What was that Scarlett ?

After All Tomorrow is another day…..

 It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Trelawnyd .I’ve moved my little blue table into the front garden to get away from the yapping dogs in the new build and am enjoying Almond Coffee eggs, and hot hot buttered toast -  with my own butter.

I’m ok . 
Yesterday I bought a new lamp for the living room and in a fit of middle aged gay frenzy bought a whole set of plain black accessories for  the new bathroom which will be mostly white with black trim.
I also bought a couple of zombie movies, one of which Infection wasn’t a half bad version even though it had been banned for showing in its native Venezuela.
I binged the movies , ate sushi from the sushi shop outside chester and drank too much gin last night.
Like I said, I’m ok . 
I emailed my ex husband too and wished him and his fiancé well.

The village is busy this morning. There is a coffee morning in the Hall and the shenanigans between the Community Council and the Community Association over the future of the hall seems to be quietening somewhat so I hope the recent discourse is approaching its end. 
There was some talk of it at the shop which now seems to the hub of informal meetings .
On the way back I spied The Velvet Voiced Linda , crossing the road by the hall, bunches of flowers in hand to decorate the tables.
She waved and beamed her big smile.

Affable Despot Jason has just stopped , he’s out walking with Liv and his dogs and took  the piss out of my Italian coffee pot and obvious pretensions 
No brexit here , I told him.
It was nice to see him

Hattie and her new baby are calling up later to pick Mary up for a walk,
My friend Nigel is calling for a chat at 2pm
I’m on nights later 

It’s a nice day x


  1. Anonymous11:39 am

    Was that wise to email your ex husband? I don't really think so. He hasn't showed you any kindness from what you have written.

    1. He wasn’t kind during the break up

  2. It shows John is a better person xx

    1. It shows nothing of the sort

    2. I still think it would have been kinder if he had told me but we are not friends so it may have felt difficult

    3. At least he knows that you know and there was no reason to tell him HOW you found out the news! Unless, of course, you told him Nu told you!
      It was simply the "decent" thing to do!

    4. He posted the news on his Twitter apparently
      I don’t follow it now , so was unaware. Nuala saw it by chance.

    5. I was married for 30 years and the X didn't tell me when he remarried. He also didn't tell our children. They found out on Facebook. As far as he's concerned, we are a family from his past. He has a new family.


    6. Yes some people just move on
      In some ways I envy them

  3. Thinking of your church, we have many redundant churches here that have been put to alternative uses. Those that work best are commercial ventures which can pay their own overheads. Community run ones that rely on grants for a future are those that are most often the failures. There are also many hundreds of conversions to houses which are successful, especially small churches and chapels. If the church is competing with the community hall it will be even more difficult for it to succeed.

    1. Rachel, your comment reminds me of Stony Stratford, neighbouring Milton Keynes. Must have been about mid/late 1980's when a small and rather picturesque church was converted to a restaurant. The funny part? The diners spoke in hushed voices.


    2. I can imagine. We have bustling cafes and book shops and all sorts here. I can't think of one exclusively a restaurant although a very successful pop-up outdoor restaurant appeared in a church grounds during lockdown doing BBQs. It was immensely popular.

    3. Anonymous1:16 pm

      I remember visiting a disco in a converted church in Glasgow in the 80's whilst on a training course. It was called "The Cardinal Sin".

    4. That's a good name. One of ours is a Circus training school. Great height for trapeze training

    5. Our church has no plumbing and no sewerage apart from that
      I think a cafe would be a great idea

  4. Yes. Thus is the issue that we have .our hall is huge. Much bigger than the village need, so it's upkeep is expensive . The church in any future life should not compete...therefore it has anich appeal

    1. A commercially viable niche that can wipe its own feet is the one to aim for.

    2. Several people around the village are keeping a close eye out

  5. "Tomorrow is another day" is one of my many mantras. It's so calming, so soothing, no rush. And should I die at four in the morning, before a new day has had a chance to dawn on me, I won't know the difference. Commiserations to the Angel who will have to tidy up my life after me.

    Lovely table, John. I spy with my very big eyes - no, I won't say it. Enjoy.

    Sunshine greetings,

  6. veg artist12:15 pm

    Nice jug, but I'm not a huge fan of eating outdoors - things go cold too fast, and I like my food and coffee either properly hot or properly cold.

    1. I don’t like being watched when eating, the front garden is quite public on a sunny day

  7. No brexit here? But you were having a nice brexit. Jason should have yelled. "Get Brexit Done" as you tucked into your eggs like the lord of the manor.

  8. I have been dealt several disappointments for years but my dogs pull me through-All my Italian relatives used those John-My Godmother ground coffee beans in an old box grinder and then placed pot onto her ancient gas cooker x

    1. The moca jug brews lovely coffee

    2. I know John-I have 3-A large one,a medium one and a small-each with a little man printed on the side x

  9. Your sunny garden breakfast looks delicious!

  10. When things are tough for me I always think, "This too shall pass."
    You have made a wonderful life for yourself, John, surrounded by people who love and care for you.
    Breakfast al fresco - very cosmopolitan! xx

  11. What a lovely outdoor table setting. Once the weather warms up, I'm looking forward to having my morning coffee and toast on my porch swing. I have so much shrubbery, my passing neighbours can't see I'm still in my pajamas.

  12. I've just thought of a use for your Church John- if I may be so bold as to suggest-An Nordic Pole instructor may wish to rent space as their base and or Llama/Alpaca activities if room-with a gift area to sell wool,woolen goods from and teas -its all the rage x

  13. We saw a coffee pot/maker thingy just like that at the car boot last week. Now I wish I'd bought it as you've created a perfect al fresco scene John. x

  14. Your breakfast in the garden with sunshine and blue skies is a great start to the day. Hopefully the church will be repurposed in a way that benefits the community.

    1. Well it can’t really be sold given the in use graveyard

  15. I can't wait til the weather is warm enough here to have my early morning coffee on my deck. Definitely the most serene and happiest of times.

    1. I’m been reading the Bob Mortimer autobiography this morning over coffee,it’s a good read

  16. Barbara Anne2:57 pm

    You took the high road in emailing your ex but then, that's you in a nutshell. You're kind through and through.
    What a delightful post about your morning and that goings on in your area. Is the new location of your table too public or does that suit you?
    Still hoping to see your new lamp. :)
    Wishing you well at work tonight.


    1. Thanks babs
      I’ve spoken to a good friend Nigel this afternoon
      I feel much brighter

  17. Puzzled over Almond coffee eggs for a minute until I added a comma!

  18. What are almond coffee eggs?

    I cannot believe you texted/ emailed that man.

    1. That man was my husband and partner for going on 20 years.
      I’m no saint but I don’t wish him ill
      Not now, it’s all well a truly over now

  19. John the picture of your breakfast in the garden is just lovely! I can't wait until we can do the same, but winter is hanging on.
    I couldn't have emailed my ex, you are a better person than me. I hope it gave you a bit of closure. Hugs to you...
    Joyce in Indiana

  20. Why do you call the bathroom person "My little man"

    According to the Collins dictionary that term means "a person of little or no significance" and is a derogatory phrase. Is that how you view him?

    1. Barbara Anne4:27 pm

      It's his bathroom that is little.


    2. We’ve been through this debs
      My mother always said she’d have “ a little man” in to do jobs at home.it was a double entendre joke often said with my aunt Greta…it’s origin is the same but the meaning is very different

    3. Check the day before yesterday’s blog, if you want to clarify it earlier, but I doubt you will

  21. Oh deary me Deb-If you care to scroll back several posts you shall find John's explanation to your query-I do hope that may assist your concern x

    1. Thank you my ever faithful sidekick

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Breakfast looks delightful and the world deserves a GOOD cup of coffee. Wishing someone well is a noble trait. More people should try to be nice to others - turn the other cheek and all of that niceness.

    1. I’m not nice david x I’m just looking after me

  23. Little bit of heaven right there.

    1. It’s been a glorious spring day here

  24. What a lovely picture of your breakfast. It is so soothing to the soul to see the best things of life, a pot of coffee and some eggs and toast and your homemade butter. I had all the above this morning (except the good butter) but didn't look at all as lovely or graceful as yours.

    1. I sploshed coffee all over that table

  25. Good lad - I am proud of you xx

  26. let it go. No need to email at all. You didn't expect a reply as you aren't friends. Stop hurting yourself... This is self harming in a way.

  27. i always tell my ex's with next's, 'i hope you will always be as happy as i thought we would be,'
    the next's always give me a strange look at that.

    enjoy your life john.

  28. Your breakfast set up looks very civilised; as was your email to your ex wishing him well. I don't think people understand that being civil to an ex is self preservation of sorts. I also have been through much the same as you and the amount of people that said to me at the time to "take him to the cleaners" astounded me. After all he was/is the father of my children. I hope your night shift goes well xx

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Yes , my email was totally for me and not for him , I get that totally

  29. I get the email completely and agree with you it was a good thing for you to do.
    I also make coffee in one of those pots and have done for years. I like how they make coffee and keep things simple so less to go wrong. It's worth having an al fresco breakfast in the spring sunshine. Lifts the spirits.

  30. I'm glad to see I am not the only one thinking about emailing the ex. I have not done so yet, but I do not see anything wrong with it. Did he reply? Billie would reply, though it never seems as satisfying as hoped.

    1. If he’d showed me some respect by letting me know himself, it would have helped
      He didn’t

    2. They are not thinking about the one left behind. Sometimes, they are not thinking at all.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes