Guess Who

I’m home late today
I’ve noted that yesterday’s underpants being tractor bashed in the lane  led to much hilarity amongst some of you, readers. who probably enjoy rather filthy schoolboy humour 
I will leave you with a story which matches it .

Now my first male partner Philip was a man not known for his sense of humour , but once he did something that did indeed make me guffaw long and hard.
After playing badminton with my best friend , I once came to my Philip’s home for a shower.
Unfortunately( for me) I left my undergarments on the floor of his bathroom and also unfortunately ( for me) said garments had a rather robust sweat/ skid mark for all to see.
Unbeknownst to me, Philip photographed the underpants with a helpful finger pointing directly  to skid mark and on line made the photo into a rather impressive and colour enhanced postcard.  
The postcard was then posted first class post to the ward staff on the hospital ward I ran at the time

On it was the simple comment 

Guess Who ? 


  1. Viz Comic has a character called Johnny Fartpants (don't ask). Role model? A nom de plume...?

  2. Barbara Anne10:06 pm

    OH! Did you manage a straight face and guess "Phillip?"


    1. I found the post card quite quickly thank goodness x

  3. Wicked, in every sense. Did they guess who? xx

  4. I would not be happy At All John-and may have do something to the persons toothbrush-and I cannot do anything human poo orientated-only doggy doos x

    1. It tickled me , to be honest

    2. But yet again if it was Art-and by the way one of my dogs can do poos in the shape of a heart x

  5. Anonymous10:25 pm

    You will write anything for a cheap laugh
    You sicken me

    1. Cheap laugh ?

    2. Sod off

    3. It’s ok flis, my Guard dog x

    4. Holy cow! Why are these people like anon and Ursula reading your blog if they are so repelled by it?!

    5. Linda, it's called "morbid fascination".


    6. It’s more like making something out of nothing Linda
      Don’t worry about it,
      Once you understand that about Ursula
      Her forensic nit picking won’t bother you xx

    7. You are right, John. Forensic nit picking is a nuisance. Not least for the offender. Not letting it bother you is wise. After all, we should live in the moment. Till caught. Repent at leisure.

      Anyway, glad to see you are picking up on my way(s). My "fourty" days in blogland's desert weren't for nothing after all.


    8. Anonymous8:10 pm

      Jesus !
      This Ursula chick is a real asshole

    9. I couldn’t possibly comment

    10. Cheap humor .. or not.. if you share a laugh, a chuckle, a was well worth it...

  6. veg artist10:30 pm

    Bet it didn't take them long!

  7. It appears, when motivated, Phillip could muster some humor. Sending the card to your manager was a bit risky. Today, people are advised to be careful about what they put on Facebook, as employers often check this out prior to hiring.

    1. Susan , I was the manager, he sent it to the ward

  8. A friend (who could tell a story that made you laugh even if it wasn't funny) said she had been to the gym and realised that she needed to hurry to get to the bank before it closed.
    She was in line when she noticed that underpants from earlier were in the leg of the track suit bottoms. She shook her leg until they fell out.
    The man behind her tapped her on the shoulder and said "I think you dropped something".
    She looked down and said "not mine".
    Her facial expressions added to the story. It's probably not funny for the retelling.

    1. Oh Helen
      I did the samething at the garage outside the village

  9. I have never met anyone so proud of their uncleanliness as you. I am genuinely baffled.

    1. I am scruffy , food covered , untidy ,
      I’m not proud of it
      It’s just a truth

    2. I can laugh at it …but it still remains a problem

    3. Have you ever tried washing your arse?

    4. Of lord Tom , it was a one off 25 years ago

    5. You could eat your dinner off my buttocks now

    6. Anonymous11:23 pm

      Really , I doubt that

    7. There's a lot of arses around this evening-Such Fun!x

    8. Baffling indeed, Tom. Maybe his mother didn't teach him how to wipe/wash his bottom properly. Nearly sixty years later he still hasn't got the hang of it. Give it another thirty and some carer will keep him streak free. In this case I'd say "better late than never" doesn't apply.

      Anon, I join you in your doubt. A guy who lets his dog nibble dead skin off his feet? Seriously, how much more "appealing" (make that appalling) can it get?


    9. You could apply to be a contestant on the tv quiz Mastermind Ursula topic-John Gray of Trelawnyd x

    10. Flis, I am sure you'd beat me hands down.


    11. As flis dedicates her life to John Gray's blog and readers comments and intervention on John's behalf, I have to agree with Ursula. She would clean his bottom with her thatch in a twink.

    12. I would try to restrain him-but he is a cheeky monkey x

    13. Thatch would best not be stroked after being up John's arse.

  10. In "South Park" Cartman famously says, "Respect My Authoritah!" It would be very difficult to respect anybody's "authoritah" if you had seen a photo of that team leader's skid-marked underpants.

  11. I agree with flis....too many arses showing themselves!

    Jo in Auckland

  12. Gross. We laugh but I worry that such oh so charming John traits: farts, holes in the crotch underwear, food stained shirts [old and hole ridden also], general unkempt-ness are detrimental to your finding that much longed for partner.

    1. I don’t need a partner Lizzy
      This is a silly little story
      One swallow doesn’t make a summer

  13. My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cared about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr OKU can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr OKU. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his Email: ( or WhatsApp him (+2348163425519)

  14. British humor can be an acquired taste ..

    1. Well I suppose it is if you compare it to the Bamforth seaside postcards of old.

    2. It had a slightly nasty tinge to it, apart from the skid mark, and like one of the other comments above, I was wondering if it was revenge for something and did you not see him anymore?

    3. I never picked up on any nastiness , even though the relationship was later toxic in many ways
      I remember it as just funny and somewhat bizarre but I have a nurses humour I suppose

    4. It didn't seem a very nice thing to do actually.

    5. Perhaps I never saw the edge in the prank

  15. Just when I think you’ve told it all, John...

  16. Skid marks or not you always smell Happy x

    1. Yes, Clinique ……..
      Lol that would surprise many here who would love to think I stink
      And you have hugged me

  17. Well THIS certainly created an interesting comment stream. I must say, Phil's prank seems rather mean, but you gotta admire the creativity.

  18. I know of a lady who asked her husband to refrain from cutting his toenails in the sitting room to no avail-he continued to proceed-The lady quietly collected them,grinding the offending items in her mill and then added the powder to his gravy x


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes