments , banking, theatre tickets and my counselling course, and now I’m just organising some batch cooing.
My new food bible is Slimming Eats by Siogban Wightman who is a blogger favourite of mine.
I’ve decided to get my eating under control by always cooking something flavoursome and in quantities that can be frozen as well as eaten. Therefore anything I’m tempted to eat in the house will always be homemade, slimming, tasty and easy to get hold of. 
Tonight it’s lamp balti curry with cauliflower special rice.

Old Trefor is ok today btw.
Little Bathroom man has just messaged , he hopes to start work next week.

Lamb balti and cauliflower rice


  1. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Glad you have been doing some “cooing”.

    1. I think looking at the list that John's been doing some billing too.

  2. You sound very organised - paperwork and batch cooking sorted! Oh, the angst of young love. So glad I'm well through that. I don't have the energy for it nowadays! Glad Trefor has recovered from his funny turn. xx

    1. When I was in my first love moment , all I felt was isolation

  3. Anonymous2:32 pm

    First things first, I'm not Anonymous, I'm Col, but for some reason everything's playing silly buggers!
    In the letter rack on your desk, paperwork for 'Celebrated Virgins', I need details!!!!!
    Oooh, it's starting to get exciting about the bathroom! X

    1. It’s a play on at theatre clwyd …it’s about the ladies of Llangollen , two famous late 18rh century lesbians

  4. I love the sound of that food.

  5. I sent a message on a ladies blog today and her comment box is just the same x

    1. Yet others remain as they did
      Can anyone computer blog savvy let me know

    2. For ages to comment on a blog in blogger, I right click on the comment box, select this Frame then Only this Frame and type my comment into the separate box. It's a hassle but it works. I'm coming to you right now from a big white screen on a separate tab :)

  6. I cannot recall such hesitancy as the boys kiss when I was young -But I do remember the anticipation and thrill of a later risky one x

    1. I can only say this John-someone who was in a position should not have x

  7. I have watched several good series on Netflix. I will have to check this one out too. I just started "Russian Doll" which is strange but yet I want to keep watching so...
    You have shown us lots of your delicious looking meals so I think you know what you are doing in the kitchen!

    1. I’m a much better cook now than I was three years ago

  8. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Bother, your blog is back to this where I cannot seee what I'm writing, so there will be typos, words sun together and such.
    So glad Trevor is doing well and hope that continues.
    Love your plans and supurb organization!

    Hugs - Barbara Anne, despite how google labels me

    1. I have no idea why the comments box has changed, perhaps someone can tell me

    2. It's called 'progress'.

  9. Is the lamb balti as delicious as it sounds?

    1. It was cracking Cherie , but the cauliflower rice with herbs was a revelation

    2. I make a cracking cauliflower rice and it's been a life saver for me on the low carb diet.

  10. Yes, I've heard good things about "Heartstopper" but haven't watched it yet.

  11. To be that young and sweet and innocent again ..

    1. I know, it’s beautifully observed

  12. After receiving my first kiss at 16, I sprinted home, made a dash for the bathroom and proceeded to scrub the saliva off my lips for the next 10 minutes. Fortunately, my second kiss, from a different boy, was waaaay better. Heartstopper looks delightful. I'll be watching it.

  13. Not sure what has happened to your comments box but it seems a bit better for me than for others posting. I still have my name haha! I can remember my first kiss it certainly wasn't that of sweet anticipation that's for sure. To be honest I'm not sure kissing is my thing. Exciting news about your bathroom... it's such fun watching things you have planned come together. The lamb balti looks delish... my judgement is reserved on cauli rice.. still don't know if I like it or not.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Make your own with garlic, thyme, oregano, lots of salt and pepper and fresh lemon

    2. Thanks, will try to get some cauliflower it's like hens teeth over here and hellishly expensive.

      Jo in Auckland

  14. veg artist9:28 pm

    Hopefully this comment will get through, but it seems an odd process. I can't comment on some others, like Cro's at all - it tells me to sign in with Google, but won't let me, on others I see I am signed in already.
    Too much of this and people will give up!

  15. Do you find that you are not so inclined to eat when you are actively involved in something of interest? When I am bored, it is a dangerous time for me, calorie wise.

    1. Absolutely …cooking a complex ingredient meal keeps me from snacking

  16. Testing. This should go through as I have a gooooglie account. About kissing. Yes, it's often quite nice, but some people are awful kissers.

  17. Netflix has some very good shows. Young love is usually a mix of awkwardness and innocence. Thanks for the show recommendation. Your lamb dish looks delicious.

  18. OMG I'm watching this and it's totally cool. I've read the first of the graphic novels it's based on and just asked for the other three at my local library.
    Yay for puppy love!


  19. I suspect that most of us need that book!

  20. I've just watched the video clip and it brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eyes. It's so beautiful and tender.

  21. An opportunity like that just never came up when I was a teenager. I went to the wrong high school.

  22. Anonymous7:51 am

    Am I the only person on the planet who has no interest in remembering being 16?

  23. "slimming, tasty and easy to get hold of," I remember being like that once


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes