No News

Im Working today
It's mild and the goats have filled the nurses car park with a thick smattering of little black pellets before climbing the Orme in order to graze.

It looks as though a group of kids have been playing a boring game of marbles before dissapearing to bed.

There's not much more to share


  1. No news is good news?

    1. We both wrote this at exactly the same time, but you were 1/2 a second quicker.

    2. And bad news from the Ukraine

  2. No news is good news these days.

  3. It is a particularly poignant saying (no news is good news) as we watch and read Ukraine's news.

  4. Anonymous2:32 pm

    I suppose it makes a change from the stories of you spending to much money on yourself

    1. Hi, Anon, in many ways I like people to be predictable (with the odd surprise thrown in) before it becomes boring. However, on John's blog you have made "predictable" into an art form - with comical effect. You can so be relied upon. So thanks for the laugh.

      And you never know, one day soon John may appoint you as his (paid) accountant; you now - the fun of the job, counting the pennies, drawing up spreadsheets. You know what the high point of an accountant's life is? The bottom line.


    2. What the f*CK has it got to do with you what John spends his money on? He works hard for it and can spend it however he wishes. Jeez, tomorrow is promised to no-one, enjoy life whilst you can.

    3. Anonymous4:04 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. anon-a suggestion-You need an emergency exorcism x

    5. Anon, Take 2. "Kraut slag"? That's a new one for me. What's with the Kraut? I suggest you look up the meaning of the word "slag" (and "slut" whilst you are at it). My mother shall take comfort from the fact that you didn't call me "Daughter of a Kraut Slag". Since she was born at the then Russian border (ca 1933) and only a stone throw away from Finland, she might get Putin on the job to force feed you Kraut. At least that'll distract him for five minutes of his current pre-occupation.

      Serious question, just for a moment: What is it to you what John spends his money on? What's it to you if he maxed out all his credit cards, went round his friends with a begging bowl, and, finally, skint and desperate, having buried his dogs, sold the cottagee, a haggard skeleton of his former beauty, clutching one his prints and figurines, ended up in a debtors' prison?


      PS John, I have just offered you the outlines of an almost perfect film script. You'll be played by Russell Crowe, and I hope you'll let me choose who to cast as Anon

    6. And who will indeed play you Ursula ?

  5. Just don't pick up any of those "marbles"! Hope the shift goes quickly and peacefully. xx

  6. Barbara Anne3:58 pm

    Hope no human kids get the marbles idea and try to play with them!
    Wishing you, the staff, and the patients a comfortable, peaceful, and pleasant day and night.


    1. Thanks babs
      I got home to find the girls exhausted at Trendy Carol’s
      Where they had joined in with carol’s in law family visit and had a delightfully playful time

  7. An eccentric artiste may be able to utilise the little darling goats marbles and transform the earthy pellets into a work of art x

  8. Watch what you step in

    1. Funnily they were all gone at home time

  9. Just be glad they are goats and not cows!

  10. Ooh, I wonder what those little black pellets are. Gem stones? Can you start a collection and display them in a glass vase?

    Truth is, when we were little kids and went to a petting zoo, I asked my sister what the pellets were and she told me blueberries. Still, I didn’t pick one up.

  11. Ah! Ready pelleted garden fertilizer!!


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