Village News

The day has gone.
And just like that ……
I went to bed for an hour not long after midday and woke at 5 pm.
Everything was dark save for my sister’s fairy lights above the patio which twinkle away quite merrily, the back of the cottage now feels warm and loved.
I’m on nights again 
Until Sunday 
The dogs and I have walked around the village and all is quiet.

The Community Association is organising a post lockdown meal at the Crown in March and I received the email today inviting me to go. 
Dorothy H ‘s old bungalow has sold on London Road.
The huge trees surrounding The Rectory have been pruned by a tree surgeon and their silhouettes are stumpy against the night sky.
Oh and someone out of Trelawnyd placed a rare set of plates with prints of the village houses on them on the village Facebook page for sale which I endeavoured to buy for the Hall to display but they had already sold which was a bummer.
I messaged Affable Despot Jason asking him if he wants to go to the comedy club night at Theatre Clwyd and have arranged to meet up with Chic Eleanor and friends for a dinner party in between shifts.

Albert has had his wormer and will be soon killing baby rabbits to eat from the Churchyard Warren and Dorothy fell asleep, sitting up by my side earlier, happy that her bottom was touching my thigh


  1. I wish we could get as comfortable socializing as you are. I’m just a little leery, and SG just isn’t feeling it yet. I love how devoted Dorothy is to you.

    1. Don’t get me wrong, I can slum with the best of people, and deep down I can be quite shy
      I just want to make the most out of things

  2. Seems all is well Chez Gray. Shame about the plates, but I'm hoping whoever bought them will, at times, share them with the village. Darling Dorothy, perfectly content to be near you. xx

    1. She’s a sweetie, that’s why I know she’s going to love our trip to Sheffield

  3. You need furry slippers or warm wooly socks, just looking at that bare foot makes me shiver. I admire your outgoing nature, you never give up! Fun winter doings are planned.

  4. Barbara Anne7:18 pm

    Love your village news posts! Sorry you missed out on the plates but you've got dear Dorothy at your side, so all is right with your cottage world.
    Yes, furry socks or slippers (stored out of dog reach) are needed to keep your toes warm. I have wool knee socks and UGG boots to wear when it's cold.
    May these night shifts be peaceful and the patients be pain-free.


    1. Ok I will buy some on Amazon tonight

  5. i wonder who got the plates, i would love to see them. good for you making all of those plans. i am hoping to do the same in the spring.

    1. See

  6. countrygal8:07 pm

    My Jack Russell Rufus was a re-home and has finally settled in after a year and bit living here, he is fine now. I hope that your night shifts go well for you are your patients. I quite liked night shifts and the early ones - the 'late' shift was awful for me, it was 2pm to 10pm or thereabouts and i really did not like that one when i was nursing. I really like the early mornings especially now that the light is coming - Spring is coming, Mother Nature is awakening, the birds are singing, snowdrops are here and the flowers will be blooming soon.
    It is my favourite time of year.

    1. Yes the snowdrops are up in the churchyard and the spring bulbs are showing their heads in the garden

  7. I hope those rabbits don't burrow into the coffins of the dead. Dying is bad enough but sharing one's coffin with a family of lascivious rabbits is almost unthinkable.

    1. I’m sure some burrowing animals would get into the older graves
      How good is that!

    2. I am sure the dead residents won't notice or mind, but if the rabbits nibble that might mean Albert is feasting second hand on the ancient deceased of Trelawnyd. Oh well, the circle of life (and death).

  8. Anonymous, a cat is naturally a hunter. Whatever one does.

    1. And Albert loves eating rabbit

    2. I know of a dog walker who eats rabbit-the lady prepares them herself-I don't care to myself but I do buy chicken for dogs which has been killed far more unpleasantly I am sure x

  9. Hope the night shifts go well.

    Dorothy shows that physical contact is important, however small

  10. My tichy loves socks,scarves,nighties,t shirts-any clothing in fact-we have loads of toys too-and my thatch likes a certain type of stone x

    1. My thatch lived outside previously with lots of other dogs before he was rescued and only fed scraps-it has become most clear that the only possession he had was a large stone as he hides his favourite which strangely has a naturally formed face on it x

  11. A little missive from Trelawnyd is always welcome alongside my evening glass of red wine, and always raises issues of some note regardless of how little has happened. I am wondering how tonight's "anonymous" thinks one could stop "letting" a cat hunt wild rabbits. Cats belong outdoors and cats and rabbits do what they do. Nature does what it does. It's a jungle out there, night and day, whatever sweet gloss we may like to paint over it.

    1. Thank you Andrew…
      I like catching up myself with village news, working full time , sometimes mean I miss out on gossip

  12. Nice photograph of Dorothy and your foot!

  13. ...and all is right with the world...

  14. Anon, John is not "letting" Albert kill baby rabbits. He couldn't stop him no more a hungry lion from staking a gazelle. Bred in the bone.

    You may wish to address what humans do to humans first. After all, we are the ones, supposedly, with a brain and scruples - not of course that that, in the dark ages, stopped us burning cats at the stake.


  15. Anons just wanting to be critical without critically thinking

  16. March will be here before we know it.

  17. Dorothy is a sweet soul; is she anything like loveable old Winnie was?? I detest night work. I am absolutely useless at it.

    Jo in Auckland

  18. You've got some great plans to look forward to. Sweet Dorothy is a good girl. I'm glad you've given her a loving home and family.

  19. The village post lockdown meal is such a good idea. There is a wonderful feeling of things improving and spring won't be long!

  20. A post-lockdown meal at The Crown sounds just the ticket for a good get together for everyone. What a shame you missed out on the plates, fingers crossed whoever bought them has had the same idea.

    You've just made me realise that rescuing baby rabbits from Gingers jaws is something I hopefully won't have to worry about this year. At least he mostly brought them home healthy and in one piece ready for a snack on the patio but therefore suitable for rescue.

  21. Those plates sound great! Too bad you didn't get them, but now that you know they exist maybe you can find other copies?

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